<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/starlightrider1500/Cronus_Theme2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Played by GM_TJ
Name:  Cronus Lyris (a.ka. Prince of Sorrow)
Rank:  Black Phantom Commander (2nd in command)
Element of Influence:  Dark Energy, Time, Poison
Age:  21
Birth Date:  August 21
Sex:  Male
Weight:  185 lbs
Height:  6'4"
Eyes:  Scarlet Red with amber around shruken pupils
Skin Tone:  Pale
Hair:  (See Pic) Short Grey, white highlights, wavy
Race:  Human / Crystal Symbant
Birth Place:  Earth
Residence:  The Palace Akuhei, at the previous site of the Moon Kingdom
Extras:  Poison element is only obtained in transformed state
Cronus wears white ruffled pants and a black belt around his middle, with a gold circle plate in the front engraved with a mysterious symbol.  In addition, he wears Goku style shoes and a black sleeveless chest plate of armor, with gold outline and dark marroon leatber straps bound all over it.  Furthermore, he has several black leather belts, with silver buckels, tied tightly on both of his arms, starting from his wrist and going to his elbows.  With some of these belts, the ends of the straps have been curved away from his arm, up into the air, and held into that position by stiffening that portion of the belt.  This fashion makes it look like Cronus has small black leather spikes comes from his bound arms.  Finally,  he has bot hof his ears double pierced with small gold rings.
Cronus has a split personality, between his actual persona and the crystal's magnified form.  Cronus' actual personality is very sorrowful, bitter, smooth, and sometimes emotionless.  Though, his crystal personality is the exact opposite.  Its very chaotic, blood thirsty, enraged and to the point.  Sometimes, it gets so bad that he'll strike at his own men for no particular reason, just for the enjoyment.  Unforunately, his dark crystal side is stronger than his normal personality.  As a result, the two change at random with very little notice or reason.
Very little is known about Cronus' past before he came to the Black Phantom Army.  He was an abandoned orphan with an intense rage and unfathomable void in his heart.  At age seven, he entered the ranks of dark military organization.  As he grew, he earned a reputation of being ruthless, unmerciful, and very self absorbed.  The only time you could ever see him smile was when he watched his opponents die.  At age fourteen, he was already captain of his platoon.
Even still, this was just the beginning for Cronus.  In the year 810, the Black Phantom Army was fighting a war, led by King Gypus, against the Moon Kingdom.  Yet, their efforts were in vain, as they were quickly dashed to threads and scattered throughout the galaxy by Queen Serenity and her Silver Imperium Crystal.  As a result, Cronus was lost and alone once again.
Though, hope still remained for the young orphan of seventeen.  One day, while traveling through the cosmos, he came across this strange amber crystal.  To Cronus' astonishment, the crystal even spoke.  It promised him wisdom, it promised him power, and, most of all, it promised him revenge, written in blood............ how could he refuse.
Today, at age twenty-one, Cronus has managed to salvage must of the armies forces and reorganize them.  He's even managed to reclaim their glory, by taking out the Moon Kingdom and building a base where it once stood.  Yet, one task has been left undone.....revenge, on the Earth.  The crystal speaks of three magical keys, that, once gathered together, contain the power to unlock the ultimate evil and lay the universe to waist.  Cronus plans to use this power to crush the planet and to teach its inhabitants the sorrow he feels inside his own soul.  In a world filled with cold hardened hearts, he wants to teach them how to cry.....
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