A Pathway to the Unknown....
You are walking along the street, enjoying all the different and exciting anime and video game palaces and homes that you can possibly visit. Suddenly, you stumble upon a smaller, dusty road, leading you away from the main way. Curious, you decide to investigate. 
The road becomes narrower and thinner as you continue onward. All the sounds that were entering your ears have now become nothing more an a fragment of a memory...
Cherry blossoms start to fall as you continue on your jounrey.
A serene Japanese garden now lays at the end of the road. This explains the cherry blossoms, for the place is filled with the soft pink flower petals. Now, you seem to think what it was a waste of time to walk all that way, just for a few flowers.
    You turn to leave when the sound of music enters your ears. Its a haunting melody, sending chills up and down your spine. Now, there is more curiosity than before. So, you continue onward, trying to find the source of the music....
