

What do I think about what is going on now in my home province?

HYDRO - I don't support any privatization in this arena

LCBO & TVO - Don't support privatization here either.

HEALTHCARE - should be universal and not privatized.

LEGISLATURE - it should be more proportionally organized according to voter's wishes (see PARLIAMENT below in FEDERAL POLITICS)

I do not fit into a mold. I am not defined by convention. And neither should you! Do not subscribe to party politics because they just bitterly divide us!

NEXT ELECTION: Nevertheless if I were to vote in the next election I'd have to vote NDP since they've been the most honest about things like healthcare and hydro.

MARIJUANA - it, nor any other illicit drugs should be legalized

CIGARETTES - should be outlawed

ALCOHOL - is not so bad and is okay in moderation

PARLIAMENT - should be reorganized so that parties get a more proportional representation (see LEGISLATURE in PROVINCIAL POLITICS above)

SENATE - should be disbanded (unless I get appointed to it)

NEXT ELECTION - at this point I'd have to stick with the Liberals, provided they elect Paul Martin as their leader

What do I have to say about their country? Not a heck of a lot.

WAR ON TERRORISM - Terrorism, and violence as well, disgust me



GLOBALIZATION - Violent protestors disgust me, of any stripe. I applaud people who demonstrate peacefully for their beliefs. But if you're going to break windows at a McDonald's don't talk to me. Or break any law for that matter.

PROTEST IN GENERAL - Protest can be a good way to make governments change their minds, since they are supposed to represent the people. Nevertheless, a lot of protestors don't speak for the populace and should rightfully be ignored.


I am pro-life, first and foremost. But I also agree with a woman’s right to "choose". However, I am not talking about the right to "choose" to murder her child. I am talking about the "choice" about whether to take the risk of having a child. Women insist that they are the intellectual equals of men. Fine. So if you know that by having sex, you might have a child, you can "choose" not to have sex, thereby preventing an unwanted pregnancy. Why this "choice" is so often ignored I don't know. Not even the right-wing discusses it. Nevertheless, I am not against birth control. Many effective methods exist, most notably condoms and "the pill". If these methods fail, then there is always the option of adoption. It is not evil to put your child up for adoption, and it is certainly less evil than abortion. Yes, a woman has the right to  regulate her own reproduction, but that doesn't give you the right (in my opinion, but not in the so-called Supreme Court’s opinion) to murder. I do not condemn women who choose to have abortions today. It is legal, and it’s easier than taking care of a baby--it’s the easy way out. It flies in the face of taking responsibility for one’s actions. I find the act evil, but the people less so because they are acting to the best of their abilities. Whether a fetus or a handful of cells constitutes human life is debatable. Personally, I believe life begins at conception. I can’t see a better starting point. Once a sperm has fertilized an egg, that cell has the capacity to become an adult. I don’t think we can say whether that cell has the right to life. But when it comes to an adult, we usually say yes, and we mourn sorrowfully the deaths of young people and all the sadness comes about that they weren't able to live up to their potential. And what about that cell’s potential? Just because it didn’t have a lively personality or look particularly like the rest of us, we can judge it as being less than human? How can we judge whether something is human or not? Really, we can’t judge anything. Who’s to say murder is wrong? Society. Who’s to say abortion is wrong? Pro-lifers. I don’t the lack of consistency is avoidable. Society as a whole has a hard time accepting that few cells constitute a life. I mean, how can we equate a protozoa or an amoeba to a human life, compared to the similarly small initial cell of a human life? The most astounding part of the whole abortion debate is the parallel animal rights debate.


So-called animal rights aren’t fringe. I don’t disagree with a lot of the things that they state. Nevertheless, the contradiction comes when the same people who fight for "animal rights" are expressly shallow in their support for human life, especially in regards to abortion and euthanasia. How can any rational human being put an animal’s rights above a fetus's? It's totally beyond me! It's hypocritical beyond reproach. If as much effort were put into defending human lives as was put into defending animal’s lives, then abortion would be illegal. But it’s not, and the people protesting animal testing are gaining support. But if we don't test on animals, it begs the question, What do we test on? Computers can be used for testing to an extent, but there is nothing like living tissue, especially in the context of a living being. I am all for animal testing. If you don't test on animals, you're testing on humans, and I see human life as far more valuable. Of course, others may disagree, but they're just blockheads. Left-wing hypocrisy just really gets to me. Don't get me wrong though. I'm all for the humane treatment of animals. If you're going to kill 'em, give 'em a painless death if at all possible. Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is that if you want to be pro-abortion, then don't support animal rights, and if you're pro-life, don't support the abuse of animals. All life is valuable, although not equal. (Some life is more equal than others). For example, make a scale. Humans at the top, followed by dolphins, apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, ... insects .... and ending with single-celled organisms. (in other words, in terms of complexity--the more complex --> the more advanced --> the more valuable). If you don't like the idea of a scale (which is incomprehensible, because whatever you do you're murdering: your body is always having to defend itself from foreign organisms--would you want it to allow them free roam in your body??)

This page was last updated July 10, 2002 .