James' Homepage

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at mutedfaith.com. [Angel.]

Welcome back to my little corner of the Net. Time to update, big things happenin' in my life, for once.


Name - James M. (Sorry, but I cannot give you my full name or I would have to have you shot. I could do it, I could.)

Age - 24

Interests - Finally got another job, with a little help from my beloved's father... getting my PS2 away from her so I can play it... beating the rest of my games (the names of which are too long to list :)... As always, I still MUSH, mostly to chat though, and now pestering the hell out of my beloved is high on my list of things to do... among those other things. ;-)

Personal Stats - Here ya go, ya vultures.... ;-)

Height - 6' 2" about

Weight - Prolly about 150 lbs by now

Eyes - Blue/Grey

Hair - Brown

Hair Style - Shoulder-length and pulled back. Hippy all the way!!

Marital Status - Once again happily attached at the hip to my angel, my beloved, my darling. And as of May 28, 2005, We make it official. Forever just got a whole lot better. :)

Anything Else I can Think Of - Hmm... not much... just go to Armageddon, MetaMUX, Among The Stars and shout outs to all my peeps in Utica and Camden ( I miss you guys!!! :)), Maryland, Texas, Florida, the Netherlands, Canada, and anywhere's else I can't remember where you people are.

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