Before you proceed

The contents of these pages is not intended to be offensive but informative. I know there are people who will find this information disturbing but all I ask is that any person who decides to proceed try keeping an open mind and put aside any personal prejudices and preformed views.

The following is taken from the book "Apotemnophilia: information, questions, answers, and recommendations about self-demand amputation" By Gregg M. Furth and Robert Smith. It is currently the most comprehensive source of information available on the subject. They ask the reader to agree to three premises before reading and they apply here as well.

  1. Understand that everyone has his or her individual psychology, and that others do not necessarily have the same psychology as the reader.
  2. Dare to set aside personal prejudices; endeavour to be open, be willing to listen to another’s reality, regardless of how it may differ from one’s own.
  3. Understand that the primary goal is for respect, that this syndrome is a real-life occurence for many individuals, and that they suffer from it.
If you can agree to these you are ready to proceed.
