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Though the original <"">Nova class was satisfactory as a short-range scout replacement for the <"">Oberth class, Starfleet wished to take further advantage of the Nova's roots as part of the <"">Defiant class project. The resulting design, with moderate armament and substantially enhanced deep-space exploration abilities, has transformed the original Nova scout into a formidable light cruiser, similar to what was done to the Oberth class in the late 2340s.

Several changes distinguish the two Nova variants. First, the bridge and upper command levels were enlarged, equipped with better computer systems and larger display terminals. A larger, single impulse engine replaced the two separate units, and the cargo access port was moved further down the ship's spine and replaced by additional exterior connect hardpoints. Crew support systems were also significantly upgraded via a restructuring of the forward primary hull, and more lifeboats were added to increase the maximum total complement. The science systems originally fitted to the Nova already matched those of larger explorers, and the added power output of the refit simply supported them for longer durations. Defense systems were augmented with strenghthened shielding, plus type X phasers and a loadout of quantum torpedoes. Finally, the LF-47 engines were replaced by the new LF-47A model, giving a speed boost to warp 9.2. Other minor adjustments were added by studying the logs, returned by the Starship Voyager, of the U.S.S. Equinox, which was an original Nova class that survived by itself in the Delta Quadrant for over five years.

Background History
The Nova class suffered an early setback with the apparent destruction of the Equinox; it was designed to handle survey missions such as the Equinox's study of the
Badlands and its failure here called into question the worth of the project. An extensive evaluation of the U.S.S. Nova itself revealed no design flaws, but by the time the study was completed in 2373, the Federation was on the brink of war with the Dominion and production of survey ships was drastically cut. The existing Nova class ships soon cleared their name through their excellent performance record during the Dominion war, but the promise of producing a Nova class ship capable of deep space exploration and light combat proved compelling. The Starship Nova returned for the modifications in 2377, and its shakedown was successfully completed in early 2378. Two ships, including the nearly-complete U.S.S. Rhode Island, were subsequently altered to the new design while under construction. It remains to be seen whether or not currently operational or future Nova class ships will also receive the upgrades, as the basic design is still a very viable Oberth replacement.

Technical Specifications


Light Cruiser








510,000 metric tons


Standard 140 (16 officers + 124 crew); 25 visiting personnel; 600 emergency limit


One 1500+ cochrane warp core feeding two LF-47A warp nacelles; one FIG-7 subatomic unified energy impulse engine

Max Speed:

Standard Warp 9; Warp 9.2 for 12 hours emergency


Eleven type X phaser arrays, four Mk 80 torpedo launchers

Notable Vessels
The following is a partial list of Nova class ships, in order of construction.





U.S.S. Nova



Launched in early 2378 and returned to service after one year of shakedown following a series of experimental refits.

U.S.S. Rhode Island



Currently under construction at Utopia Planitia, first new build ship with enhanced abilities abilities.

Size Comparison

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Enterprise NX-01 (NX class); 230 meters

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Nova II class; 167 meters

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U.S.S Enterprise (Constitution class); 289 meters

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U.S.S Voyager (Intrepid class); 344 meters

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U.S.S Excelsior (Excelsior class); 467 meters

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U.S.S Enterprise-D (Galaxy class); 642 meters

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Nova Class Science Vessels are small planetary research vessels developed in the late 24th century as a possible replacement for the successful Oberth Class Science Vessel. The origins of the Nova Class originated for the search for the successor to the Galaxy Class. Starfleet in the early 2360's wanted a smaller exploration vessel with fewer military capabilities but with more enhanced sensors and scientific facilities. However the end of the Cardassian War saw the Nova Class project rejected by Starfleet.

At the same time Pathfinder Project one of the original Defiant Class designs in 2366 was underway. However the computer prototype, NXP-2365WP/T, was ultimately deemed unsuitable for the Borg. When the project was abandoned engineers from the Nova Class Project decided to use the space frame designed for the Pathfinder Project. The design was modified, refined and revised and Starfleet approved the Nova Class design. Large sensor arrays are the most distinct feature of the Nova Class. The vessel finely tuned and integrated sensor suite allow research and analysis to reach an unparalleled in Starfleet history. The Nova Class is equipped with the latest scientific and planetary equipment, including dedicated biological and astronomical laboratories. This makes them an ideal research vessel for studying planetary and cosmic surveys.

One distinct feature of the Nova Class is the ability to land on a planet's surface and this was once unheard of in a Federation starship. This was due to recent developments in gravity control and vessel structural integrity. As a result, all Nova Class ships have four landing struts that can be extended to land on the surface of a planet. This was considered part of the vessels normal operations and not an emergency protocol.
The second distinct feature is the Waverider atmospheric operations spacecraft (AOS) designed to assist the Nova Class in planetary research when on a planet's surface there. The AOS is mounted on the underside of the primary hull and can achieve speeds of one-half impulse. The Waverider is Starfleet's most advance atmospheric craft.

Although the Pathfinder Project and the Nova Class Starship look similar there are major differences. The biggest difference in a Nova Class Starship is it limited propulsion system. Due to the limited space onboard Nova Class ships are restricted to a maximum speed of Warp 8. It has no auxiliary warp core and has only one impulse engine. As a result Nova Class ships are designed for short range missions and can perform limited duration research missions because she lacks the supplies for a long duration mission. However like the Oberth Class the Nova Class was lightly armed. In a combat situation the Nova Class starship was at a serious tactical disadvantage. Therefore, her primary mission was pure research, usually within or near Federation territory.

The U.S.S. Nova was launched in 2368 and after two years of testing production of the Nova Class begun with the second ship of the class the U.S.S. Equinox launched in 2370. The U.S.S. Equinox was under the command of Captain Rudolph Ransom. Captain Ransom was a respected exo-biologist due to his discovery that the Uridians were not extinct in the Alpha Quadrant. However, while on a scientific mission near the Badlands the U.S.S. Equinox was lost and presumed destroyed. This created some concern for Starfleet since the Nova Class was only recently been launched. Initial fears of a design flaw was put to rest after a detailed analysis of the U.S.S. Nova. Production of the Nova Class resumed until 2373 when production of science vessels was suspended with the increasing tensions with the Dominion.

Unknown to Starfleet the U.S.S. Equinox was catapulted to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. In the attempt to return to the Alpha Quadrant half of the U.S.S. Equinox crew were killed and the crew never recovered from the lost. By 2375, rhe U.S.S. Equinox eventually ran out of fuel and barely had enough power to achieve orbit around a class M planet. The planet was inhabited by a race called the Akari. The Akari however were kind and offered food and fuel to the crew of the U.S.S. Equinox. The Akari also blessed the crew on their long voyage home by calling on nucleogenic aliens from another realm. These aliens are rich in antimatter and the crew of the U.S.S. Equinox converted these aliens as a fuel source to enhance their warp drive in order to return home. The EMH discovered a way to convert the lifeform's cell structures into a crystalline compound that would harness its nucleogenic energy into a significant source of power. However to travel home a lot of these nucleogenic aliens would be required.

Captain Ransom, therefore, cited Starfleet Regulation 3, paragraph 12 "In the event of imminent destruction, a Captain is authorised to preserve the lives of his crew by any justifiable means" as a rationalisation to capture and kill more of the nucleogenic lifeforms in order to boost propulsion. Dozens were required for the journey home. Captain Ransom even deleted the EMH's ethical subroutines to ensure his cooperation. The result was, the U.S.S. Equinox traveled over 10,000 light-years in less than two weeks. The nucleogenic aliens fought back and slowly attacked the U.S.S. Equinox slowly killing her crew and damaging the ship. When the U.S.S. Voyager responded to the U.S.S. Equinox distress call the U.S.S. Voyager was attacked too. However once Captain Janeway discovered the truth Captain Ransom was stripped of his command and his crew arrested.

The U.S.S. Equinox crew escaped with the help of the Equinox's EMH. In response the U.S.S. Equinox was pursued by U.S.S. Voyager in an attempt to stop the U.S.S. Equinox from killing any more nucleogenic aliens and bring the crew to justice. A fight occurred between both ships and the U.S.S. Equinox sustained heavy damage due to U.S.S. Voyager's superior firepower. The playing field however was opened up when the U.S.S. Equinox's EMH supplied the shield modulation frequency to the U.S.S. Equinox crew. As a result the starship Voyager took serious damage from the Equinox's weapons that penetrated her shields. Captain Ransom realised the errors he has made and ordered their surrender. Commander Burke however mutinied and ordered Ensign Gilmore to escort Captain Ransom to the brig. But with the help of Ensign Gilmore, Captain Ransom disabled the U.S.S. Equinox shields and transported most of the remaining Equinox crew to the starship Voyager. However, the U.S.S. Equinox sustained serious damage to the warp core due to attacks made by the nucleogenic aliens and a warp core breach was imminent. The starship Voyager was disabled during the attack and Voyager was threatened with destruction if the U.S.S. Equinox warp core exploded. In an attempt to save the U.S.S. Voyager Captain Ransom manually moved the doomed U.S.S. Equinox away. The U.S.S. Equinox was destroyed in a warp core breach with Captain Ransom onboard however U.S.S. Voyager was saved. Commander Burke and the remaining mutineers was killed by the nucleogenic aliens moments before the warp breach. Only five crew members from the U.S.S. Equinox were beamed over to the starship Voyager and were demoted to crew men with limited privileges and on Earth they were known as the Equinox Five.

Despite the actions of the Equinox crew the durability of the Nova Class was demonstrated during their long and difficult journey in the Delta Quadrant. Construction of the Nova class was suspended shortly before the Dominion war in favour of more combat capable vessels. Although during the Dominion war the Nova Class vessels in service was equipped with enhanced sensors in reconnaissance missions along the Cardassian border. Now that the war is over, production of the Nova Class is expected to resume and return to scientific duties. With the news of the U.S.S. Equinox survival in the Delta Quadrant some of the ASDB has argued for a variant of a Nova Class vessel should be produced capable of deep space exploration. At present the ASDB are investigating a redesign of the Nova Class capable of long term exploration missions. The first vessel to be upgraded with these modifications is the U.S.S. Rode Island expected to enter service in 2378.