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Statistical Society of Australia NSW Branch Inc

UPDATE!!!!! Latest version of the site is now at and the current site will be barely maintained until the transfer is complete.
Please contact Alun Pope if you have difficulty in locating the information you are looking for.

The New South Wales branch of the Statistical Society of Australia Inc holds monthly meetings in Sydney from March to November each year. Meetings commence around 6 pm with refreshments, followed by a presentation from a local or visiting speaker, and questions. Members are invited to join the speaker afterwards for dinner at a nearby restaurant. Visitors are welcome at all meetings.

Speakers are selected to provide a balance between theory and applications over a wide range of topics. In each year there will generally be at least one talk on each of the following areas: agricultural or environmental statistics, epidemiology, econometrics, surveys, statistics in education, and statistics in consulting and/or management.

For further information, contact one of the following:

President Alun Pope Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
Secretary Neville Weber University of Sydney
Membership Secretary Jos Beunen
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Treasurer Shelton Peiris University of Sydney
Past President John Rayner University of Wollongong
Councillors Caro Badcock
Frankie Chan
Chris Howden
Ian Nivison-Smith
Fred Osman
Scott Sisson

St. Vincent's Hospital
University of Western Sydney
University of NSW

No guarantees are implied nor any liability accepted regarding the accuracy of information on this site.
This site is currently maintained by Alun Pope and was last updated on 14 June 2004.