Adult Coho salmon in Fauntleroy Creek on 10/31/2005.


at Fauntleroy Creek

Material relating to Salmon, Fauntleroy Creek, and Fauntleroy Park.

Fauntleroy Creek empties into Puget Sound at Cove Park, alongside the Fauntleroy ferry dock in West Seattle. Several local schools hatch and raise salmon fry to release in Fauntleroy Creek.
2005 Return: Four salmon were seen in the creek on 10/31.
Returns so far -
Picture. Another salmon from 10/31/05.
Picture.Yet another salmon, 10/31/05.
My notes on salmon and carcasses examined. Updated when possible.
The Fauntleroy Creek Website:

Mouth of Fauntleroy creek. Recent photographs showing conditions where the creek meets the beach.
skunk cabbage
Skunk Cabbage beside the creek.

      Updated 11/05/2005