Site Uploaded  2/23/05

Phew everything seems to be up and running, I might be adding php scripts and such once I get some time but for now this is it. If anyone still visits here and feels like telling me what they think of my new layout go ahead. Yes im aware that that huge banner up top makes everything look really gay but theres isnt much I can do at this point.

New Site Layout  2/23/05

Well I finally succummed to pressure and boredom to update this site. Theres not a whole lot to add really, I havent been doing much as of late, especially as far as modeling is concerned. Mostly been playing a lot of WoW and wasting my time. Anyway, I'll try to keep a blog on here of what I do in Wow and maybe I'll cook up a new render for something sooner or later if I spy something that catches my interest and I want to do it.