Welcome to iStepfamily Online ,  information .:. support .:. empowerment since 1999
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WELCOME! From the Members, Staff & Moderators of iStepfamily Online!

See why iStepfamily Online is the fastest growing support group on the web...

Our unique support community offers a safe, welcoming, objective place for blended family members to meet & share the blended family journey together. Our personally screened support group members form deep and abiding friendships online through our many avenues of successfully researched and implemented real-time interaction...  It's simply the closest thing you can get to attending a real, psychologist-lead support group - without having to amend your schedule to attend in-person!

At iStepfamily Online, you will always find non-judgmental support, a safe, encouraging & empowering atmosphere, fun, friends, real-time interaction and so much more! We offer a secure online arena for blended family members to connect from all walks of life and from around the world! Stepmoms, Second Wives, Stepdads, Second Husbands, Divorced Parents, Single Parents... whatever your role in your blended family, you are welcome with open arms at iStepfamily Online!

Learn More About:  

iStepfamily Online has been connecting blended family members since its inception in 1999 by Dr. Nicole L. Weyant, blended family expert, counselor and Certified International Human Behavior Specialist through the United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization.. We strive to provide the most fully integrated online community on the web for the purpose of sharing trials and triumphs for the benefit of learning, growth and healthy development in your blended family! We pride ourselves on hosting a lively community of genuine people out to make a difference in the lives of others through shared testimony, support, live interaction and more!

(Click to listen to our Featured iStep Testimonial of the Month!)

Our goal is simple: You are not alone!

Our members make it happen!

Tune in to iStepfamily Online Radio for messages of support and encouragement, music, commentary, audio articles and more! You can listen through a small pop-up window while you surf other sites! Click here to tune in now!

iStep's StepSavvy® PowerPoint Workshop Download!
"Two Houses / Two Homes: Developing Healthy Boundaries in a Blended Family" - $6.95

This eye-opening workshop should not be missed by both custodial and non-custodial homes. Step-By-Step instructions on how to co-parent without conflict and preserve the peace in your home!

"Taming the Guilt Monster" Workshop on CD
iStep's StepSavvy® PowerPoint Workshop Download!
"Taming the Guilt Monster" - $6.95

This workshop focuses on the false sense of guilt associated with blended families. Taming the "Guilt Monster" will help you to avoid the common emotional traps that keep us in boundary-less relationships, which invites chaos and conflict into our homes. This workshop is an absolute must for non-custodial parents!

Join the iStepfamily Online Support Community!

Don't get left behind! More people than ever before are turning to iStep for real group support online!

Not yet a Member? Find out more about Free Membership and Subscriptions at iStep!

NewsletterFree Membership! - Find out more about the benefits of free membership at iStep!

There is no obligation whatsoever! We want you to enjoy our free resources, even if you are not interested in participating in our interactive, moderated online support group, guided and lead by Dr. Weyant & our staff of seasoned blended family members!

Get access to articles, workshops, blended family news, our weekly E-News and more!
It's free - what have you got to loose?

BannersPaid Subscription! - As a paid Subscriber, you get unlimited access to everything iStep has to offer!

We proudly offer many exclusive, interactive areas of our support community that will help you make a deeper personal connection for support and encouragement in your blended family!  Get the group support you need, on your time! No driving to a group meeting, paying for parking, a sitter, gas - you name it! We're here - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - to support YOU in your blended family journey!  With Subscriber fees beginning as low as $2.91 a month, it's a bargain!

What our members have to say!
Here is a short sampling of the notes and letters we receive from our members:

"No one ever hands you a pamphlet explaining that blending a family isn’t easy…and they sure as heck never give you a “self-help” book telling you about all the things you will have to deal with in the first few years of blended family life.

I found iStepfamily back in 1999. I became fast friends with the founder, Nicole Weyant. The support and friendship I found there has been a marriage, and sanity, saver for me many times. I can honestly tell you that I don’t know where my husband and I would be today if I had not found iStepfamily when I did. And the truly sad thing about that, is that I have been a member of one blended family or another since I was born…and I still had no clue what I was getting myself into when I married a man who had been married before and had children. So many people today think that once the “I do’s” are said, and the wedding cake is cut, that they will live Happily Ever After in a second marriage…and sadly that isn’t the case. Too often, the newlyweds have no idea what they are getting themselves into, and the stresses of dealing with “his kids/her kids” and “his ex/her ex” are just too much to handle. And too many second marriages end in divorce…that’s the sad truth.

I tell everyone about iStepfamily…and invite them to join. There is a small membership fee - less than $3.00 a month - but I can tell you it will be the best $3.00 a month you will ever spend. The people are great…supportive and funny…and there is comfort in knowing that *someone* there has been where you are…had the same ups and downs…the same feelings…the same problems. Still today, after 8 years of marriage and 10 years of being together, I face problems dealing with my husbands ex-wife (she’s a true psycho!), and also with his kids - especially his 15 year old daughter, who lives with us full-time. I get on the site to rant and rave…or to share something good that has happened in my little blended family…ok, in my big blended family!…the advice and feedback I get is amazing…and sometimes I find that looking at my situations through someone else’s eyes really helps me…and I honestly believe that I am a better step-mom, and a better wife, because of the wonderful people and the awesome support I get at iStepfamily."

"Until I found iStepfamily Online, I thought my situation was hopeless!  I have learned so many relationship tools since I have joined - iStep saved my marriage!"

"Thank you so much for all you have done for me in just these last couple of weeks of membership!  I am in tears... all of this support means so much to me! THANK YOU!"

"I thought I was all alone until I came to iStep!  I've spent time on some other discussion forums, but there's just nothing like iStep!  I get priceless feedback from all angles of blended family life... Encouragement and support abound here, and I am so glad I joined!"

"I have been a member now for over 2 years... my only regret is that I didn't find iStep sooner!  Your support and encouragement have truly changed my life!  THANK YOU Dr. Weyant for developing this group!!  YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE!!"

"My subscription has been worth every penny - and then some!  I now have a circle of friends from all over the country who share my concerns and experiences - where before, I had none!  No one in my family has ever been through a divorce, or even a remarriage, so I had very little support.  Since joining iStep, I know I have an entire community of people in my corner who really do understand!  Thank you iStepfamily Online!"

"The Administration and Staff of iStep are PHENOMENAL!  The Members here are FANTASTIC!  I wish I had come here in the first place - I am so glad I found iStep!!  I could have saved thousands in counseling!"

Whatever membership option you choose... we're glad you're here!

Dr. Weyant is an active member of these Associations, and ascribes to the Ethics and Standards guidelines so set forth.