this is my half hearted attempt to protect myself against any sort of liability should any veiwers of this site and its contents be religious fanatics, republicans or prudes and  take any sort of offense or undergo and sort of trauma or misery or suffering or behavioral side effects such as self mutilation night terrors or bedwetting as a result of viewing these images i would also like to remind you parents that it is your sole responsibility to supervise and approve of what your children see on the net  also, i would like to offer my sympathy  to all the men that may relate to the last image a little too well i understand that you must be suffering ridicule from every female that has ever seen you without your panties but you must try to understand that little thing is funny as fuck. this site contains images of a sexual nature and all the models are completely nude so if you are the type that takes offense to this sort of thing then scroll no further you have been warned! one last thing, if you are governed by some sort of crazy local law that forbids you look at images that are rude,distasteful,inconsiderate, disrespectful,pornographic,profane, or just downright vile that  the creator of this site has never heard of please leave now because i dont need to deal with that kind of shit. the rest of you can probably get a laugh or at least a chuckle out of this.......................enjoy