
Dear friends, family, and prayer partners,

             Here in the Dominican Republic, we are daily surrounded by profound and tragic needs and extremes in poverty and wealth.

            Last week we heard that Pastor Antonio’s brother, of the Christian Reformed Church in Ranchito, had died leaving a young wife and five young children. The church is small and struggling, yet they are the only family that the widow and her family has.

             We were sitting in traffic recently and looked around: we were surrounded by luxury vehicles! Here a Lexus SUV, there a Mercedes S500 ; a Cadillac Escalade, a BMW roadster, a Hummer, and so on. We couldn’t believe it. There are resources in this country!

            Traveling around the countryside north of Santo Domingo recently, I was struck by the lush, green vegetation in the fertile field s and valleys, but dotted by little shacks. Why do so many people struggle to earn their daily bread? What is the answer? What can we do? These are questions we ask ourselves continuously.             By God’s grace, His Gospel keeps going forward. In partnership with the churches here, we are reaching out and making a difference. This month, a work-for-food program began in the rural areas of Monte Plata, supported by the Canadian Food Grains Bank, and by Christian Reformed World Relief Committee. Hundreds of families are getting a generous food portion as theyparticipate in community activities. Our mission team is a part of it!

            Yet there is so much more to do. We are thankful for local churches, schools and their leaders through which we can work appropriately and make a real difference. We work with Pastor Betoni Damaso, for example, who pastors a small Haitian CRC near Barahona and provides leadership to several other small chapels in the mountains. Through him, the Gospel is reaching some of the poorest people of this country.

            We also thank you all for your prayers, encouragement and support that allow us to remain on this mission field. May the Lord bless you also by His grace and mercy.

Steve & Sandra Brauning

Created by: Steve & Sandra Brauning May 15, 2005

Christian Reformed World Missions, Dominican Republic


DMG 13923, 7990 15th St. East

Sarasota, FL 34243

The Dominican Republic