Stephen's Guide to Sonora: Official Site

Sonora Quiz Wedded to Sonora Wiki Yearbooks


As you've probably come here from
Sonora Academy or one of the associated sites, you probably already know who I am. If you don't, visit Sonora!

But anyhow, just to get everything straight, I'm Stephen. I've been with Sonora since the beginning, and for some reason, right from the start, a guide seemed like a really good idea. It's heavily biased as this is all from my point of view, so pointing out things like 'Crups have pointed tails' is silly. Clearly they have no tail, as the only Crup I've ever seen didn't have one. Poor Rover... it must have been hard...

But back to the point.

This is the official site for my guide. It now hosts all four editions of the Guide, and will in time host newer editions. I'm terribly sorry that a fifth edition could not be written this year but events both IC and OOC have led to the conclusion that it wasn't to be. Never fear though! Stephen will be back, and you can be assured that his Guide will returns as well.

The First Guide - Where it all began.

The Second Guide - With updates about events of Sonora's second year.

The Third Guide - In which things start looking more snazzy.

The Fourth Guide - I swear I'm not an alien, Zack.

Thanks for all the interest and the following that the Guide has been given over the past two and a bit years! As always, appreciation is ever appreciated. Express it on the Sonoran OOC until I get some kind of feedback thing working here. Or you could try commenting on my page at the Wiki - that works too.