Step Parents & Friends

Serving Step Parents & Blended Families
Since 1997

We are never alone in the support of our friends

It wasn't so long ago that I began my step mom journey.  I remember feeling at times like I was talking to myself, and the only one who truly understood where I was standing was ME (and I wasn't being much help).  Talking to my hubby seemed to fall on deaf ears, since he was already completely overwhelmed himself. 

Fast forward a few months--I'm online answering e-mail.  I get the idea to try some of the search engines.  It turned up only a handful of sites. I was disappointed that although there were a few sites available for step moms, that step dads were basically out of luck.

It is with this thought in mind that I created my first Step Parents page. Not long after that I started the forum at Delphi and the e-mail lists which have come to be known as part of what we now call Step Parents & Friends.

Over the last few years we have come a long way. It is amazing how much simpler the "job" seems when you realize that you really aren't alone.  We are NOT alone, we are many and we are here in support of each other.

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