Sterling Neblett's Goldeneye Times

Sterling Neblett's Goldeneye Times

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Greetings, Sterling Neblett here, I am Currently ranked #2 out of like 100 members of the goldeneye extreme....I have Videos up ! Here is the link My Movies Page

My Goldeneye Times

Stage Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent
Dam :55 1:23* 2:14
Facility :50 1:01 1:02
Runway :24 :24 :39
Surface 1 1:06 1:55 1:55
Bunker 1 :18 :27 1:15
Silo 1:09 1:19 1:50
Frigate :26 1:12* 1:23
Surface 2 :55 :57 1:53
Bunker 2 :27 1:03* 1:18
Statue 2:29 2:29 2:29
Archives :17 :58 :58
Streets 1:15 1:59 1:59
Depot :27 :48 :57
Train 1:18 1:48 2:19
Jungle :57 1:05 1:14
Control 4:10 4:34 4:51
Caverns 1:04 1:32 3:04
Cradle :37 :43 :44
Aztec 1:57 2:22 2:39
Egyptian :50 :50 :51
Total Time 21:52 28:52 35:42

Overall Time: 1:26:25

Sterling Neblett