15			MR. CORGAN: Your Honor, we’d call Debra
16	Aubrey.
17	- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19	after having been duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole
20	truth, and nothing but the truth, testified as follows:
22			THE COURT:	Proceed.
24	Q	State your name, please, ma’ream.
25	A	Debra K. Aubrey.



1	Q	Miss Aubrey, what is your business, profession, or
2	    occupation?
3	A	I’m a secretary.
4	Q	Are you employed with a particular company?
5	A	Phillips Petroleum Company.
6	Q	Miss Aubrey, I’m going to need you as best you can,
7	please, ma’am, to speak up. I’m having problems hearing
8	you, okay?
9	A	Okay.
10	Q	If we need to adjust that microphone, we will. How
11	long have you been employed with Phillips Petroleum
12	Company?
13	A	Five years.
14	Q	And are you assigned to a particular group or
15	section?
16	A	Comptrollers compliance accounting.
17	Q	And what are your duties and responsibilities there
18	in that section?
19	A	I serve as a secretary. I do the typing and answer
20	the phone.
21	Q	Can you tell us how many people you would work with
22	in that general area?
23	A	Twelve.
24	Q	Miss Aubrey, do you know the defendant in this case,
25	Stephen Lee Allen?



1	A	Yes.
2	Q	And how are you acquainted with him?
3	A	I worked with him.
4	Q	And could you tell us, please, ma’am, during what
5	period of time you worked with Mr. Allen?
6	A	From July of 1986.
7	Q	Until when?
8	A	Until June of 1990.
9	Q	And how would you describe your relationship with Mr.
10	Allen?
11	A	We worked together.
12	Q	Anything more than that?
13	A	We were friends.
14	Q	Anything more than that?
15	A	Close friends.
16	Q	Anything more than that?
17	A	Could you be more specific?
18	Q	Call your attention to August of 1989. Would you
19	tell us the type relationship you had with Mr. Allen at
20	that time?
21	A	We became very close friends.
22	Q	How was that close friendship expressed between the
23	two of you?
24	A	We talked a lot.
25	Q	Did you do anything more than talk?



1	A	Yes, we did.
2	Q	What did you do?
3	A	We had a physical relationship.
4	Q	Would you tell us, ma’am, on how many occasions?
5	A	About six.
6	Q	And would you tell us the type of physical
7	relationship that you had?
8	A	Could you be more specific?
9	Q	During those six times that you had a physical
10	relationship, did you have sexual intercourse --
11	A	Yes, we --
12	Q	-- with Mr. Allen?
13	A	Yes, I did.
14	Q	And where did those relationships take place?
15	A	At his home and at my home.
16	Q	Anywhere else?
17	A	In Tulsa.
18	Q	Where in Tulsa?
19	A	At a motel.
20	Q	And would you tell us, please, ma’am, during what
21	period of time you had that relationship?
22	A	The last week in August of 1989 through the first
23	week in January of 1990.
24	Q	And what happened in January of 1990?
25	A	Because of moral and religious reasons, I felt that



1	it was wrong; and we had a mutual agreement that we would
2	end it.
3	Q	How was that determined that the relationship the
4	physical relationship would end?
5	A	We talked about it, and we both felt the same way.
6	Q	Where did you talk about it?
7	A	At work.
8	Q	How did you talk about that?
9	A	In person.
10	Q	In person as opposed to through letter or notes or
11	other means?
12	A	Yes.
13	Q	After the relationship ended in January of ‘90, would
14	you tell us the relationship that the two of you shared
15	from that point on?
16	A	We remained friends.
17	Q	And could you give us examples of what that
18	friendship entailed?
19	A	We would talk occasionally.
20	Q	How would you talk?
21	A	As friends.
22	Q	But, I mean, in what method?
23	A	We would just talk or -- I’m not sure what you mean.
24	Q	Did you have occasion to talk with each other via the
25	PROF system?



1	A	Yes.
2	Q	And did you have occasion to share notes of a
3	personal nature with each other through the PROF system?
4	A	Yes.
5	Q	And when you all would talk with each other, can you
6	tell us what type things the two of you would talk about?
7	A	The things that were going on in our lives just about
8	work, about our kids, about just things.
9	Q	Did you have occasion to share with each other
10	problems that you each experienced in your life?
11	A	Yes.
12	Q	And did Mr. Allen share with you problems that he was
13	experiencing in his life?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	Would you tell us what he told you in that regard?
16	A	Basically that his wife wasn’t interested in a
17	physical relationship part of marriage.
18	Q	Did he explain to you what he meant by that?
19	A	I suppose.
20	Q	Well, tell me what he told you.
21	A	Just that she didn’t seem interested.
22	Q	Interested in what?
23	A	In the physical relationship between a man and wife.
24	Q	Did he give you examples of how she was not
25	interested?



1	A	I,m -
2	Q	That may be a poor question. Did he give you
3	examples of how her lack of interest was evidenced to him?
4	A	Just that at times she seemed distant to him.
5	Q	Did he discuss with you how she would react to a
6	touch or a kiss or a hug or those type things?
7	A	Many times, she wouldn’t respond.
8	Q	She would?
9	A	Would not respond.
10	Q	Would not respond. What about as far as the sexual
11	relationship between the two of them? Did he discuss with
12	you her feelings in regard to that?
13	A	Just that she didn’t seem to be interested.
14	Q	Did he tell you how Mrs. Allen was responding in
15	general towards him at that time?
16	A	Just that at times she seemed distant.
17	Q	Did he explain to you what he meant by “distant” or
18	how Mrs. Allen evidenced that to him?
19	A	Just that maybe if he would try to give her a hug or
20	something, she maybe pulled away from him or --
21	Q	Did he give you any other examples of problems or
22	concerns that he had with his marriage?
23	A	No.
24	Q	That was it basically?
25	A	Yes.



1	Q	Now, Miss Aubrey, calling your attention back to
2	1989, in the spring or summer area, did you have occasion
3	to be involved in a car accident?
4	A	In 1990?
5	Q	It’s in 1990?
6	A	Yes.
7	Q	Would you tell me just a little bit about the facts
8	and circumstances surrounding that?
9	A	I was with my husband and two kids in his pickup, and
10	a car was going to turn.
11		But they had not gotten into the turning lane.
12	They had remained in the regular traffic. And my husband
13	ran into them.
14	Q	What is your husband’s name?
15	A	Charles.
16	Q	And was anyone injured in that accident?
17	A	No.
18	Q	Did it cause any type of damage to your vehicle?
19	A	Yes, it did.
20	Q	What did it do to the vehicle?
21			MR. CARLSON:	Your Honor, I’m going to
22	object. I don’t see the relevance.
23			MR. CORGAN:	It is relevant, Judge.
24			THE COURT:	Go ahead.
25	Q	(By Mr. Corgan)	You may answer.



1	A	I think it did about $3,000 of damage to our vehicle.
2	Q	Did you have occasion to discuss that particular
3	incident or matter with Mr. Allen?
4	A	Yes.
5	Q	So he was aware of that?
6	A	Yes.
7	Q	Now, in regard to these PROF’S notes, you tell us
8	that you had occasion to discuss personal matters with
9	each other on the PROF system?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	And would that be of the same general nature that
12	you’ve already told us about sharing with each other
13	problems in your life or work or those type things?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	And did you have occasion to communicate with each
16	other quite a bit through that system?
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	Miss Aubrey, the person you know as Stephen Lee
19	Allen, do you see that person in the courtroom today?
20	A	Yes, I do.
21	Q	And for the record, would you tell us where he is?
22			MR. CARLSON:	Your Honor, we stipulate that
23	Mrs. Aubrey knows who Steve is.
24			THE COURT:	So reflect.
25			MR. CORGAN:	That’s all.



1	Q	(By Mr. Corgan) Thank you, ma’am.
2			MR. CARLSON: Bear with me one moment, Your
3	Honor.
4	- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
7	Q	Miss Aubrey, did Steve ever tell you that he loved
8	you?
9	A	No, he didn’t.
10	Q	Now, you said that you and Steve mutually decided to
11	end your physical relationship; is that correct?
12	A	Yes.
13	Q	You said that was based upon moral and religious
14	reasons; is that correct?
15	A	Yes.
16	Q	Tell us how that came about.
17	A	I guess in church on Sunday morning, it just really
18	hit me that it was really wrong; and I knew I couldn’t do
19	it anymore. So --
20	Q	And did Steve feel that same way?
21	A	Yes, he did.
22	Q	And did you and he sit down and talk about that?
23	A	Yes.
24	Q	Now, did you and Steve ever talk about Steve’s
25	children?



1	A	Yes, we did.
2	Q	Could you share with us your conversations about
3	Steve and his relationship with his children?
4	A	He talked about his kids a lot. He was very proud of
5	them. He always told not only me, but everyone in the
6	office the things they did.
7		And it was very obvious to everyone that he
8	loved his kids.
9	Q	What did Steve tell you about his intention so far as
10	his marriage?
11	A	He told me he loved his wife and said, although they
12	did have problems in that one area, that he would never
13	give up trying.
14		It was too important to him and for his boys’
15	sake that he wouldn’t quit trying.
16	Q	And when did he tell you that?
17	A	He told me that on more than one occasion.
18	Q	And at what point in time did he tell you that
19	relative to the day that Sandra was killed?
20	A	Within the last few weeks.
21	Q	Did you talk with Steve on June the 11th, 1990, the
22	date that Sandra was killed?
23	A	For just a few minutes.
24	Q	And where did you talk to him at?
25	A	At work.



1	Q	Tell us about that conversation.
2	A	He just mentioned -- it was right before quitting
3	time. He mentioned that he was going to go home and mow
4	his yard.
5		And he asked if my children had a ball game,
6	which I indicated my little girl did. And that was about
7	the extent of it.
8	Q	Did you ever have any problems in your marriage?
9	A	Yes, I did.
10	Q	Did you and Steve talk about those?
11	A	Yes, we did.
12	Q	What was Steve’s attitude towards you and your
13	marriage?
14	A	He encouraged me to stay in my marriage and try to
15	work things out with my husband. That it was too
16	important, especially for the kids’ sake.
17	Q	Did you or Steve either one make any plans to be
18	together?
19	A	No, we didn’t.
20	Q	It’s been brought up, Miss Aubrey, the issue of PROF
21	notes. I want to hand you what’s been marked State’s
22	Exhibit 60, and I want to ask you about some of those.
23		If I could, I would like to ask you to turn to a
24	note which is dated 5-1-90; and at the bottom, it says
25	page 42.



1			MR. CORGAN:	Your Honor, I’m going to
2	object as being beyond the scope of direct examination.
3		If Mr. Carlson would like to make her his
4	witness, that’s fine; but it’s beyond the scope.
5			MR. CARLSON:	Your Honor, he’s the one that
6	brought up the issue of PROF notes.
7			THE COURT:	Overruled. Go ahead.
8	Q	(By Mr. Carlson) Did you find that note, Miss
9	Aubrey?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	Within that note, there is a -- in the second
12	paragraph, there’s a phrase. Says, “After the things I
13	was told last night.” Do you see that?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	Now, this is a note from Steve to you; is that
16	correct?
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	Would you tell us your recollection of that
19	particular PROF note?
20	A	The best I remember was that his wife had said that
21	she was happy with the way things were. She didn’t plan
22	to change.
23	Q	And on down in that PROF note, there’s a phrase. If
24	you will follow along with me, says:
25		I’m going to try hard to do what you feel



1		needs to be done, but I’m going to need
2		your help.
3	 What’s your recollection of your conversation
4	with Steve in that regard?
5	A	There were times when I felt like that I talked about
6	my own personal problems to him quite a bit and that maybe
7	I shouldn’t to put all my problems on him also. And he
8	was just saying that if that’s the way I felt --
9	Q	Did you feel like at times you were burdening him
10	with your problems?
11	A	Yes.
12	Q	And is that what you had -- what you feel like he had
13	reference to that you and he talked about here?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	I might ask you to pull the microphone just a tad bit
16	closer.
17	A	(The witness complied with the request).
18	Q	Thank you. Then there’s a phrase in that note, Miss
19	Aubrey, that says “then I would be willing to do
20	anything.”
21		What’s your recollection of your conversation
22	with Steve in regard to that particular phraseology.
23	A	My best recollection is that, that he would do
24	whatever I felt was the best for me.
25	Q	And what did he have reference to from your



1	conversation with him as being best for you in that
2	regard?
3	A	If I felt like I was burdening him down too much with
4	my problems, if that I -- but I think that he felt that I
5	needed someone to talk to about my problems.
6	Q	Another line in that PROF note where it says:
7			In fact, it’s because I care that I’m
8			willing to give up so much for myself.
9		Tell us your recollection in regard to that -
10	particular note.
11	A	He needed someone to talk to also, but he was --
12	would do whatever was best for me.
13	Q	Now, let me direct your attention to another note
14	written that same day, 5-1-90. At the bottom, it says
15	page 43. Do you find that?
16	A	Yes.
17	Q	Give you a minute to look at. But there’s a phrase
18	in there. It says that “the tape you promised.”
19	A	(The witness nodded her head up and down).
20	Q	Can you tell us what that had reference to from your
21	conversation with Steve?
22	A	I had made a tape of several religious songs that I
23	shared with him that were some of my favorites.
24	Q	I’m sorry. What type of songs?
25	A	Religious.



1	Q	Were those ones from church?
2	A	Yes.
3	Q	Are you active in your church?
4	A	Yes.
5	Q	Which church is that?
6	A	First Assembly of God in Dewey.
7	Q	On down in that particular note, give you a moment to
8	look at it; but there’s a phrase that says:
9			Maybe I’ll tell you what went on
10			last night sometime.
11		Can you tell me from your conversation with
12	Steve what that had reference to?
13	A	What I remember is that their VCR had broken. He had
14	rented a tape; and when he got ready to use the VCR, there
15	had been something spilled in it. And it was broken.
16	Q	That’s what he meant by “what went on”?
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	Let me ask you to look at the next -- or another
19	note.
20			MR. CORGAN:	Excuse me, Judge. If we’re
21	going to go through the notes one by one, I’d ask that
22	Miss Aubrey read each one so that we might hear them in
23	the context as opposed to selective words and phrases.
24		Again, we object as beyond the scope of direct
25	examination.



1			THE COURT:	This is cross. They’re all in
2	evidence, so they’re all before the jury at least will
3	be. It’s appropriate cross-examination.
4			MR. CARLSON:	Thank you, Your Honor.
5	Q	(By Mr. Carlson) In the note of May the 3rd, 1990,
6	at the bottom, is says page 44.
7			THE COURT:	What was that date again?
8			MR. CARLSON:	May the 3rd, 1990, 5-3-90,
9	Your Honor.
10	Q	(By Mr. Carlson) Give you a moment to look at it.
11	Let me direct your attention. There’s a phrase that says
12	 “things that I have been told lately.”
13		What’s your recollection in regard to what you
14	and Steve talked about in regard to that PROF note?
15	A	He had been told that as far as the physical
16	relationship between him and his wife that they weren’t
17	compatible.
18	Q	On down there, it says this:
19			I guess you sense that I’m somewhat
20			different because I’ve never had someone
21			tell me outright.
22		 What was your conversation with Steve about
23	that?
24	A	He was coming to accept the way his wife felt about
25	the relationship, and he was just learning to accept it.



1	Q	Was he down to the point where he accepted it and
2	going to go on?
3	A	Yes. But he said he wasn’t going to keep trying to
4	work things out.
5	Q	I’m sorry?
6	A	To work things out in that area, he wouldn’t quit
7	trying.
8	Q	He would not quit trying?
9	A	Right. -
10	Q	There’s a phrase where he says:
11			I’ve told you about my little bout with
12			jealousy.
13		 What was your conversation with Steve in that
14	regard?
15	A	There was someone in the office that I was talking
16	with quite a bit.
17	Q	What did you and Steve discuss in that regard?
18	A	He just wanted to make sure that he and I would
19	remain friends.
20	Q	Did he talk with you about that?
21	A	Yes.
22	Q	Now, there’s a phrase at the end of that particular
23	PROF note that says “please come see me at 3 for a
24	Rancher.”
25	A	Yes.



1	Q	What does that have to do -- what’s that -- in that
2	regard, what was your conversation?
3	A	It was Jolly Rancher candy, one of my favorites.
4	Q	Let me ask you to look at a note dated May the 17th
5	of 1990. At the bottom, it says page 161.
6			MR. CORGAN:	Your Honor, I’m going to
7	object in going through these. These have been admitted.
8		The jury has not had an opportunity to see these
9	displayed to them. He’s not putting them in context that
10	they’re there.
11			THE COURT:	Overruled. Go ahead.
12	Q	(By Mr. Carlson)	There’s a -- now, this is a note
13	from Steve -- or I’m sorry -- from you to Steve; is that
14	correct?
15	A	Yes.
16	Q	And I find this language:
17		We really do have a lot to be thankful for
18		(health, homes, jobs, etc.)
19		Now, what were your conversations with Steve in
20	regard to this note?
21	A	We both felt like that we did have a lot to be
22	thankful for. The things we mentioned, health, homes, and
23	jobs, we were thankful.
24	Q	I’m sorry?
25	A	We were thankful.



1	Q	You also wrote “we have been forgiven.” What did you
2	have reference to?
3	A	To the affair that we had had.
4	Q	Would you look at a note dated again, the same day,
5	May the 21st, 1990. At the bottom of it, it says page 53.
6		With regard to a statement -- and this is a note
7	from Steve to you; is that correct?
8	A	Yes.
9	Q	And in there, there’s a statement:
10			I have been feeling these things for the
11			last two years but have kept them hidden.
12			What was the conversation between you and Steve
13	in that regard?
14	A	He and his wife had had problems with their physical
15	relationship for several years, but he had never really
16	said anything about it or brought it out.
17		But he finally came to realize that there was
18	really no reason for them to have these problems and that
19	they should work on that area of their life.
20	Q	Let me ask you about the next note or another note
21	that’s May the 22nd, 1990, and says page 55. This is a
22	note from Steve to you; is that correct?
23	A	Yes. And you’ll look there, and you’ll see this
24	statement:
25		I know where I need to be, and I know you



1			understand but I’ll still miss it.
2			What’s the conversation between you and Steve?
3	What does that have reference to from your recollection?
4	A	I think we were going to go to lunch together that
5	day, and his son had a school picnic. And so he was going
6	to go there instead.
7	Q	This is a note he wrote to you across the mail
8	system?
9	A	Yes.
10	Q	Look at a note dated 5-29-90. It has at the bottom
11	page 60. Do you find that one?
12			MR. CORGAN:	Page number?
13			MR. CARLSON: 	I’m sorry?
14			MR. CORGAN:	What page?
15			MR. CARLSON:	Page 60.
16	Q	 (By Mr. Carlson)	Do you find that, Miss Aubrey?
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	Within that note, there’s this statement and I
19	want to ask your recollection of your conversation with
20	Steve about this item.
21		And this is -- again, this is a note from Steve
22	to you; is that correct?
23	A	Yes.
24	Q	I went to bed by myself with the ceiling
25	fan on medium and the window wide open all



1			night and slept. When I woke up this
2			morning, I was still all by myself.
3		What’s your recollection of your conversation of
4	you and Steve in that regard?
5	A	Sometimes when one of their boys would have trouble
6	going to sleep or something, they would sleep with his
7	wife; and he would sleep by himself.
8	Q	There’s a note dated May 31st of 1990. It’s page 66
9	at the bottom. Did you find it? 
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	In there it says “he was up at all hours of the
12	morning.” What was your conversation with Steve in that
13	regard?
14	A	He usually stayed up late to work on church work, and
15	that’s what he was referring to.
16	Q	There’s a note dated June the 1st, 1990. Has page
17	181 at the bottom.
18		And there’s a phraseology, says “or closer to
19	the 23rd.” What was the conversation with Steve?
20	A	He received his 10-year service award on this day,
21	but his actual anniversary date would have been the 23rd,
22	10-year anniversary with the company.
23	Q	Were you and he planning to go to lunch that day?
24	A	I invited him to lunch because of his 10-year
25	anniversary.



1	Q	That would be the 10-year anniversary at Phillips?
2	A	Yes.
3	Q	There’s a note, again, dated June the 1st, 1990; and
4	it has page 69 at the bottom of it.
5		And in that note, there’s this language, “If you
6	like, I’ll call and explain to him.” What’s your
7	recollection of that?
8	A	I did take him to lunch on his 10-year anniversary
9	with the company.
10		And on the way back across the street from our
11	office, we ran into my husband. And we both said hi and
12	talked for a few minutes and went on.
13	Q	Any problems?
14	A	No.
15	Q	There’s a note dated June the 4th of 1990, with page
16	70 at the bottom of it. Do you find that one?
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	In the third paragraph and this is a note written
19	by Steve, is it not?
20	A	Yes.
21	Q	And Steve wrote to you. Said:
22			Mine wasn’t so good, but that’s nothing
23			new, I worked and I tried, but still I got
24			chewed.
25			What were your conversations with Steve about



1	that?
2	A	I can’t recall.
3	Q	I’m sorry?
4	A	I can’t recall.
5	Q	Was it anything major that you can think of?
6	A	No. I’m sure if it was, I would have remembered.
7	Q	There’s also a note that same day, June 4th, 1990, at
8	page -- it’s labeled page 71.
9		And there’s reference in that particular note.
10	that -- You need a moment to look at it? -- where Steve
11	says I got into a major fight with her and went and found
12	some ribs.
13		Do you remember the conversation you had with
14	Steve in that regard? If you do, would you please tell us
15	what it was?
16	A	I never had the impression they ever had any major
17	fights because usually, she just wouldn’t talk.
18	Q	Is that the way that Steve would describe a fight, a
19	major fight is that they just didn’t talk?
20	A	Yes.
21	Q	Had he described that on more than one occasion?
22	A	Yes.
23	Q	Situation where when they had a disagreement, they
24	just didn’t communicate?
25	A	Yeah. She



1			MR. CORGAN:	Your Honor, I’m going to
2	object to counsel testifying.
3			THE COURT:	Sustained.
4	Q	(By Mr. Carlson) Is that the way Steve described it
5	to you?
6	A	Yes. She just wouldn’t talk.
7	Q	There’s a PROF note dated 6-6-90 at page 72. In
8	that, there’s -- it’s a note from Steve to you, is it not,
9	ma’am?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	And down at the bottom, it says, “Read it and believe
12	it! I hope it helps”?
13	A	Yes.
14	Q	And in the note, it describes emotions, for instance,
15	to down and depressed; is that correct?
16	A	Yes.
17	Q	What’s the -- what was your recollection of your
18	conversation with Steve about that note?
19	A	Because of the problems in my marriage, many times I
20	was pretty down; and he wrote this to me to encourage me.
21	Q	I’m sorry?
22	A	To encourage me.
23	Q	Okay. There’s a note dated June 7, 1990, with page
24	74.
25	A	Yes.



1	Q	Did you find it?
2	A	(The witness nodded her head up and down).
3	Q	And in that particular note, it had reference “happy
4	birthday to you.” It’s from Steve to you; is that
5	correct?
6	A	Yes.
7	Q	And down at the bottom, he says “Happy Birthday,
8	Signed with Love;” is that correct?
9	A	Yes.
10	Q	And what’s your recollection of your conversation
11	with him about “Signed with Love”?
12	A	We were friends. It was just signed with love as one
13	friend to another friend.
14	Q	Is “love” a word that’s used around your church?
15	A	Yes.
16	Q	Is “love” a word that’s used around the Assembly of
17	God Church with regard to one person to another?
18	A	Yes.
19	Q	And at your Assembly of God Church, do you hear
20	people say to another one I love you, John?
21	A	Yes.
22	Q	Did you feel like or were you ever told by Steve that
23	he loved you like you love a wife?
24	A	No.
25	Q	Were you ever led to believe that?



1	A	No.
2	Q	There’s a note dated June the 11th, 1990; and it’s
3	page 78. In there, there’s a statement. And this is a
4	note from Steve to you again; is that correct?
5	A	Yes.
6	Q	It says: “Saturday afternoon and evening was
7	real strange.”
8	A	Yes.
9	Q	Can you tell me what your conversations were with
10	Steve about that statement “Saturday afternoon and
11	evening was real strange”?
12	A	What I recall is that on Saturday evening, his wife
13	was suppose to be home before nine o’clock.
14		She had assured him he would be home that she
15	would be home before nine o’clock. And she hadn’t arrived
16	by that time, and he was concerned.
17		And I think her mother had called to see if
18	she’d made it home yet. And he was concerned because she
19	was late.
20		And when she did come home, she seemed to be
21	bothered about something. And he asked her, you know, why
22	she was so late.
23		She said she had stopped by the Apple Tree Mall
24	to check on her dad’s things.
25		And he had said that why didn’t she come home



1	first and then they could have all went together.
2		And she seemed upset and took the baby and left
3	and went to the store, I believe.
4	Q	There’s an additional note of June the 11th, 1990;
5	and it’s page 193. And it’s written from you to Steve; is
6	that correct?
7	A	Yes.
8	Q	Within those notes, there’s this statement that you
9	make. “I just can’t seem to shake these feelings that I
10	have.” Tell me about your conversation in that regard.
11	A	Because of the problems I was having in my marriage,
12	I would be up and down.
13		One day, I would be really up and think I can
14	make it through these problems.
15		And the next day, I would feel like I don’t know
16	if I can make it or not.
17		And those were the feelings I couldn’t seem to
18	come to grips with.
19	Q	Those were the feelings that you were communicating
20	to Steve that you couldn’t come to grips with; is that
21	correct?
22	A	Yes.
23	Q	And you make another statement: “I just don’t know
24	what is going on with me right now.” What did you mean by
25	that?



1	A	There were many times that I just felt like I needed
2	time just to think and to be by myself because of the
3	problems I was having in my marriage.
4		And I believe that was what I was referring to.
5	I just needed some time.
6	Q	Let me ask you to look at the last note which is on
7	June the 11th, 1990, on page 80. And this is a note from
8	Steve to you; is that correct?
9	A	Yes.
10	Q	And the statement is made there, “All I know is that
11	I care a lot.” Tell us about that.
12	A	He knew how up and down I was about my marriage, and
13	he was just telling me that he cared about what I was
14	going through.
15	Q	Did you and he talk about that?
16	A	Yes.
17	Q	He goes on in the note. He says:
18		I’ll bear with you always as long as I know
19		that I’m wanted.”
20	Tell us about that conversation.
21	A	It just goes back to I felt like that I burdened him
22	sometimes with my own problems, but he was a good friend.
23	And he would remain my friend as long as I needed someone
24	to talk to.
25	Q	Did you talk to him about the fact that when he says



1	that “I’m wanted”? Did you talk with him about that?
2	A	Yes.
3	Q	Is that what you mean, as long as he was wanted as a
4	listener, as a friend?
5	A	Right, yes.
6	Q	You specifically talked about that?
7	A	Yes.
8	Q	And there’s this statement,
9			I hope you know how special you are and
10			that I want to help.
11	What conversations did you have in that regard?
12	A	We were special friends, and he cared about me and
13	what I was going through.
14		And if he could help me in any way just by
15	listening, then he wanted to do whatever he could.
16	Q	Let me hand you, ma’am, what’s been marked as State’s
17	Exhibit 61.
18		Direct your attention to a page which has a 25
19	up in the corner of it. And there’s a phrase at the very
20	bottom of this that says:
21			Isn’t it kind of ironic to you that God
22			spared your family in the wreck but not
23			your possessions?
24	Did you and Steve -- did you find that?
25	A	This isn’t the right --



1	MR. CORGAN:	Counsel, it’s 21.
2	Q	(By Mr. Carlson) I’m sorry. Twenty-one. Excuse me.
3	What did I say? Twenty-five?
4	A	(The witness nodded her -head up and down).
5	Q	I’m sorry. I’ll read the phrase again. Says:
6			Isn’t it kind of ironic to you that God
7			spared your family in the wreck but not
8			your possessions?
9	And, first off, can you tell us what this is?
10	A	I believe this was a note that he was going to send
11	to my husband.
12	Q	And was it ever sent?
13	A	Not to my knowledge.
14	Q	Can you tell us, did you and Steve talk about the
15	fact that he had written a proposed note to your husband?
16	A	No.
17	Q	Can you tell us within the note the tenor of the note
18	and what Steve is saying to your husband -- his proposed
19	note?
20			MR. CORGAN: Your Honor, the note speaks
21	for itself. We’d request that she read the note.
22	Speculating for her to interpret the tenor.
23			THE COURT: Sustain the form of the
24	question.
25	Q	(By Mr. Carlson)	Would you go ahead and read the



1	note?
2	A		I have sat back and watched this
3			foolishness long enough. When you finish
4			reading this you’ll have a choice to make:
5			to stop and consider some of the thoughts
6			or toss it in the trash and mumble about
7			it. Regardless of what you do, you won’t
8			be able to say that people didn’t care
9			about you. How much longer are you going
10			to drag this mess out? How much longer do
11			you think your family can continue to live
12			this way? That must be a living Hell. Do
13			you have any idea why your family hasn’t
14			left you already? I’m guessing that deep
15			down inside, they still love you and have a
16			little hope that you’ll wake up before they
17			can’t take it any longer. Why would they
18			stick around if they didn’t think you were
19			too far gone? I’m sure that if you made
20			the effort, they would meet you more than
21			half way. It appears to us that you are on
22			the verge of losing everything in your life
23			-- wife, kids, respect, friends --
24			everything! We don’t want to see that and
25			surely deep inside you don’t either. Isn’t



1			it kind of ironic to you that God spared
2			your family in the wreck but not your
3			possessions. Shouldn’t that give an
4			indication of what
5	Q	And then the note is not finished? It just ends with
6	“what”?
7	A	Yes.
8	Q	To your knowledge, did your husband ever receive this
9	particular note, ma’am?
10	A	No.
11	Q	Let me direct your attention to the State’s Exhibit,
12	which also has a memo; and it’s labeled up the right-hand
13	corner 15. Do you see that number written up there?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	Can you tell us what the memo is? Is that a letter,
16	or is that a memo that came across the -- written to you
17	or how did that happen?
18	A	It was probably written and handed to me.
19	Q	Do you know why this was written to you from your
20	conversation with Steve?
21	A	Yes.
22	Q	I’m sorry?
23	A	Yes.
24	Q	Can you tell us why it was written to you?
25	A	I had told Steve why do you bother with me because I



1	have so many problems. Why do you remain my friend
2	because I probably just drag you down because I’m so up
3	and down all the time?
4		And he wrote this note saying that he would
5	remain my friend as long as I needed one.
6	Q	In there, he says, “Is that what you really want for
7	me to go away?” What was the conversation in that regard?
8	A	I had just said if I was you, I wouldn’t put up with
9	me. I’d forget me and my problems.
10	Q	It says in there: “Lady, I’m here with you for the
11	duration.” What was your conversation with him in that
12	regard?
13	A	That as long as I had problems and needed someone to
14	talk to that he would, he would be there as my friend.
15	Q	And at one point, it says:
16			And especially after (sic) night -- I think
17			they will always be there.
18	What was that conversation?
19	A	His wife had told him that as far as their physical
20	relationship, that she wasn’t going to change. That she
21	was happy the way things were.
22	Q	And he states:
23			I’m tired of it because I want to see this
24			situation to an end.”
25			What was your conversation with Steve in regard



1	to “this situation to an end”? What does that have
2	reference to from your recollection or your conversations?
3	A	He was tired of seeing me down and depressed all the
4	time because of what I was going through.
5		And he wished I could get my marriage problems
6	worked out so that I could be happy.
7	Q	Did he tell you that?
8	A	Yes.
9	Q	Now, there’s a page numbered 16. Do you find that?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	And in there, it says: “After reading the enclosed
12	memo -- And tell us, first, what this is again?
13	A	This was a note to me that he gave to me with the
14	memo we just went over.
15	Q	Now, I notice it’s entitled: “To: Debbe, From: A
16	special friend.”
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	It says:
19			After reading the enclosed Memo and you
20			still want me to leave you alone, well, I
21			guess I’ll just have to deal with that
22			then.
23		What conversations did you and Steve have about
24	that?
25	A	It refers back to when I said -- I’d made the mention



1	that with my problems, you should just leave me alone.
2		And he’s just saying after I read the, memo, if
3	that’s still the way I feel, then, then, you know.
4	Q	Okay. He goes on, and he says -- -there’s a comment
5	down towards the end.
6		It says: “By the way, has your rabbit died?”
7	Do you recall what that was about?
8	A	Yeah. He was referring to some Easter candy that he
9	had brought back from across the street. And he was --
10	that was his way of asking me if I had eaten it yet.
11	Q	Now, there’s a memo number 21 we covered. That was
12	the one that you read; is that correct?
13	A	Yes.
14			MR. CARLSON:	Bear with me just a moment,
15	Your Honor.
16	Q	(By Mr. Carlson)	When was the last time that you
17	talked with Steve, Mrs. Aubrey?
18	A	June the 11th, 1990.
19	Q	And approximately what time?
20	A	About, around five o’clock.
21	Q	Just as you were getting off work?
22	A	Yes.
23	Q	That’s when he told you he was going to go home and
24	mow the lawn?
25	A	Yes.



1	Q	Thank you.
2			THE COURT:	Redirect?
3	- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6	Q	Miss Aubrey, your memory’s improved, hasn’t it,
7	ma’am?
8			MR. CARLSON:	Objection, Your Honor.
9	That’s not a question. Ask that it be stricken.
10			THE COURT:	Sustained.
11	Q	(By Mr. Corgan)	Miss Aubrey, have you and I had
12	occasion in the past to attempt to talk about the PROF
13	notes?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	Do you recall back prior to the preliminary hearing
16	being in my office with Mr. Mason?
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	And we attempted to talk about the PROF notes at that
19	time, didn’t we, ma’am?
20	A	Yes.
21	Q	And you were having some memory problems then,
22	weren’t you?
23	A	Yes.
24	Q	And your memory has improved now, hasn’t it?
25	A	You never furnished me the notes to look at.



1	Q	Ma’am, you didn’t, you didn’t want those notes to
2	look at, did you?
3	A	You made mention before I left on that occasion that
4	you would get the notes to me to study, and you never did.
5	Q	So you received the notes, and you’ve had an
6	opportunity to study those.
7	A	I have read the notes, yes.
8	Q	When did you have an opportunity to do that?
9	A	I went over them Tuesday evening.
10	Q	Tuesday evening?
11	A	Yes.
12	Q	Well, now we had occasion to talk, when was it,
13	Saturday afternoon?
14	A	Yes.
15	Q	At my office?
16	A	Yes.
17	Q	And we attempted to talk about the notes then, didn’t
18	we?
19	A	Yes.
20	Q	Did you request -- have any concern about the PROF’s
21	notes at that time?
22	A	You didn’t offer to give them to me, and I didn’t ask
23	for them.
24	Q	Why didn’t you ask, ma’am?
25	A	I don’t know.



1	Q	Didn’t seem important?
2	A	I don’t know. I didn’t.
3	Q	How is it that you had occasion to review those on
4	Tuesday?
5	A	They were furnished to me by the defense.
6	Q	And you read those at that time?
7	A	I have read them, yes.
8	Q	And that helped refreshed your memory as to the
9	context of these notes?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	Now, you’ve told us on cross-examination that Mr.
12	Allen never told you he loved you; is that right?
13	A	That’s right.
14	Q	Did that surprise you?
15	A	No.
16	Q	Why not?
17	A	There was never any reason for him to.
18	Q	Well, he told you -- he signed a birthday card with
19	love, didn’t he?
20	A	I don’t recall how it was signed.
21	Q	Well, wasn’t that one of the PROF’s notes? Happy
22	birthday?
23	A	Oh, you mean the PROF’S notes?
24	Q	Yes, ma’am.
25	A	Yes, signed with love.



1	Q	And you didn’t find that to be strange, did you?
2	A	I just knew that it meant as a friend.
3	Q	And part of the reason you knew that was because that
4	was the way you talked in your church.
5	A	Because we were just friends, and I just I knew
6	what he meant.
7	Q	Well, ma’am, you shared something deeper and more
8	special with him than just friendship, didn’t you?
9	A	It was only as friends.
10	Q	And it didn’t surprise you that as the two of you
11	would share the most intimate relationship a man and a
12	woman can have that he never said to you he loved you?
13			MR. CARLSON:	We would object. Leading,
14	Your Honor.
15			THE COURT:	You may answer.
16			THE WITNESS: Pardon?
17			THE COURT:	You may answer.
18	A	It didn’t surprise me because we didn’t love each
19	other as you’re referring to.
20	Q	(By Mr. Corgan)	You were just having sex?
21	A	That’s right.
22	Q	Did you find that to be satisfying?
23	A	Yes.
24	Q	And he found it to be satisfying.
25	A	I’d guess you’d have to ask him.



1	Q	Well, he told you he found it to be satisfying,
2	didn’t he?
3	A	He indicated to me, yes.
4	Q	In fact, you both were -- felt good that you didn’t
5	have problems.
6			MR. CARLSON:	Your Honor, we’re going to
7	object to the argumentative and leading nature of the
8	question. This is not cross-examination. She’s his
9	witness.
10			THE COURT:	She’s answered.
11	Q	(By Mr. Corgan)	Now, you’ve told us the physical
12	relationship ended when?
13	A	The first week in January of 1990.
14	Q	So all of these notes that we have before us would
15	have been written after the physical relationship had
16	ended.
17	A	That’s correct.
18	Q	Miss Aubrey, I’ll hand you State’s Exhibit Number 60.
19	Call your attention to the first page there, page 7.
20	Would you tell us who that note is to?
21	A	It’s to me.
22	Q	And who is it from?
23	A	From Steve.
24	Q	When was it written?
25	A	The 26th of January.



1	Q	At what time?
2	A	9:17.
3	Q	And what does that note say?
4	A		“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: Be not
5			dismayed, for I am thy God: I will
6			strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;
7			yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand
8			of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
9	Q	Would you tell us the context of that particular
10	note?
11	A	It was written to me because of the problems I was
12	going through, and it was an encouragement to me.
13	Q	Move on to the second page. When was that note
14	written?
15	A	May the 1st of 1990.
16	Q	At what time?
17	A	8:02.
18	Q	And who is that note to?
19	A	To me.
20	Q	Who is it from?
21	A	From Steve.
22	Q	Now, can you tell me, ma’am, if Mr. Allen ever had
23	occasion to travel as part of his work?
24	A	Yes.
25	Q	And do you know if between January and May of 1990,



1	he had occasion to be gone out of state as a result of his
2	work?
3	A	Yes.
4	Q	And where did he go, and when was he gone?
5	A	He went to Portland, Oregon. It was probably in
6	March of that year.
7	Q	Now, does that note of 5-1-90 at 8:02 have a subject?
8	A	Yes, it does.
9	Q	And what does that say:
10	A	“I’ll need your help.”
11	Q	Read us that note, please, ma’am.
12	A		Debbe, I going to try hard to do what you
13			feel needs to be done but I am going to
14			need your help. If you will not totally
15			ignore me and shun me and not try to avoid
16			me, then I would be willing to do anything
17			(include climb a mountain) for you. You
18			have enough worries without me being a
19			crybaby! After the things I was told last
20			night, I am still going to need to see a
21			smiling face. A happy Debbe will make
22			Steve feel lots better. And I understand
23			that you can’t be happy all the time.
24			Maybe I have smothered you too much and if
25			so I’m sorry. I do care so much. In fact



1			its because I care that that I’m willing to 
2			give up so much for myself if you think it
3			will help you. Some of the things I was
4			told last night are truly amazing and it
5			will take me a long time to get over them
6			if I ever do. And if I have to do that
7			without any help from you then I’ll just
8			have to do that. I still hope to be the
9			best friend you ever had and hope that
10			you’ll continue to have a special place for
11			me. I’m crying so I had better stop! I
12			promise to keep a stiff upper lip and a
13			cheery smile. Please help me and I’ll do
14			my best to help you. You’ll always have a
15			friend back here who is rooting for you and
16			believes in you. This is not a good-bye,
17			its a good morning! See you in a minute
18			and at the meeting at 10. Later ‘gator!
19	Q	I believe on cross-examination, you had told us that
20	you felt like you were bringing Mr. Allen down; is that
21	correct?
22	A	Yes.
23	Q	Well, from the context of this note, did you ever
24	have the feeling he was smothering you?
25	A	No.



1	Q	You didn’t get that impression.
2	A	I never had that feeling.
3	Q	So what do you think he meant when he said there:
4			Maybe I have smothered you too much and if
5			so I’m sorry.
6	A	It’s probably because at times, I kept my -- tried to
7	keep my thoughts to myself, my problems to myself.
8		And maybe he felt like that at times, he was --
9	he felt like I needed someone to talk to and that maybe he
10	tried too hard sometimes to help me with my problems.
11	Maybe I just wanted to be left alone sometimes.
12	Q	Now, he says in therE:
13			some of the things I was told last night
14			are truly amazing.
15	What did you tell us the context of that was?
16	A	It was about the physical relationship between him
17	and his wife.
18	Q	Do you know how they had talked to each other about
19	that?
20	A	Just a little.
21	Q	And how had they done that?
22	A	You mean, what was their conversation?
23	Q	Yes.
24	A	I know that he had tried to do special things for her
25	and that she had said that she wasn’t going to change, was



1	content.
2		And he tried hard to work on that part of the
3	relationship, but he didn’t seem to be getting any
4	response from her.
5	Q	What was your impression of Mrs. Allen’s attitude
6	towards sex with her husband?
7	A	That she just wasn’t interested in a physical
8	relationship.
9	Q	Are you aware that he wrote her-a letter about that?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	Did he talk to you about that?
12	A	He told me that he had written her a letter, but he
13	did not show it to me.
14	Q	And did he tell you when in relation to this note of
15	May 1, ‘90, that he wrote her the letter?
16	A	I can’t recollect the timing.
17	Q	Do you know if they discussed the letter the night
18	before?
19	A	Not to my knowledge.
20	Q	Let’s move on to the next page. What’s the date on
21	that memo?
22	A	May l
23	Q	What time?
24	A	8:45.
25	Q	And who is that from?



1	A	It’s from Steve to me.
2	Q	Read that to us, please.
3	A		Great!! I’ve been hoping for quite some
4			time that I would get
5	Q	Excuse me. Start with where it says “Subject.”
6	A	Oh.
7			Subject: I’ll need your help. Great!!
8			I’ve been hoping for quite some time that I
9			would get the tape you promised. I do know
10			that you are hurting and I want to be a
11			comfort to you -- not a burden. But the
12			thought of completely losing all touch of
13			you was the heaviest thing I have ever
14			carried around! We are not losing each
15			other. I now know that! We will have each
16			(sic) other to when we need them. Thanks
17			for thinking about me and wanting to make
18			the tape for me. I also just wanted to say
19			that I did not plan that last night
20			(showing up at the light just as you went
21			to cross Frank Phillips Blvd.) I’m sorry
22			if I made you uncomfortable. Maybe I’ll
23			tell you what went on last night some time.
24			By the way, the furniture did come. Thanks
25			for lifting my spirits!!



1	Q	Will you explain to us the context of meeting you at
2	the stop light?
3	A	I have to cross Frank Phillips to go to my car; and
4	probably, as I recall, he was -- came to the stop light
5	about the time I was ready to cross.
6	Q	Now, you’re not alone in doing that, are you?
7	A	In walking to my car?
8	Q	Lots of folks cross Frank Phillips.
9	A	Yes.
10	Q	What was the problem with you crossing at the same
11	time Mr. Allen arrived?
12	A	I don’t recall.
13	Q	Pardon me?
14	A	I don’t recall.
15	Q	When you had occasion last Tuesday to read through
16	this note, did you think about that then?
17	A	No. It didn’t have any great impression that I
18	thought about it. I didn’t think -- it didn’t mean
19	anything to me.
20	Q	Does it mean anything today?
21	A	No.
22	Q	You don’t recall having any conversation with him
23	about that?
24	A	No, I don’t.
25	Q	That’s just a blank.



1	A	Yes.
2	Q	Let’s move on to the next page. What date is that
3	note?
4	A	May 3rd.
5	Q	What year?
6	A	May 3rd, 1990.
7	Q	What time?
8	A	1341.
9	Q	What time is that?
10	A	1:40.
11	Q	Pardon me?
12	A	1:40.
13	Q	Who is that note to?
14	A	To me.
15	Q	From whom?
16	A	From Steve.
17	Q	Would you read that to us, please?
18	A		This started out as a note but became too
19			long! There is nothing bothering me or on
20			my mind that I can’t or haven’t already
21			told you. I don’t have anyone else that I
22			can be completely open with and there is no
23			reason for me to hold back from you. I
24			guess you sense that I am different because
25			I have never had someone tell me outright



1			things like I have been told lately. It
2			has been a real jolt! There is nothing
3			inside me that is trying to get out that I
4			can’t say to you. Nothing. Sometimes I
5			believe that you want to, but have a hard
6			time believing that I am completely honest
7			with you. The fact is, I am being
8			completely honest with you (and myself) and
9			you are not use to that. If I wasn’t
10			completely honest, I could never have told
11			you about my little bout with jealousy. I
12			know I don’t have any right to feel that
13			way but sometimes that’s the way it is. I
14			NEVER want to keep you from having other
15			friends! I just want to keep you as my
16			friend!! To sum this “message’ up, I guess
17			you are seeing or “sensing” a little
18			difference in me because I’m reacting (or
19			learning to react) to some things that I
20			have been trying to say weren’t really
21			there. But when they are said straight to
22			your face, you have to face up to them. I
23			know you understand that more than I and I
24			hope that you won’t read any more into it
25			than that. “I know in whom I hath



1			believed, and am persuaded that He is able,
2			to keep that which I’ve committed, unto him
3			against that day” That may be paraphrased
4			but its close! I do know that I need and
5			want to talk at noon and other times when
6			we have the opportunity. And I do try to
7			be sure I have the opportunity. If it
8			doesn’t work out on a particular day I’ll
9			miss it but there will be tomorrow. I
10			don’t want to “smother” or “threaten” you.
11			I want you to know I want to do the things
12			I ask or suggest. It’s that simple. It
13			will probably take you a half of day to
14			wade through this but I wanted to get it
15			out. And see, there is really nothing to
16			get out!! If this seems a little
17			disjointed or like a scatter-brained, then
18			you have finally learned how my little
19			pea-brain works!! Please come see me at 3
20			for a Rancher! (Come earlier if you wish!)
21			I’ll quit for now!! I care - Believe it.
22	Q	And is that signed?
23	A	“Steve Allen.”
24	Q	Now, he says in there:
25	I am being completely honest with you and



1		myself and you are not use to that.
2	Can you explain what he meant by that?
3	A	The part that I’m not use to it is because there’d
4	been many times my husband hadn’t been honest with me.
5	And he’s saying that he is honest with me.
6	Q	And then he goes on and says:
7			But when they’re said straight to your
8			face, you have to face up to them.
9			Is that referring to Mrs. Allen’s attitude about
10	the sexual relationship?
11	A	Yes.
12	Q	Now, in addition to these notes, did you all
13	communicate to each other back and forth in between times
14	between these notes?
15	A	You mean, did we talk in person?
16	Q	Yes.
17	A	Yes.
18	Q	And that is part of the way you that can tell us what
19 	these notes mean and what they involve?
20 	A	 Yes.
21	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What is the date on
22	that?
23	A	May 17, 1990.
24	Q	What time?
25	A	8:55.



1	Q	Who is that to?
2	A	It’s to Steve.
3	Q	Who is it from?
4	A	From me.
5	Q	Starting with the subject, would you read that to us,
6	please?
7	A		Subject: Good Morning!! Good morning to
8			you too! I pray that this will be a great
9			day also. I’m going to try hard too. 6.
10			For me - I get to see you. 7. We really
11			do have a lot to be thankful for (health,
12			homes, jobs, etc.) 8. We know God CAN
13			work miracles. 9. We know God has
14			everything in control and knows just where
15			we are. 10. We have been forgiven!!!
16			“Let us not become weary in doing good, for
17			at the proper time we will reap a harvest
18			if we DO NOT GIVE UP” (Galations 6:9)
19			Have a great day !!!!!!!
20	Q	Now, it goes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Are there 1, 2, 3,
21	4, and 5?
22	A	Yes.
23	Q	And what were those 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5?
24	A	I don’t remember exactly what they were. They were
25	what Steve had written to me.



1	Q	Well, as best you recall, what were his 1, 2, 3, 4,
2	and 5?
3	A	They were on the same -- along the same line as what
4	I had written here.
5	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
6	A	May 21, 1990.
7	Q	What time?
8	A	1407.
9	Q	Who is that note to?
10	A	It’s to me from Steve.
11	Q	Would you read that to us, please.
12	A		SUBJECT: Thanks Thanks for: being a
13			friend, for listening, for sharing, for
14			caring, for understanding and most of all,
15			for being someone with whom I can be myself
16			with. All these things make you very
17			special to me. If the truth would be
18			known, I have been feeling these things for
19			the last few years but have kept them
20			hidden. Believe me when I say that for me
21			to open up to you the way I have has been
22			something that I never dreamed I could do.
23			You are such a help right now in my life
24			and I want to be the same for you. I have
25			always tried to be honest with you and I



1			want to keep it that way. I don’t know why
2			I’m a little “blue” today but that’s the
3			way it is. Hopefully, I’ll get kicked
4			sometime this afternoon and switch gears.
5			Thanks for being yourself around me. That
6			makes me comfortable when I know you aren’t
7			“putting on” for my sake. Like you said,
8			that’s what friends are for (now I will be
9			thinking of that song the rest of the
10			day!). You told me once that I was a
11			dreamer. That’s probably true. However,
12			you have to have an imagination to be a
13			dreamer. And I don’t want to ever lose
14			that. I guess this seems like I’m rambling
15			(which, of course, is the truth). I guess
16			thats the way my mind is working (if you
17			can call it that!) today. You don’t have
18			to put on any “airs” with me and I don’t
19			feel like I have to with you either.
20			That’s one of the things that’s so neat.
21			We each have the other to confide in and
22			know that we aren’t going to get beat over
23			the head about anything. I sometimes think
24			that so much has been pent up inside of me
25			over the last years that everytime I get



1			(sic) a little out, there is a whole lot
2			more that wants to come out. I don’t want
3			to drown you - just maybe get you a little
4			wet. I do want you to get me wet too.
5			Well, I’m rambling again so I’ll shut the
6			faucet off for a while. Thanks for being
7			there! Steve Allen
8	Q	Did he explain to you what he meant by so much had
9	been pent up inside of him over the last years and letting
10	a little out?
11	A	He and his wife had had problems with their physical
12	relationship for several years, and he had always just
13	accepted it.
14		And when he finally started talking about it and
15	facing up to it, I believe that’s what he was referring
16	to.
17	Q	Let’s move on to the next page. What date is that
18	note?
19	A	May 22, 1990.
20	Q	What time?
21	A	7:51.
22	Q	Who’s that to?
23	A	It’s to me from Steve.
24	Q	Would you read it to us, please?
25	A		Just a short note to say “Howdy” this



1			morning! I always like to be the first to
2			tell you! I know you are busy responding
3			to everyone on Profs each morning so I’ll
4			wait until after you get through your
5			morning “mail” to talk to ya. Hope your
6			evening was good and the kids did well at
7			their ballgames. I always like to hear
8			about them!! Later ‘regator!! Steve Allen
9	Q	Go do the next page. What date is that?
10	A	May 22, 1990.
11	Q	What time?
12	A	11:45.
13	Q	Who is that to?
14	A	To me from Steve.
15	Q	 Read that to us, please.
16	A		SUBJECT: NOON I’m going to miss our time
17			together! I know where I need to be and I
18			know you understand but I’ll still miss it.
19			I don’t know if I don’t think I can survive
20			without it or that I want to believe that
21			you need me! (Really, I know you’ll do
22			fine without me!!) I do hope you have a
23			great lunch because you’re a great lady!!
24			Also: beautiful, charming, captivating,
25			generous, lovely, kind, thoughtful,



1			appreciative, wonderful, fun, warm-hearted,
2			caring, enticing, “kicky”, honest,
3			courteous, loyal, open and just an
4			all-round fun person to be with and have
5			for a friend!! Steve Allen
6	Q	Now, did I understand you to tell Mr. Carlson that
7	the context of this was that the two of you were not going
8	to have lunch that day because Mr. Allen needed to attend
9	a school function of his son?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	So we’re just talking about lunch that one day?
12	A	In this note, we are, yes.
13	Q	Let’s move on to the next note, please, ma’am. What
14	date is that?
15	A	May 25, 1990.
16	Q	What time?
17	A	8:23.
18	Q	Who is that to?
19	A	To me from Steve.
20	Q	Would you read that to us, please?
21	A		SUBJECT: An Amazing Discovery Can you
22			believe it, I wrote this myself! Just a
23			short note to say, How happy I’ll be to see
24			you this day! Maybe at noon we can go out
25			in the sun, To walk, and talk, and have all



1			kinds of good fun! I’d better quit and run
2			down for a while, But when you come see me,
3			I want to see a big smile! (On second
4			thought, maybe its not so hard to believe I
5			wrote it!!) HAVE A GREAT DAY!! STEVE
7	Q	Let’s go to the next note. What date is that?
8	A	May 25, 1990.
9	Q	What time?
10	A	8:59.
11	Q	Who is that to?
12	A	It’s to Steve from me.
13	Q	Would you read that to us, please?
14	A		Subject: An Amazing Discovery That’s
15			great - I Love It! You must be in a really
16			good mood today to be inspired like that.
17			It looks like a beautiful day out. The
18			temp is already 78. I may take vacation
19			this afternoon but would like to do
20			something at noon if you want to. We won
21			our ballgame last night. It was a good
22			game and Eric played really good. His
23			hitting is finally starting to come around.
24	Q	Who is Eric?
25	A	My son.



1	Q	Let’s go to the next note, please. What date is
2	that?
3	A	May 29, 1990.
4	Q	What time?
5	A	8:11.
6	Q	Who is that to?
7	A	To me from Steve.
8	Q	Would you read that, please?
9	A		SUBJECT: Here we go again! I tried all
10			weekend to write you a song, But try as I
11			might, it never came along. All I did was
12			sit, sit, sit, sit, And nothing happened,
13			not one little bit! And then last night as
14			I was laying in bed, A few things started
15			to pop in my head. So I rolled over and
16			turned on the light, And what do you know,
17			they flew out in the night! So I got here
18			this morning with nothing to say, Except
19			that I hope that you HAVE A GREAT DAY! The
20			sincere desire from the bottom of my heart,
21			Is that your day has gotten off to a good
22			start!
23	Q	Is that signed?
25	Q	So was your impression that he wrote that at home?



1	A	No.
2	Q	Well, what do you think he was referring to when he
3	said lying in bed, a few things popped in my head. So I
4	rolled over and turned on the light, And what do you know,
5	they flew out in the night?
6	A	I got the impression he was thinking about this.
7	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What is the date on
8	that?
9	A	May 29, 1990.
10	Q	Time?
11	A	8:35.
12	Q	Who is that to?
13	A	It’s to Steve from me.
14	Q	Would you read that, please?
15	A			SUBJECT: Here we go again! Very, very
16				good. I Love It! I think you have just
17				discovered a new talent. Hope your day has
18				gotten off to a good start also.
19	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
20	A	 May 29, 1990.
21	Q	What time?
22	A	8:46.
23	Q	Who is that to?
24	A	It’s to me from Steve.
25	Q	Would you read that, please?



1	A		Subject: Here we go again! Ok, so you’re
2			not going to tell me how you are doing this
3			morning or how yesterday went. Well, I’m
4			going to tell you any way.- I’m tired,
5			sunburned and glad to be here! (Is that
6			like being “fat, dumb and sassy”?) I
7			almost called in for a half day of vacation
8			this morning. I’m beat! We did get the
9			drains in yesterday and I’m glad for that.
10			Forty-five minutes after finishing
11			yesterday, we went with the families I
12			wanted to go to Tulsa with and went out in
13			the country for a weiner roast. I was soo
14			pooped but we went and the boys really
15			 enjoyed it so it was worth it. We didn’t
16			get back until after 9:30 last night. Then
17			everyone had to bathe and get cleaned up.
18			I did find out that your body will sleep
19			when its tired enough! I went to bed (by
20			myself) with the ceiling fan on medium and
21			the window wide open all night and. slept!
22			When I woke up this morning I was still all
23			by myself. Let me know today (this
24			morning, at noon, whatever) how your day
25			went and how you’re doing. I care! Later



1	‘gator!
2	Q	Apparently, you wrote him a note prior to that; is
3	that correct?
4	A	I think it was the note I just read previously.
5	Q	Okay. Well, it says reply to note of 5-29-90 and is
6	that the one right before it?
7	A	Yes.
8	Q	Now, what did he mean when he said that he slept by
9	himself all night?
10	A	That was when one of his children would have problems
11	sleeping, many times they would sleep with his wife; and
12	he would sleep by himself.
13	Q	So he was just informing you that apparently one of
14	the children had a problem the night before.
15	A	Yes.
16	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
17	A	May 29, 1990.
18	Q	What time?
19	A	9:13.
20	Q	Who is that to?
21	A	It’s to Steve from me.
22	Q	Would you read it, please?
23	A	Here we go again! I am tired, sleepy, my
24	body is stiff, my allergies are bothering
25	me and to top it off I just tore a hole in



1		my hose other than that my day has started
2		off OK.
3	Q	You weren’t having too good a day, huh?
4	A	Normal.
5	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
6	A	May 31, 1990.
7	Q	What time?
8	A	8:12.
9	Q	Who is that to?
10	A	Me from Steve.
11	Q	Would you read it, please?
12	A		I’m a little late with this this morning
13			but it didn’t come very easy today - I must
14			still be asleep. Here’s a quick note just
15			to say Hi! Said Steve as he heaved a great
16 			sigh. You see, he was up at all hours of
17			the morning, But he came on to work with
18			much moaning and groaning. So listen real
19			closely, here’s what I say, That I hope
20			that you have a Great, Great, Great Day!!
21			The sincere desire from the bottom of my
22			heart, Is that your day has gotten of f to a
23			great start!
24	Q	Move on to the next note. What date is that?
25	A	May 31, 1990.



1	Q	What time?
2	A	8:23.
3	Q	Who is that to?
4	A	It’s to Steve from me.
5	Q	Would you read that, please?
6	A		It is of f to a much better start now. I
7			love it! Why was you up all hours of the
8			morning? I over slept this morning. I was
9			in a deep sleep and couldn’t make myself
10			wake up. It was 7:00 when I finally
11			managed to get my eyes opened. How was
12			your evening? We didn’t have our ballgames
13			last night so we went to church. I just
14			now found the sweet and sour cherry laffy
15			taffy. Thanks. Hope you don’t have too
16			much trouble staying awake today. I’ll try
17			to buzz you every now and then to keep you
18			on your toes. Had a good, good day!!!
19	Q	What’s that about the sweet and sour cherry laffy
20	taffy?
21	A	I liked sweet and sour cherry laffy taffy; and,
22	evidently, he had left a piece on my desk.
23	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
24	A	June 1, 1990.
25	Q	What time?



1	A	 11:22.
2	Q	Who is that to?
3	A	It’s to Steve from me.
4	Q	Would you read that, please?
5	A		SUBJECT: INVITATION Since you received
6			your Service Award today, and because I
7			happen to have money at the moment, I would
8			be truly honored if you would allow me to
9			take you to lunch in celebration of 10
10			years with Phillips Petroleum Company. If
11			you cannot make it today or would rather
12			wait until another day or closer to the
13			23rd I promise to save my money until then.
14	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
15	A	June 1, 1990.
16	Q	What time?
17	A	11:25.
18	Q	Who is that to?
19	A	It’s to me from Steve.
20	Q	Would you read that, please?
21	A		Subject: INVITATION Obviously, my message
22			was a little premature (although it (sic)
23			is true that I care!) I would be most
24			honored to be your guest this fine day!!
25	Tell me where to be and I’ll be there



1			bouncing like a pup!! Flash STEVE ALLEN
2	Q	And is signed for -- what does it say?
4	Q	Move on to the next page. What date is that?
5	A	June 1, 1990.
6	Q	What time?
7	A	1346.
8	Q	Who is that to?
9	A	It’s to me from Steve.
10	Q	Would you read that, please?
11	A		SUBJECT: Thanks First of all - THANKS! -
12			for being so thoughtful and taking me to
13			lunch. I really did enjoy it and
14			appreciate you even thinking about doing it
15			for me. However, Ihope it didn’t end on a
16			sour note for you. If you like, I’ll call
17			and explain to him (I won’t unless you say
18			so). I’m not ashamed of going to lunch
19			with you and I hope you feel the same way.
20			If you feel uncomfortable, I’m sorry! I
21			try not to keep you from doing things at
22			lunch, including meeting him, and you don’t
23			keep me from doing things either. As Gomer
24			Pyle would say, “Thank ya, Thank ya, Thank
25			ya!!” for taking me out on such a “special”



1			occasion. It touched me! STEVE ALLEN
2	Q	Now, and by “him,” you were referring to your
3	husband.
4	A	Yes.
5	Q	Was there some problem with you having lunch with Mr.
6	Allen?
7 	A	No.
8	Q	What was the reference to a sour note?
9	A	That’s the day we had met my husband on the street
10	and talked for him for just a minute, and there was no
11	problem.
12	Q	What then I don’t understand the reference to sour
13	note.
14	A	Steve probably figured it may have bothered me, but
15	it didn’t bother my husband.
16	Q	What would give Mr. Allen reason to think it bothered
17	you?
18	A	Maybe I gave the impression that it did that it --
19	I	-- Maybe I gave the impression that my husband might
20	would say something, but he didn’t mention it.
21	Q	Now, was your husband aware of the affair that you
22	and Mr. Allen had had?
23	A	Yes, he was.
24	Q	How was he aware of that?
25	A	I had told him.



1	Q	When did you tell your husband that?
2	A	Approximately in October of 1989.
3	Q	That was during the affair.
4	A	Yes.
5	Q	And what did you tell him at that time?
6	A	Just that I had had an affair with Steve Allen.
7	Q	You didn’t tell him that it continued?
8	A	At that point, we -- at that time, we hadn’t intended
9	to continue.
10	Q	But it did continue after you told your husband?
11	A	Yes.
12	Q	Let’s look at the next note. What date is that?
13	A	June 4, 1990.
14	Q	What time?
15	A	8:22.
16	Q	Who is that to?
17	A	To me from Steve.
18	Q	Would you read it, please?
19	A		SUBJECT: “The Lousy Poet” Well, Good
20			Morning to YOU! And a hearty “How do you
21			do”! My desire for you on this fine sunny
22			day, Is that you get all your wishes,
23			that’s what I say. How was your weekend?
24			What did you do? Did you drive over to
25			Grove, or go to a zoo? Was your weekend



1			exciting, a real humdinger? Or was it just
2			average, or even a stinker? Mine wasn’t so
3			good, but that’s nothing new, I worked and
4			I tried, but still I got “chewed”. I
5			wanted to call, I needed to SO bad, But I
6			didn’t, and that made me even more sad.
7			It’s midnight now and I can’t get away, I
8			wanted to cruise by, even if I couldn’t
9			stay. Aaron is tired, and crying, and
10			fussy. Everyone is still up, so I better
11			get busy. You don’t know how happy my eyes
12			want to see you. To be here and know that
13			care about me too. I hope that today this
14			puts a smile on your face, If I can do
15			that, I’ll be beaming all over the place!
16			Well, it ain’t too good - I’m glad I don’t
17			have to do this for a living!! Hope this
18			helps get your day off in the right
19			direction. Let’s have a great week!! Hope
20			to hear from you too! FLASH STEVE ALLEN
21	Q	Now, what did he mean when he said:
22			I work and I tried but still I got
23			“chewed”. I wanted to call, I needed to SO
24			bad.
25	A	I don’t know exactly what the problem was; but,



1	evidently, he felt like that he needed someone to talk to.
2	Q	He said before that: “Mine wasn’t so good, but
3	that’s nothing new.”
4	A	Yes.
5	Q	Do you know what he meant when he said that to you?
6	A	Not specifically.
7	Q	You all didn’t discuss that?
8	A	I don’t recall anything specific.
9	Q	Just assumed that it was one of those minor things
10	where they had an argument and she wouldn’t talk?
11	A	Yes.
12	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
13	A	June 4, 1990.
14	Q	What time?
15	A	8:40.
16	Q	Who is that to?
17	A	It’s to Steve from me.
18	Q	Would you read that, please?
19	A		 “The Lousy Poet” Good morning to you!
20			Looks like you’ve been busy. If you keep
21			this up you might could do it for a living.
22			It’s great. I had busy weekend but not a
23			real exciting one. I guess you’d call it
24			average. Saturday we went to a place over
25			by Ketchum and then went to Tulsa to Tulsa



1			Book and Supply and came back to
2			Bartlesville to the mall and went to eat
3			and then went to the church to set up for
4			childrens church and then about 9:30 we
5			went to the Phillips ball fields to watch
6			my nephews play softball and then went home
7			and I got to bed around 1:00. I was really
8			tired Sunday but I taught childrens church
9			and then had practice with the Kids
10			Production kids at 6:00. I never did make
11			it to SunFest. Did you? I’m tired today
12			but am hopeing for a good day and a good
13			week. Hope yours is too.
14	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
15	A	June 4, 1990.
16	Q	What time?
17	A	9:28.
18	Q	Who is that to?
19	A	It’s to me from Steve.
20	Q	Would you read that, please?
21	A		“The Lousy Poet” Yes, I went to Sunfest.
22			On Friday night I wandered around by myself
23			for over an hour and a half and ate some
24			half raw chicken strips! I couldn’t seem
25			to get interested in anything but really



1			didn’t want to leave either. I looked
2			around and walked back and forth and
3			totally tired myself out! I looked for you
4			but didn’t know if you ever made it or not.
5			How did the ballgames go? I hope she did
6			well! On Saturday, we took the boys out to
7			Sunfest from about 10:15 to 12:30. They
8			enjoyed it. I brought Matt and Aaron on
9			home and let Sandra shop at the Arts and
10			Crafts booths with Josh as long as she
11			wanted. We took a nap but I couldn’t
12			sleep. Later I mowed the front yard, fixed
13			the gas grill, got into a major fight with
14			her, went and found some ribs, cooked them
15			on the grill, fixed a picnic for all of us
16			on the patio, bathed both Josh and Matt and
17			took them to the Injuns ballgame. It was
18			real nice just sitting in the breeze at the
19			game and trying to relax. Both last night
20			and Saturday night were absolutely
21			 beautiful!! I couldn’t sleep Saturday
22			 night and finally got up and read until 2
23			 in the morning. Yesterday, she worked and
24			I finally broke down and cried and cried.
25			I tried to call but you were out. The



1			music minister we were interviewing this
2			weekend was a bust so I guess we won’t have
3			one for awhile. I tried to stay up and
4			work last night but nothing seemed to work
5			out. At 11:45, I went out for a walk. She
6			got up with Aaron and came to tell me about
7			 it and there I was outside! Boy, did I
8			hear about it! I went to bed around 12:45
9			and was still awake at 2. Sorry I dumped
10			all this on you this morning but I have
11			been a mess all weekend. I hope this
12			doesn’t drag you down but I do feel a
13			little “lighter” now! Thanks for
14			listening. How do you feel about lunch?
16	Q	Mr. Allen explain what he meant as to why he cried
17	and cried?
18	A	The best I can recall is that it just bothered him
19	that he could seem to get no response from his wife as far
20	as their physical relationship.
21		He wanted to work on it, but she did not. She
22	didn’t seem interested. And it hurt him that she didn’t
23	seem interested on working on it.
24	Q	Apparently, Mrs. Allen was not always quiet. He
25	says: “Boy, did I hear about it.” Did he tell you what



1	he meant by that?
2	A	Usually, he would get up with the kids when one of
3	them woke up at night; and, evidently, she had to get up.
4		And upon finding that he was already up and
5	hadn’t taken care of the baby, then, evidently, she was
6	upset about it.
7	Q	Apparently, from the note, he was not even in the
8	house. Would you agree with that?
9	A	Yes.
10	Q	Let’s go on to the next note. What date is that?
11	A	June 6, 1990.
12	Q	What time?
13	A	1338.
14	Q	Who is that to?
15	A	It’s to me from Steve.
16	Q	Would you read that, please?
17	A		SUBJECT: Resolution WHEREAS, As a Child
18			of God, it is not God’s will for my life to
19			be “blue”, down or depressed, and WHEREAS,
20			The emotions of “blue”, down or depression
21			are not of God, and WHEREAS, It is not in
22			my own or my children’s best interest to be
23			“blue”, down or depressed, and WHEREAS, It
24			is not physically or mentally healthy for
25			me to be “blue”, down or depressed,



1			RESOLVED, That from this moment forward, I
2			will not allow myself to be “blue”, down or
3			depressed and come what may I know that God
4			loves and cares for me and that settles it!
5			FURTHER RESOLVED, That I recognize, know
6			and understand that others love, cherish
7			and think highly of me and that the
8			opinions and friendship of those people are
9			important and meaningful to my triumphant
10			life! Read it and believe it!! I hope it
11			helps (or at least knowing I care helps).
12			I want to see you (and hear from you) soon,
13			Baboon! (I just couldn’t pass it up!)
14	Q	Let’s go on to the next note. What date is that?
15	A	June 6th, 1990.
16	Q	What time?
17	A	1352.
18	Q	Who is that to?
19	A	It’s to Steve from me.
20	Q	Would you read it, please?	
21	A		Subject: Resolution I do know you care
22			and it does help. Thanks alot, I really
23			needed that. I took some things to the
24			Print Shop for Dennis and met my mom on the
25			way over. She had brought the kids



1			swimming so I went by and watched them for
2			awhile. I really enjoyed it. Wish I could
3			have stayed with them. Have a very good
4			afternoon!
5	Q	Now, Dennis, is that one of your other accountants
6	that you work with there?
7	A	Yes, it is.
8	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. And what date is
9	that?
10	A	June 7, 1990.
11	Q	What time?
12	A	7:58.
13	Q	Who is that to?
14	A	It’s to me from Steve.
15	Q	Would you read that, please?
16	A		SUBJECT: Hello Yea!!! Hurrah!!!
17			Bravo!!! Congratulations!!! All Right!!!
18			HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Happy birthday to you!
19			Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear
20			Debbe! Happy Birthday to you! (It’s a
21			real “gift” just for me NOT to sing it in
22			person!!) Here’s hoping that today is a
23			special day for you and that it will be the
24			first of many more special days. I hope to
25			do my part. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Signed with



1			Love, Flash STEVE ALLEN
2	Q	Let’s move on to the next note1 please. What date is
3	that?
4	A	June 7, 1990.
5	Q	What time?
6	A	11:32.
7 	Q	Who is that to?
8	A	It’s to me from Steve.
9	Q	Would you read that, please?
10	A		OK, here’s the plan: 1. I give you a $10
11			bill. (Not a bad start, huh?) I call in
12			an order at Evergreen. As soon as Jerry
13			leaves, you let me know and I head for the
14			car and you head for Evergreen. You pick
15			 up the “cuisine” (sic) and I’ll pick you
16			up. We head for the lake to have a
17			beautiful Chineese dinner overlooking a
18			peaceful lake under sunny clouds. We take
19			a 4 hour nap. We head back to town.
20			(Well, we may have to reverse the order of
21			#6 and #7.) How’s that (sic) sound to you?
23	Q	Who is Jerry?
24	A	He was my boss at that time.
25	Q	What’s Jerry’s last name?



1	A	Bork.
2	Q	Let’s move on to the next note, please. What date is
3	that?
4	A	June the 7th, 1990.
5	Q	What time?
6	A	11:38.
7	Q	Who is that to?
8	A	It’s to Steve from me.
9	Q	Would you read that, please?
10	A		It sounds great but I’d rather not reverse
11			6 and 7!
12	Q	And that’s replying to the other note?
13	A	Yes.
14	Q	Let’s move to the next note, please. What date is
15	that?
16	A	June the 11th, 1990.
17	Q	What time?
18	A	7:59.
19	Q	Who is that to?
20	A	It’s to me from Steve.
21	Q	Would you read that?
22	A		SUBJECT: Howdy I don’t think there is a
23			poem in me this morning but I still wanted
24			to be the first to shout, “Howdy, - Good
25			Morning - Have a great day!” to you! I



1			hope your weekend went fine. How was the
2			movie? Saturday afternoon and evening was
3			real strange. I’ll have to tell you about
4			it sometime (image that!). I seem to be
5			extremely tired this morning (more than
6			usual, anyway) but I’d better start getting
7			used to it. Let’s kick today off with a
8			smile. I know that you’ll make my day
9			brighter! Let me hear from ya! Later
10			‘gator!! STEVE ALLEN
11	Q	And extremely strange was the fact that Mrs. Allen
12	got home late?
13	A	The best that I can remember.
14	Q	Now, did she get home late on Saturday; or did she
15	get home late on Sunday?
16	A	I believe it was on Saturday.
17	Q	Let’s read the next note. What date is that?
18	A	June the 11th, 1990.
19	Q	What time?
20	A	8:35.
21	Q	Who is that to?
22	A	It’s to Steve from me.
23	Q	Would you read that, please?
24	A		Subject: Howdy Good morning to you. Hope
25			you have a good day.



1	Q	Let’s move on to the next note. What date is that?
2	A	June the 11th, 1990.
3	Q	What time is it?
4	A	1446.
5	Q	Who is that to?
6	A	It’s to Steve from me.
7	Q	Now, do you recall, Miss Aubrey, if on June the 11th,
8	1990, whether you and Mr. Allen had lunch together that
9	day?
10	A	No, we didn’t.
11	Q	Would you read that, please?
12	A		I’m sorry. I really and truly do not know
13			what is wrong with me. I just can’t seem
14			to shake these feelings that I have. I do
15			hope the rest of your weekend went alright
16			after I talked to you. The movie was very
17			good and yes, we did go by Homeland last
18			night after church. How was your wife’s
19			trip? Again, I’m really sorry. I just
20			don’t know what is going on with me right
21			now. Please ‘bear’ with me!
22	Q	Now, can I assume from that, that you talked with Mr.
23	Allen over the weekend?
24	A	Yes, I did.
25	Q	Would you tell us about that?



1	A	I called him on Saturday morning to talk to him for a
2	few minutes.
3	Q	And what was the purpose in calling him?
4	A	Just to see how he was doing. I knew his wife was
5	gone, and he was taking care of their son -- just to see
6	how he was doing. -
7	Q	When did she leave? Do you know?
8	A	I don’t recall.
9	Q	But she wasn’t around when you called. -
10	A	No.
11	Q	Let’s move on then to the last note. What’s the date
12	on that?
13	A	June the 11th, 1990.
14	Q	What time?
15	A	1507.
16	Q	And that would be a reply to your previous note; is
17	that correct?
18	A	Yes.
19	Q	Would you read that, please?
20	A		I’ll “bear” with you always as long as I
21			know that I’m wanted. I will not abandon
22			you!! Its the not knowing or doubt that
23			really tears me up. I don’t know, maybe
24			I’m too sensitive or too insecure or too
25			immature or something. All I know is that



1			I care alot! I seemed to keep running into
2			you this weekend. Sat afternoon I found
3			you parked at the movie. Later, I found
4			you at Price Cutter and wanted to come in
5			to “shop” so bad but knew I better not
6			because I knew everybody was with you. So
7			I went to Sonic and got Aaron and I
8			something to drink and waited until you
9			drove by. I honked alot but I don’t think
10			you heard me. I was leaving Braum’s when I
11			saw you drive by the entrance and then go
12			on to Homeland. I didn’t have any reason
13			to go in there either! Maybe I’m silly but
14			it helped just seeing you - even if you
15			were driving by and didn’t know I was
16			around! I guess I’m selfish but here’s how
17			it is - It doesn’t bother me near as much
18			for you to be wrapped up in your thoughts -
19			just as long you let me in with you. I’m
20			sorry if you feel like that is prying or
21			“being nosey” on my part. I really do care
22			and feel bad when I don’t know what’s going
23			on. There was about 6-8 cards that I
24			wanted to get. I hope you know how special
25			you are and that I want to help. Do you



1			have any ballgames or anything to go to
2			tonight? It would be great if you could
3			call but I know its difficult for you.
4			I’ll quit rattling but not being
5			concerned!! Let me know how things are.
7	Q	Did you receive some sort of card from Mr. Allen?
8	A	Yes, I did.
9	Q	And what kind of card was that?
10	A	It was a card, and I believe it had a bear on it.
11	can’t remember what it said.
12	Q	And I believe he says in that note that -- something
13	that he wishes you could call, but he knows it’s difficult
14	for you?
15	A	Uh-huh.
16	Q	What did he mean by that?
17	A	Because my kids played ball, and I’m out in the
18	evenings -- not at home in the evenings. So it’s hard for
19	me to call.
20	Q	Now, I won’t have you read them. Let’s look for a
21	moment. You have the other exhibit? Would you like me to
22	take this one?
23		Let’s look for a moment at -- is that State’s
24	Exhibit 61?
25	A	Yes.



1	Q	And in reference to the memo that’s reflected by page
2	15 and the note that’s reflected by page 16 and the note
3	that’s reflected by page 17, can you tell us the time
4	frame that those were written in?
5	A	I don’t remember the date.
6	Q	Can you give me a month and year recollection?
7	A	I’m sure it was 1990, but I do not remember the
8	month.
9	Q	I do want to ask you one thing about page 16. Well,
10	just read page 16 to us, please.
11	A		To: Debbe From: A special friend Well
12			here it is. Debbe, I don’t know how to be
13			any more frank than this. After reading
14			the enclosed Memo, and you still want me to
15			leave you alone, well, I guess I’ll just
16			have to deal with that then. It’s from my
17			heart. I really think we need to do what
18			I’ve written in D and E (both of us). I’ll
19			try if you will. I would like for you to
20			read it somewhere here at work, but where
21			you won’t be interrupted (tunnel, file
22			cabinets, bathroom or where ever). I think
23			it is that important. Well, today was the
24			3rd day this week where I didn’t get any
25			lunch! For some reason, that bothers me!



1			By the way, has your rabbit died? I had an
2			interesting talk with the Pastor today then
3			went and checked on my tire - again. On
4			the way back I was listening to the radio
5			and heard this song that made me cry:
6			I fyoudon’ tknowmebynow,
7			Youwillnever, never, neverknowme.
8			Heygirl, afterallwe’vebeenthrough,
9			Don’tchaknowme,likelknowyou. I guess after
10			your note this morning it was more than I
11			could handle. I wish I could sing it and
12			make it sound right but I’ve said that
13			before!! Like I said in the Memo, you may
14			dump me but you will never stop me from
15			caring. I hope you fully understand that.
16			There is a lot of me in that Memo - I guess
17			that’s why it took so long to write. It’s
18			from my heart. Looking forward to hearing
19			from you (and even more to seeing you back
20			here!). Later ‘gator!!!!
21	Q	Now, do you know what Mr. Allen meant when he
22	referred to checking on his tire?
23	A	He had had trouble with one of the tires on his car.
24	I don’t remember exactly what the problem was.
25	Q	Apparently was experiencing some difficulty with a



1	car tire.
2	A	Yes.
3	Q	What type of friend did you consider Steve Allen to
4	be?
5	A	A special friend.
6	Q	And he spent a lot of time being your friend, didn’t
7	he?
8	A	I suppose.
9	Q	He was concerned about you?
10	A	Yes.
11	Q	Concerned about the relationship in your marriage.
12	A	Yes.
13	Q	And he spent a lot of time visiting with you about
14	that and trying to help you with it.
15	A	Yes.
16	Q	And the two of you together spent a lot of time
17	helping each other and lifting each other up?
18	A	I don’t know about a lot of time; but, yeah, we tried
19	to help each other.
20			MR. CORGAN:	That’s all.
21			MR. CARLSON:	We have no questions.
22			THE COURT:	Step down then.
25			THE COURT:	If you can bear with us a



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