Published January 24, 2001

A time to heal, a time to build


Erap bashing and text jokes about the chosen eleven have become the order of the day. That is just as should have been expected, observers say. Perhaps. But the virulence that some have taken to gloating doesn't quite come across nicely.

This is the time to heal our riven land and people. Now that might sound like an empty echo of similar calls made in those times the nation came through the many crises that nearly brought us over the edge. And yet, tired or uninspiring as it may sound, it is the task to which we all have to put our collective shoulders to.

Others might object too on the ground that the ways the exhortation were handled before only meant the return of the looters whose plunder became even worse if only because "healing" was interpreted as forgiveness, first, and encouragement to resume the rotten ways.

This time around should be different. It is not likely that the Divine will intervene favorably again if we waste this reprieve. We've only been lucky so far.

And so, we have to go about the matter of healing. On the other hand, the hurt inflicted on us all was so great and brazen that the pursuit of human justice must not be forgotten. To do so would be to inflict a greater hurt. Fact is that the cynicism that already washes over a great part of the public can be overcome only by a just and determined effort to bring the guilty to their comeuppance.

If, in fact, the nation remains frayed at the core, that is the fault of those who ran roughshod over the law and the people. That, plus the apparent stupid belief that they could get away with it all.

Unfortunately, they would not have thought so if they did not find it all too easy to bribe and blind others to all the venality. So, even as it is for God to forgive, human justice must be imposed.

Only then can the task of building truly begin. The sooner that is done, the better. In fact, it is, like, yesterday that that should have been done. There is, therefore, an urgency to completing the healing process.

There is so much to build, and rebuild, that time is not a luxury we can afford. It is comforting to see that the new President Gloria Arroyo, has swiftly moved to restore some confidence in the state's leadership with the appointment of credible cabinet members. But that is really only the first step in the long crossing to the masses whose expectations have once more been raised.

It is the so-called toiling and sweating masses that must be the ultimate goal of building and reform. The latest revolt would not have been possible without their tacit and active participation. They may have not been part of the noisy crowds but their stoic labors as they watched while going about their lives kept the nation moving painfully along. Those who sacrificed their daily bread by joining the demonstrations were, perhaps, even more heroic. Never mind that when the shouting was all over they were not there at the triumphal stage. Such was their humble courage.

It is they who should thus be the final focus of building and rebuilding. They are the faceless oppressed who actually make the country. Their quiet dedication is the fuel that runs each day's travel.

This is the time to heal. True. But let us get it done quickly. The patient has been gravely wounded, but not mortally. The balm that should be applied, after the Divine intervention that ensured continued life, is justice applied to the criminals who struck the cuts. Justice might be a mere balm at first, but, to be sure, it will ultimately be the totally reconstructive prescription.

Then, when the patient is sturdily so restored, he will once again be the vital element who will show us all how the task of building and rebuilding is done. His/her brawn and simple dedication will be the stuff of our renewed lives. Let us heal them and they shall heal us.

* * * * *

How is it that those who made the unkindest cuts of all seem to be strutting about town like so many Judases." Their thirty and dirty pieces of gold still in their grubby hands, they prance about without repentance. Remorse, it seems, is absent in their hearts, if any.

The nation can be healed, but with the likes of them around, there will be an oozing and festering wound that will trouble the land.