Steve Davies Advanced Rider Training

Have you ever wondered why some riders seem to glide through bends, always on the right line, always at the right speed? Changing traffic conditions don’t cause them any problems; they’re in the right place at the right time. These skills don’t come naturally to most of us, but can be learned. You have made a big investment in your bike-why not invest in the skills to enjoy it?

Do you want to ride quicker and safer?

Are you back to bikes after a spell away?

Have you simply reached a glass ceiling with your riding?…We can break through it!

Fast road riding, motorway, town, defensive, RoSPA or I.A.M. we will build a course to suit your needs. Not your usual "pre-set for everyone", but a package built around what you feel you want. After a quick but thorough assessment ride your instructor may suggest areas to improve upon too.

Based on the "Roadcraft" system but with an up to date interpretation, your riding is guaranteed to improve, leaving you to ride with a higher margin of safety and increased speed. Learn to counter-steer properly, read the road more accurately, prioritise hazards etc. If the bend tightens up do you a) phone a friend b) go 50/50 c) ask the audience, or learn to deal with it now?

Training is usually conducted in North Wales (other areas on request) on a one to one basis (maximum 2 riders).

For longer courses accommodation can be arranged.

Training is given with an on-bike video (VHS), giving instant roadside feedback. This is yours to keep on completion of the course for future reference and the opportunity to study at home. Why not spread a course over a period of time giving you the opportunity to practice new techniques between training days?

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