1)What I say goes!  If you dont like it send me an e-mail asking me to change something but dont go demanding things if I dont change I dont care if you quit.
2)You may have 6 challenges (trainings searches battles ect.) but if you are challenged more than that many times its okay.
3)If you are challenged to a money, death, near death match, or dragon ball match you may decline if you want. Other than that you have to except.
4) Battles will be decided by Power levels, speed, attacks, and items (senzu beans, z sword ect.)
5)I accept only one e-mail of request per newsletter, but I'll except many question or complaint e-mails. Any others will be erased.
6)If I find a swear in the e-mails it will be erased and anything you asked to do in it will not be counted. If you send me a letter of complaint with a swear in it you"ll be kicked out.
7)Youll be notified by me if you become a super sayin, super namick, transform, become a perfect android or get a special power boost as a human
8) Sagas will only include the 5-10 charachters who are most powerul unless there all knocked out and leave the weaker charachters.
9) You get power increases from sagas so its important to work hard and raise your power level.
10) In tournaments your PL is also raised and after a match you get a senzu beans. If you win the whole thing you get a prize of $150
11) Finally to join you must send me an email with the name of your charachter. My adress is