Constitution of the NDPA
National Democratic Party of America
Of the
National Democratic Party

SECTION ONE The name of the organization shall be the National Democratic Party of America, hereinafter referred to as the “NDPA” or the Party.
SECTION TWO The Party’s name may only be changed by the Plenary Executive Order of the National President, or by a two-thirds vote of National Quadrennial Convention, as recommended by a two-thirds vote of the National Executive Board.  This section may not be amended.
SECTION ONE The purpose of the organization shall be to establish institutional democracy in American politics and government, and national political organization in the United States of America, with a membership goal of forty million citizens. The organization shall seek to elect its members to public office on every level from local to national in order to gain a majority in elective office, establish and define conservatism, and educate the general public in conservative values and policies. It shall also establish conservative policies, values, and beliefs as the law of the land through legislative action.  The membership goal may be adjusted only after the primary goal shall have been attained.

SECTION TWO In no instance shall conservatism be defined or policies pursued which shall not include the recognition of the unique Christian heritage of the United States, the absolute protection of the national sovereignty of the United States, the guardianship and the strict construction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States, and the protection of the American way of life, values, and honor as defined by the Party.

SECTION THREE The NDPA shall protect the life of the unborn at all costs, and shall, at the earliest possible moment, bring about the cessation of abortion within the territory of the United States through a Constitutional amendment, or a Constitutional Convention.  This shall be the most sacred duty of the Party, that is, to save the life of the most innocent and vulnerable citizens of our country.  Members of the Party who shall attempt to change the policy of the Party with regards to the unborn shall be subject to disciplinary action, which may include expulsion.  This section may not be amended. 

SECTION FOUR The NDPA shall protect the right to keep and bear arms, as the inalienable individual birthright of all Americans, to protect the absolute privilege of self-defense, and all other legal purposes, of all Americans.  To this end, the NDPA pledges itself to the creation of an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that shall clearly define this right, to include the right to carry a concealed weapon, in a manner established, directed, and governed by the various states, throughout the nation.  This section may not be amended.

SECTION FIVE The NDPA shall seek to establish an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which will prohibit the federal government thereof from signing and ratifying a treaty with any other country or group of countries, pursuant to Article Six of the Constitution, which shall surrender US sovereignty or armed forces to said country or group of countries, which shall include the United Nations.  At the earliest possible moment, the NDPA shall cause the United States to withdraw from membership in the United Nations, and require that organization to move its offices from American territory. This section may not be amended.

SECTION ONE Conservatism shall be defined as the love of God, family, liberty, and country, manifesting itself in the creation and maintenance of a society with strictly-limited government which protects God-ordained, fundamental, and Constitutionally-guaranteed human rights, and which preserves the political, social, and economic sovereignty of the United States of America.  Rights are instituted and ordained of God, flow to the people from Him, and it is the duty of government to protect those rights. The first right of all Americans is the right to life, and all other rights flow from it.

SECTION ONE There shall be three subsidiary organizations within the NDPA.  They shall be called, respectively, the National Security Force (NSF), The Piper’s Legion  (TPL), and Election Certification and Management.  Other organizations may be added as needed by order of the National Executive Board or the National Quadrennial Convention, or the National Congress.

SECTION TWO The National Security Force shall be a paramilitary group whose purpose shall be to protect the lives of NDPA officials, Party candidates for public office, Party property, and provide security for rallies, marches, conventions, etc.  The NSF shall always be in compliance with relevant federal and state regulations, especially as regards armed security officers and their training and registration.  The Chief of Staff - NSF shall direct the activities of the organization, subject only to the authority of the National President-NDPA.   The National President-NDPA shall be the National Commander of the NCF.

SECTION THREE The Piper’s Legion shall be an organization whose purpose shall be to provide personnel for election campaigns and membership drives, supplement the SF when necessary for rallies and conventions, perform charitable and philanthropic work, and other such duties as directed by its National Director, the National Executive Board, the National Quadrennial Convention, or the National President-NDPA. The National Director – Piper’s Legion, shall direct the activities of the organization, subject only to the authority of the National President-NDPA.

SECTION FOUR Election Certification and Management shall be an organization within the NDPA whose purpose shall be the certification of all public elections for contesting.  Also, ECAM shall provide staff, both paid and unpaid, for the campaigns of NDPA members for pubic office.  No member of the Party may officially declare themselves for candidacy to public office until Election Certification shall have certified said office to be contestable.  The criteria for such certification shall be determined by the National Executive Board or the National Quadrennial Convention, and shall include, but not be limited to, such standards as a percentage probability that a Party member shall be elected, the philosophy and voting record of a non-NDPA incumbent, and so forth.  The other major function of the organization shall be the training, hiring, and employment of campaign managers and staff.   The National Director - Election Certification and Management shall direct the activities of the organization, subject to the authority of the National President-NDPA, the National Executive Board, and the National Quadrennial Convention.

SECTION ONE The government of the NDPA on the national level shall be divided between an executive, legislative, and judicial branch, which shall be called the National Executive Board, the National Quadrennial Convention, and the National Court of Appeals, respectively.  Also, there shall be a National Congress of the NDPA.  All lower levels of Party government shall be directly connected and subordinate to the national organization in all respects.

SECTION ONE The National Executive Board shall be the supreme executive body in the Party, and shall have the authority to supervise the day-to-day affairs of the Party, financial, membership, legal, election certification, and so on, in the interim between National Quadrennial Conventions, to enforce the legislation of the National Quadrennial Convention, and oversee the relationship of the Party to its various subordinate levels, the Party membership, the general public, the government, and the news media.

Paragraph One The National Executive Board (NEB) shall consist of:  a National President (NP-NDPA), National Vice President (NVP-NDPA), Chief of Staff of the National Security Forces (COS-NSF), National Director of The Piper’s Legion (ND-TPL), the National Director of the Finance Division (ND-FIN), the National Director of the Membership Division (ND-MEM), the National Director of the Public Information Division (ND-PI), the National Director of Election Certification and Management (ND-ECAM), the National Chaplain (NCh-NDPA), and ten National Members-at-Large of the National Executive Board (NMAL), and the Regional Chairmen, who shall be ten in number.
Paragraph Two The number of NMALs may be changed from time to time by the Plenary Executive Order of the National President-NDPA, the two-thirds majority vote of the NEB, or the simple majority vote of the National Quadrennial Convention.  However, in no case shall the number of NMALs be constructed in such a way as to make the NEB have an even number of members.

SECTION THREE The full membership of the NEB shall convene once every month to conduct the affairs of the Party, and for this purpose, regular meetings shall be scheduled.  The NP-NDPA shall have the authority to convene an emergency session of the NEB whenever he shall deem it to be necessary.

SECTION FOUR An Executive Committee of the NEB, consisting of every member of the NEB except for the NMALs and the Regional Chairmen, may be convened by the NP whenever he shall deem it necessary.  Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be binding on the Party only until the regularly scheduled meeting or an emergency session of the NEB shall convene.

SECTION FIVE The National President of the NDPA shall be the highest executive officer of the Party.  He shall be elected for a lifetime term of office by a two-thirds majority vote of the National Quadrennial Convention.  The National President shall be compensated for his work, and provided with full benefits, to include retirement, health, life insurance, and etc.  His compensation shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars per annum, or be less than fifty thousand dollars per annum.  He shall be provided with an official residence.  The first NP-NDPA shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the Organizing Convention of the NDPA.

SECTION SIX The National President shall have the following powers, which are not inclusive of all powers and authorities which may be granted to him from time to time by amendments to this Constitution, actions of the NEB, legislation by the NQC, or decisions of the NCOA.
Paragraph One The NP shall have the authority to issue a Plenary Executive Order of the National President when he shall deem it necessary.  Such an order shall be binding upon the entire Party, and may be overturned only by the two-thirds majority vote of the NQC, which may be appealed to the NCOA.  Plenary Executive Orders may not be used where prohibited by this Constitution, or by subsequent amendments thereto.
Paragraph Two The NP-NDPA shall have the authority to convene the National Executive Board in special or emergency session at his discretion.
Paragraph Three The NP-NDPA shall have the authority to convene the National Quadrennial Convention in emergency session at his discretion, if the Convention Board shall concur with his decision by majority vote.
Paragraph Four The NP-NDPA shall have plenary power within the Party during the organizational period of the Party, which shall be defined as the period from the founding of the NDPA to the convening of the first National Quadrennial Convention.  Such authority shall include the power to appoint and dismiss officials of the Party, and all other actions, as he shall deem appropriate.
Paragraph Five The NP-NDPA shall have the day-to-day oversight of the operations of the Party, and shall enforce this Constitution, the laws and regulations of the Party, and the laws of the federal government and the various states as pertaining to the operation of the Party.
Paragraph Six The first NP-NDPA shall take the oath of office in the presence of the members of the organizing conference of the NDPA, and shall do so by placing his hand upon the Holy Bible and repeating the following oath:  I, (name), do hereby swear (or affirm) that I shall faithfully discharge my duties as President of the National Democratic Party of America to the best of my ability, and shall faithfully preserve and protect the Constitution of the National Democratic Party of America, and the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.
Paragraph Seven The NP-NDPA shall be the National Commander of the National Security Forces.
Paragraph Eight The NP-NDPA shall have the authority to appoint the following officers, which shall serve solely at his discretion:  Chief of Staff (National Security Forces), National Director (The Piper’s Legion), National Director (Finance), National Director (Membership), National Director (Public Information), National Director (Election Certification and Management), the National Chaplain, and the officers of the National Headquarters staff. Other officers may be appointed by the NP during the Organizational Period of the Party, and shall serve at his discretion.  In the interim between National Quadrennial Conventions, he shall fill vacancies in the National Members-at-Large, who shall serve until the next Convention.  He shall also have the authority to appoint and/or nominate other persons at any level of the Party, where he shall deem such action necessary.  Nothing in the section, or in any other part of this Constitution, shall be construed as restricting the National President’s authority to appoint officers as he sees fit, in conjunction with the provisions of this Constitution, and especially with Paragraph One above.
Paragraph Nine The NP-NDPA may be removed from his office by the following procedure, and only for cause.  If the Judiciary Committee of the National Quadrennial Convention shall recommend same by a two-thirds majority vote, a Bill of Impeachment
shall be submitted to the National Congress of the NDPA.  If the National Congress shall affirm the Bill of Impeachment by a two-thirds majority vote, the same shall be submitted to the floor of the NQC, detailing all of the charges and specifications against him.  Representatives of the Judiciary Committee shall act as managers, and shall present their charges and detail the evidence against the NP-NDPA to the floor of the NQC.  The National President himself then shall have the right to answer the charges before the floor, along with representatives of his own choosing, which shall include members of the Legal Division of the NDPA.  If the NQC shall vote to sustain the Bill of Impeachment by a two-thirds majority vote, the NP-NDPA shall retain his office, but his duties shall be assumed by the NVP until the case is appealed.  The NP-NDPA may then appeal the conviction to the National Court of Appeals, which must sustain the conviction by a unanimous vote.  If it shall do so, the NP-NDPA shall then be removed from his office.  A Plenary Executive Order may not be employed by the NP-NDPA to invalidate a Bill of Impeachment, a conviction by the NQC, or a removal from office by the National Court of Appeals.
Paragrpah Ten Cause for the impeachment of the NP-NDPA shall include, but not be limited to, conviction of a felony, violation or abuse of this Constitution, abuse of his powers as NP-NDPA for personal gain, and use of his Plenary Executive Authority to evade the provisions of Paragraph Six above. If he shall be convicted of a felony, and said conviction may be said to have a political motivation, he may not be removed from office. Impeachment for reasons that are deemed political in nature shall not be permitted under this Constitution.
Paragraph Eleven The National President may not be removed from office during the organizational period of Party.  This paragraph may not be amended.
Paragraph Twelve The NP-NDPA shall have the authority to select his successor to office, if he shall choose to do so, and such selection shall be binding upon the Party.  In the event that he elects to choose his successor, the selection shall override all provisions of this Constitution to the contrary.
Paragraph Thirteen The NP-NDPA shall be entrusted with the protection and preservation of the Constitution of the United States, as intended by the Founding Fathers of the nation, the Bill of Rights thereof, and the maintenance of the national sovereignty of the United States of America, which shall be construed to mean both economic and political sovereignty.  To this end, he shall dedicate his life and his efforts

SECTION SEVEN The National Vice-President of the Party shall be the second highest executive officer in the NDPA.  He shall be elected by the National Quadrennial Convention of the Party and shall serve a term of eight years.  The first NVP-NDPA shall be appointed by the NP-NDPA and shall serve at his discretion, or until the end of the first National Quadrennial Convention.  The NVP-NDPA shall have the following powers, privileges, and authorities.
Paragraph One The NVP-NDPA shall assume the duties of the National President, when the NP-NDPA shall so designate, or when he shall be incapacitated and incapable of performing his duties.  Upon the death of the NP-NDPA, the NVP-NDPA shall assume the office of National President with the following provisions:  he shall serve only until the next National Quadrennial Convention, and that the provision of this Constitution prohibiting the NP-NDPA from standing for public office shall not apply to him, unless he is elected to a lifetime term by the NQC in compliance with this Constitution.  The NP-NDPA shall ensure that the NVP-NDPA shall be thoroughly briefed and trained in the responsibilities of the National Presidency of the Party.
Paragraph Two The NVP-NDPA shall be the Chairman of the National Quadrennial Convention, and may designate other persons to discharge those duties at his discretion.  The NVP-NDPA shall direct the activities of the various officers and committees of the NQC, during the interim between Conventions.
Paragraph Three The NVP-NDPA shall maintain close contact with the members of the Executive Committee of the NEB, and shall recommend to the NP-NDPA occasions when said committee should meet in common or emergency session.
Paragraph Four The NVP-NDPA shall hold general officer rank within the National Security Forces.  The Chief of Staff of the NSF shall see to it that the NVP-NDPA shall be in all respects capable of assuming national command in same, should any of the events in paragraph One above occur.
Paragraph Five The NVP-NDPA shall be compensated for his office, with both salary and benefits.

SECTION EIGHT The Chief-of-Staff of the National Security Forces shall be the highest-ranking officer in his respective organization, and shall hold the power of an executive vice-president within the organizational table of the Party.  The NSF shall be established as a paramilitary organization, and the COS shall hold four-star general officer rank therein.  National Security Forces shall provide security for public events, protect NDPA property and documents, and protect the lives of NDPA officials. The COS-NSF shall recognize the NP-NDPA as National Commander status, and shall be appointed to his position by him, and serve solely at his discretion.  The COS-NSF shall also ensure the compliance of his organization with all applicable laws regarding the provision of security services, and the arming of any officers.  The NSF shall not be a “private army”, nor may they be used in such a manner.   To this end the COS-NSF shall maintain contact with all federal, state, and local authorities, and ensure the compliance of the NSF with all relevant laws.  The COS-NSF shall have the following powers, duties, and privileges.
Paragraph One He shall be a full member of the NEB, and shall be entitled to a vote within that body.
Paragraph Two The COS-NSF shall have full control of his organization, subject to the NP-NDPA, the NEB, laws enacted by the NQC, and all relevant state and federal laws.  He shall have the authority to appoint officers to all subordinate posts.  Upon his recommendation, the NEB shall raise officers within the NSF to general officer rank.
Paragraph Three The COS-NSF shall be appointed to his office by the NP-NDPA, and shall serve in such capacity solely at his discretion.
Paragraph Four The COS-NSF shall be compensated with salary and benefits for his services to the Party.

SECTION NINE The National Director-The Piper’s Legion shall be the highest-ranking officer of the Party in the Division of The Piper’s Legion.  He shall be appointed to his position by the National President-NDPA, and shall serve in such capacity solely at his discretion. He shall be entrusted by the Party with providing personnel for campaign staffs, to include campaign managers, membership drives, perform charitable and philanthropic work, and other such duties as directed by its Chief of Staff, the National Executive Board, the National Quadrennial Convention, or the National President-NDPA. The National Director – The Piper’s Legion, shall direct the activities of the organization, subject only to the authority of the National President-NDPA.  The ND-TPL shall be compensated with salary and benefits for his services, and shall have the following responsibilities and duties.
Paragraph One The ND-TPL shall oversee and have full control over the day-to-day operations of the Division of The Piper’s Legion, and shall have the authority to appoint and employ persons at the National level of the Party, and below, within his Division.
Paragraph Two The ND-TPL shall see to the accurate keeping of records for in his Division, and shall strictly maintain the confidentiality of said records.
Paragraph Three The ND-TPL shall fully cooperate with the Division of Membership in programs for the increase of membership, in cooperation with the NP-NDPA and the NEB. 
Paragraph Four The ND-TPL shall identify members of the Party interested in the philanthropic work of the Party, and shall coordinate their activities to serve the interests of humanity.  He shall also coordinate such work with the National Chaplain – NDPA.
Paragraph Five The ND-MEM shall be a full member of the National Executive Board, and he shall be entitled to a vote within that body.

SECTION TEN The National Director-Membership shall be the highest-ranking officer of the Party in the Division of Membership.  He shall be appointed to his position by the National President-NDPA, and shall serve in such capacity solely at his discretion.  The Division of Membership shall be charged with the keeping of all records pertaining to Party members, the expanding of the membership base, and other such functions as may pertain to Party members, and which shall be assigned the Division from time to time.  The ND-MEM shall be compensated with salary and benefits for his services, and shall have the following responsibilities and duties.
Paragraph One The ND-MEM shall oversee and have full control over the day-to-day operations of the Division of Membership, and shall have the authority to appoint and employ persons at the National level of the Party, and below, within his Division.
Paragraph Two The ND-MEM shall see to the accurate keeping of records for each member of the Party, and shall strictly maintain the confidentiality of said records.  The ND-MEM shall be held accountable for the unauthorized release of member records, and could be prosecuted for the release of certain types of records, such as Social Security numbers.  Under no circumstances shall he authorize the release of membership lists to other organizations.
Paragraph Three The ND-MEM shall develop programs for the increase of membership, in cooperation with the NP-NDPA and the NEB.  He shall also be responsible for the development of programs to increase member interest and participation in the activities of the Party.
Paragraph Four The ND-MEM shall be a full member of the National Executive Board, and he shall be entitled to a vote within that body.

SECTION ELEVEN The National Director-Finance shall be the highest-ranking officer of the Party in the Division of Finance.  He shall be appointed to his position by the National President-NDPA, and shall serve solely at his discretion.  The Division of Finance shall be charged with the collection, accounting for, investment, and dispersal of all Party funds, and shall also be responsible for the compliance of the Party with all laws, federal, state, and local.  To this end, the Division of Finance will create a legal department consisting of attorneys-at-law.  Also, the Division of Finance shall create the Party’s Human Resources Department for the National level of the Party.  The ND-FIN shall be compensated with salary and benefits for his services, and shall have the following responsibilities and duties.
Paragraph One The ND-FIN shall oversee and have full control of the day-to-day operations of the Division of Finance, and shall have the authority to appoint and employ persons at the National level of the Party, and below, within his Division.
Paragraph Two The ND-FIN shall collect, account for, and disburse the funds of the Party, whether said funds shall be from dues, gifts, or profit operations of the Party.  He shall also be responsible, in cooperation with officers from the Legal Department, for the regular auditing of the Party’s books at all levels of the Party.
Paragraph Three The ND-FIN shall develop fund-raising programs, in cooperation with the NP-NDPA and the NEB, and he shall see to it that said programs are in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.
Paragraph Four The ND-FIN shall prevent the unauthorized release of financial information, except where provided by federal, state, and local laws, and he shall be held responsible for the unauthorized release of such information.
Paragraph Five The ND-FIN shall be a full member of the National Executive Board, and he shall be entitled to a vote within that body.

SECTION TWELVE The National Director-Public Information shall be the highest-ranking officer of the Party in the Division of Public Information.  He shall be appointed by the National President-NDPA, and shall serve solely at his discretion.  The Division of Public Information shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining relations with the news media, the printing and dissemination of …Thunder, and the purchase and operation of broadcast and print media in each of the ten regions of the United States.  He shall also create a national university, and a regional educational unit in each of the ten regions.  He shall supervise the purchase of broadcast and print media in every city of the United States with a population of more than one million, and other such duties as shall be assigned to the Division from time to time.  The ND-PI shall be compensated with salary and benefits for his services, and shall have the following responsibilities and duties.
Paragraph One The ND-PI shall oversee and have full control of the day-to-day operations of the Division of Finance, and shall have the authority to appoint and employ at the National level of the Party, and below, in his division.
Paragraph Two The ND-PI shall be the Editor-in-Chief of …Thunder, and shall regularly contribute articles for the publication.
Paragraph Three The ND-PI shall supervise all of the purchased media sources, and shall also look after the creation of the educational units of the NDPA, to include the National University of the NDPA.
Paragraph Four The ND-PI shall have the primary responsibility to maintain effective communications and relations with the various sources of the news media, especially the national news media.
Paragraph Five The ND-PI shall be a full member of the National Executive Board, and shall be entitled to a vote within that body.

SECTION THIRTEEN The National Director-Election Certification and Management (ND-ECAM) shall be the highest-ranking officer of Election Certification and Management.  He shall be appointed to his position by the National President-NDPA, and shall serve solely at his discretion.  Election Certification and Management shall serve the functions as outlined in Article III, Section 4 of this Constitution.  The ND-ECAM shall be compensated for his services, and shall have the following duties and responsibilities.
Paragraph One The ND-ECAM shall oversee and have full control of the day-to-day operations of Election Certification and Management, and shall have the authority to appoint and employ at the National level of the Party and below, in his division.
Paragraph Two The ND-ECAM shall have the responsibility to certify every potential election contest that the NDPA shall participate in, in accordance with criteria that he shall develop in recognition of the provisions this Constitution, the directives of the National President, the directives of the NEB, and whatever directives shall be assigned it by the National Quadrennial Convention.  The ND-ECAM shall develop a corps of campaign managers and staff, and shall oversee the use of these people in support of the Party’s candidates for public office.
Paragraph Three The ND-ECAM shall be a full member of the National Executive board, and shall be entitled to a vote within that body.

SECTION FOURTEEN The National Chaplain (NCh-NDPA) of the NDPA shall be the spiritual leader of the Party, and shall administer the National President’s Fund.  In this duty, he shall coordinate his work with the ND-TPL.  He shall also perform other duties as may be assigned him by the NP-NDPA, or the NEB.  He shall be a full member of the National Executive Board, and shall be entitled to a vote within that body.  He shall be compensated for his services to the Party.

SECTION FIFTEEN The ten National Members-at-Large (NMALs) of the National Executive Board shall be full members of the National Executive Board, and shall be elected to their positions by the simple majority vote of the National Quadrennial Convention by a simple majority vote, for a four-year term of office.  The exact number of NMALs may be altered in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, but not in such a way that the number of NEB members constitutes an even number.  They shall be assigned duties by the NP-NDPA, and the NEB, and shall be supervised by one of their number elected among them to be Chief National Member-at-Large, who shall also act as a liaison between the NMALs and the NP-NDPA.  They may be removed from their office for cause by the two-thirds majority vote of the NEB, in which the offending member shall also be entitled to vote, or by the Plenary Executive Order of the National President-NDPA.  In the event of a vacancy in an NMAL position in the interim between National Quadrennial Conventions, the NP-NDPA shall have the authority to appoint a replacement.

ARTICLE VII The National Quadrennial Convention
SECTION ONE The National Quadrennial Convention shall convene once every four years, in the presidential election year, commencing in the year 2016, and shall elect the officers of the National Executive Board, subject to other provisions of this Constitution, select the nominees of the Party for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, amend this Constitution, and perform other such duties as it shall see fit to legislate, in compliance with the provisions of this Constitution.

SECTION TWO The National Quadrennial Convention shall be composed of the members of the National Executive Board, the State Presidents, the County Chairmen, and two delegates, along with two alternate delegates, elected at the Congressional District Caucuses in each state by a simple majority vote of the caucuses.  If there is a vacancy in a delegate or an alternate position, replacements may be elected by the Congressional District Steering Committee where the vacancy occurred, by a simple majority vote.  The Members of the NEB, the State Presidents, and the County Chairmen may each appoint an alternate delegate to represent them.

SECTION THREE At the earliest possible moment, the NDPA shall acquire secure electronic means whereby all members of the NDPA may vote in every resolution coming to the floor of the Convention.  Only the members of the NQC may propose or submit resolutions, or nominate candidates for public office in the Convention.

SECTION FOUR The standing committees of the NQC shall be the Convention Committee, the Credentials Committee, the Rules Committee, the Platform Committee, and the Judiciary Committee.  The Convention Committee shall determine the composition of these committees, and their exact functions.  The NEB shall appoint a Convention Committee prior to the first NQC, by a simple majority vote. 

SECTION FIVE Upon receipt of an impeachable charge against the NP-NDPA, the Judiciary Committee shall decide by two-thirds majority vote whether said charge is credible.  If it is deemed to be so, the Committee shall hold an evidentiary hearing, allowing both sides in the dispute to present evidence and testimony to support their position.  If the Committee shall decide, by a unanimous vote, that overwhelming evidence implicates the NP-NDPA in an impeachable offense, the Committee shall present a Bill of Impeachment to the NEB, after which the National Congress of the NDPA shall be convened by order of the NP-NDPA.  If the National Congress shall affirm the Bill of Impeachment, the matter shall be decided by the next National Quadrennial Convention for trial.  During this period, the NP-NDPA shall retain full powers, authorities, and privileges dues him as National President.

SECTION SIX The Chairman of the NQC shall be the National Vice President-NDPA, or his designee.  The Convention shall be governed in accordance with the latest version of Robert’s Rules of Order.  The Chairman shall also appoint a Vice-Chairman of the NQC.  Other officers shall include, but not be limited to, a Treasurer, a Sergeant-at-Arms, and a Parliamentarian, who shall also be appointed by the Chairman of the NQC. 

SECTION SEVEN The National Quadrennial Convention shall have the following authority, but shall not be limited to these powers and authorities specifically.
Paragraph One The NQC shall select the nominees of the Party for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States, by a two-thirds majority vote.
Paragraph Two The NQC shall elect the permanent National President of the NDPA, when there has been a vacancy in that office, by a two-thirds majority vote.
Paragraph Three The NQC shall constitute a trial board when the National President of the NDPA shall have been impeached by the Judiciary Committee of the Convention, and when said impeachment shall have been affirmed by the National Congress of the NDPA, and shall remove him from his office and duties upon a two-thirds majority vote.  If the NP-NDPA is removed from office, the NVP-NDPA shall assume the duties of National President until such time as the case is appealed to the NCOA.  He shall assume the office of National President-NDPA only if said appeal does not reinstate the former NP-NDPA.
Paragraph Four The NQC shall amend this Constitution, with the exception of those articles, sections, and paragraphs which are designated as follows: “This section may not be amended”.  This shall be by a two-thirds majority vote.
Paragraph Five The NQC may overturn a Plenary Executive Order issued by the National President of the NDPA in the interim between Conventions by a two-thirds majority vote.
Paragraph Six The NQC shall legislate in all matters affecting the government of the Party, shall approve the Platform of the NDPA, and shall approve the rules of the Convention by a simple majority vote.  The Convention shall also approve of the location of the next NQC by a simple majority vote upon the recommendation of the NEB.
Paragraph Seven The NQC shall elect the ten National Members-at-Large of the NEB by a simple majority vote, with the provision that one NMAL shall be selected from each of the ten regions in which the Party is organized.
Paragraph Eight The NQC shall elect the Justices of the National Court of Appeals to a lifetime term of office by a two-thirds majority vote, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Judiciary Committee.

ARTICLE VIII The National Court of Appeals
SECTION ONE The National Court of Appeals shall be the highest appellate body within the Party, and shall hear appeals from lower courts, along with other duties designated within this Constitution, and by the amending power of the National Quadrennial Convention.

SECTION TWO The NCOA shall be composed of a Chief Justice, and ten Associate Justices, and shall all hold their offices for a lifetime term of office.  The Chief Justice shall be elected by a two-thirds majority vote of the NQC, upon the recommendation of the Judiciary Committee.  The Associate Justices shall be elected by a two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Conventions, and there shall be one Associate Justice from each Region. They shall be compensated for their services to the Party.

SECTION THREE The NCOA may hear appeals from lower courts of appeals, may make judgment upon the constitutionality of legislative or executive acts of NDPA officials and bodies, and shall hear the appeal of a National President-NDPA who has been removed from office by action of the National Quadrennial Convention.

SECTION FOUR The Chief Justice shall determine, in consultation with the Associate Justices, which cases the NCOA shall hear. He does not require a vote or a majority assent of Associate Justices in his determination, though he may consult with them.

ARTICLE IX The National Congress of the NDPA
SECTION ONE The National Congress of the NDPA shall be an emergency body that shall be convened for the purposes of dealing with problems that cannot easily be solved by other bodies of the Party.  The National Congress shall have the authority to alter, amend, or otherwise modify this Constitution, to add or remove planks of the Party Platform, to remove officers of the Party from their positions for cause, and to expel members of the Party from the NDPA for cause.   Other authorities may be granted it from time to time by the National Quadrennial Convention, or the Plenary Executive Order of the NP-NDPA. 

SECTION TWO The National Congress of the NDPA may be convened only by the order of the NP-NDPA.  However, if the Judiciary Committee of the NQC shall submit a Bill of Impeachment against the NP-NDPA to the NEB, the NEB shall have the authority to convene the National Congress by a two-thirds majority vote. Any meeting of the Congress that shall be convened without the authority of the NP-NDPA shall be deemed illegal, and its proceedings null and void, except for the provisions in this section.

SECTION THREE The National Congress of the NDPA shall be composed of the members of the NEB, the Justices of the NCOA, the Regional Chairmen, the State Chairmen, and one member from each state to be elected to a four-year term of office by the various State Conventions by majority vote.  The NP-NDPA, or his designate, shall be the Chairman of the Congress.

SECTION FOUR If the Judiciary Committee of the National Quadrennial Convention shall vote in the affirmative to remove the NP-NDPA from his office, and shall submit a Bill of Impeachment against him to the NEB, the National Congress shall meet in special closed session (assuming a two-thirds majority vote in the affirmative by the NEB) to either affirm or deny such Bill of Impeachment.  The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee-NQC, or his designate, shall act as the manager for removal, and the NP-NDPA may appoint a manager to represent his interests.  After the presentation of evidence in closed session, the Congress shall vote to affirm or deny the removal, by two-thirds majority vote, after debate.  The NP-NDPA shall have the right to participate in debate, and the right to vote.

SECTION FIVE In an extraordinary emergency, the National Congress of the NDPA shall have the authority to meet in Constitutional Convention, for the purpose of writing a new Constitution of the NDPA.  It shall only do so when the NQC shall vote in two-thirds majority for same, and then, only after the recommendation of the National Executive Board, after a two-thirds majority affirmative vote.  If the Congress shall approve a new Constitution of the NDPA by a two-thirds majority vote, the Constitution shall be submitted to the entire membership of the Party for ratification, which shall require a sixty-seven percent majority affirmative vote to ratify.

ARTICLE X Other Levels of Organization
SECTION ONE In addition to the National level of organization; there shall be numerous other levels of organization in the NDPA.  The primary levels shall be Regional (of which there shall be 10), State, County, Local, Ward, and Precinct.  In addition, there shall be steering committees in Congressional Districts, State Senate, House, and Judicial Districts, Wards, Precincts, and in any other jurisdiction (such as local school districts) where public officials are elected.

SECTION TWO All levels of the Party shall be organized and connected to each other in a hierarchical whole, with the national organization at the apex of the organizational chart.  No level of the Party may withdraw from or otherwise disassociate itself from the Party as a whole.  No associated organization, which has been classified as an organic association, may withdraw or otherwise disassociate itself from the Party. If the membership of any level of the Party shall vote in the majority to disassociate themselves from the NDPA, the sole effect of their vote shall be to withdraw their persons from the Party.  Any persons who shall have voted in the minority, in such a case, shall remain members of the NDPA.  Any property, both real and otherwise, purchased with NDPA funds shall be the sole property of the Party.

SECTION THREE The National Executive Board shall determine the exact composition and function of each level of the Party, in accordance with state or other laws in the jurisdiction.  The National Quadrennial Convention may also legislate as to the composition and function of Party levels.

SECTION FOUR The ten regions of the Party shall have the following composition:
1) New England- Maine(19), New Hampshire(29), Vermont(45), Massachusetts(21), Rhode Island(39), and Connecticut(07)
2) Mid Atlantic- New York(32), Pennsylvania(38), New Jersey(30), Delaware(08), Maryland(20), and the District of Columbia(51)
3) Southeast- Florida(09), Georgia(10), North Carolina(33), South Carolina(40), Virginia(46), Puerto Rico(52), and the US Virgin Islands(54)
4) Northern- Michigan(22), Indiana(14), Ohio(35), Kentucky(17), and West Virginia(48)
5) Midwestern- Illinois(13), Wisconsin(49), Missouri(25), Iowa(15), and Minnesota(23)
6) Gulf- Louisiana(18), Arkansas(04), Mississippi(24), Tennessee(42), and Alabama(01)
7) Mountain- Idaho(12), Montana(26), Wyoming(50), North Dakota(34), and South Dakota(41)
8) South Central- Texas(43), Kansas(16), Oklahoma(36), and Nebraska(27)
9) Southwestern- Nevada(28), Utah(44), Arizona(03), Colorado(06), and New Mexico(31)
10) Pacific- California(05), Oregon(37), Washington(47), Alaska(02), Hawaii(11), and Guam(53).
The purpose of the Regions shall be to provide resources, including media and educational resources, which are not available at lower levels of the Party, and to coordinate the work of the Party in the various states and territories within the region.  Each region shall be governed by a Regional Board of Directors, whose chief executive officer shall be the Regional Chairmen (RgCH), who shall be appointed by the NP-NDPA, and who shall have authorities that shall be determined by the NEB.  The NP-NDPA and the NEB shall determine the further composition of the Regional Board.

SECTION FIVE In states and other levels of government where legal statute sets the organization of political parties, such mandates shall be the organization of the Party in that locality.  However, the NDPA shall reserve unto itself the power to appoint officers, establish organization, etc., where laws and statutes do not specifically prohibit it from doing so.  The NDPA shall also seek to alter the laws in states that mandate a party organization.

ARTICLE XI Membership in the Party
SECTION ONE Membership in the Party shall be open to any person who is a citizen of the United States, native or naturalized, and shall submit an Application for Membership and initiation dues.  The NDPA shall not discriminate in its membership on the basis of race, gender, ethnic background, religion, or in any other category.  Persons who are under the legal voting age may join the Party, and shall be full members thereof in every respect, but may not stand for Party or public office until they are 18 years of age, or of legal age for the public office in question.

SECTION TWO Persons 18 years of age, or older, whether they are native or naturalized citizens, may stand for Party office.  Persons desiring to stand for public office must meet all applicable US Constitutional and governmental requirements.

SECTION THREE Expulsion from the Party shall be a final step in a long process to be determined by the NEB, shall only be for cause, and may be appealed to the highest authorities, i.e., the National Court of Appeals.  However, a person may be expelled from the Party in an emergency situation by the National President-NDPA, and only by a Plenary Executive Order, or by the majority vote of the National Congress.

SECTION FOUR Membership in the Party shall carry with it duties, privileges, and responsibilities.  Every member of the Party shall pay annual dues, which may be paid in full or in monthly installments.  In return for the dues, the member shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership, which shall include a subscription to the Party’s periodicals, the right to stand for Party office, the right to stand for public office (for which they are legally qualified), any benefits which the Party shall offer, and all other privileges that may be granted the membership from time to time.  Every member of the Party shall have the right to expect that their dues shall be used to support the announced policies, platform, and program of the Party.  Every member of the NDPA shall be expected to support the Party’s candidates for public office, attend rallies and conventions, and to speak out for the Party’s program and policies.  All members of the Party shall be expected to be a good citizen of the United States, morally upright, to educate themselves in the issues of the day, and to support the Constitutional form of government of the United States of America.  No less than sixty percent (60%) of all dues shall be deposited in the Party’s General Election Fund, which shall be used as the sole means of funding campaigns for public office.

ARTICLE XII Relations with other Political Parties and Entities
SECTION ONE The NDPA shall attempt to establish working relationships with other political parties and entities.  In no instance shall the Party violate its conservative principles or this Constitution to do so, or cooperate with left wing parties or organizations, even for temporary political gain.  Either the NP-NDPA or the NEB shall determine which organization or entity is acceptable, and the level of association to be entered into.

SECTION TWO The NDPA shall have three levels of association with other political parties or entities.
Paragraph One Cooperative
A Cooperative Association shall be one in which the NDPA and the other organization shall cooperate with each other on a more or less permanent and voluntary basis.  Such a relationship may be broken by either organization at any time.
Paragraph Two Semi-Autonomous
A Semi-Autonomous association shall be one in which the other organization shall be an organic part of the NDPA, and shall receive the support and assistance of the Party, but shall govern itself in accordance with its founding charter and principles.  Such a relationship may only be broken by the action of the executive boards of each organization.

Paragraph Three Organic
An Organic association shall be one in which the other organization shall have fully submitted to the governance of the NDPA in every respect.  Such a relationship may not be broken.

SECTION THREE Under no circumstances shall the NDPA enter into an association with another organization which shall cause the Party to surrender its independence or autonomy.  This section may not be amended.

ARTICLE XIII Parliamentary Order
The National Democratic Party of America shall employ the latest version of Robert’s Rules of Order in its deliberative bodies.

ARTICLE XIV Amendments to this Constitution
SECTION ONE This Constitution may be amended by action of the National Quadrennial Convention by the following process.  Any delegate to the Convention may, in the twelve months prior to the convening of the NQC, submit to the Rules Committee of the Convention a proposal for an amendment.  After due consideration, the Rules Committee shall then vote on the proposed amendment, which must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote.  If approved, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Convention, which must approve the amendment by a two-thirds majority vote.  If approved, the entire membership of the Party must be polled within the next six months.  The proposed amendment shall be considered ratified if a majority of the Party membership shall vote for it in the affirmative.

SECTION TWO This Constitution may be temporarily amended by the two-thirds majority vote of the National Congress of the NDPA.  Such amendment of this Constitution shall be legal and binding upon the Party.  However, the amendment must be affirmed by the following NQC.  If it is not, the amendment shall be removed from this Constitution.

SECTION THREE The same processes as in Section 1, above, shall be adhered to in any attempt to repeal an amendment to this Constitution.

SECTION FOUR This Constitution may be temporarily amended by a unanimous vote of the National Executive Board, or by the Plenary Executive Order of the National President-NDPA.  In this instance, the order shall be binding upon the Party until such time as it has been approved by the NQC and by a polling of the membership of the Party.

SECTION FIVE No amendment to this Constitution shall be placed before the Rules Committee, or be considered thereby, which shall attempt to amend a section of this Constitution that is designated as follows:  “This section may not be amended”.  This section may not be amended.

ARTICLE XV Ratification of this Constitution
SECTION ONE This Constitution shall be ratified by the majority vote of the founding members of the National Democratic Party of America, meeting in Organizational Convention for such purpose.  After such affirmative majority vote, officers of the NDPA may be elected.  The Chairman of the Organizational Convention, and the Secretary of the Organizational Convention shall affix their signatures to an Instrument of Ratification and obtain the services of a duly authorized notary public.

SECTION TWO For a period not to exceed one year from the date of ratification of this Constitution, persons who, having joined the Party and desiring to do so, may be listed as a Founding Member of the National Democratic Party of America.  Said members may affix their signatures after the Instrument of Ratification.
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