Steve Brauning  Jan. 1, 2006










Text Box:  Text Box:  I.DIORAMAS

1. The last-ditched bombing offensive of the Luftwaffe

Germany, March 1945  Scale: 1/48

BASE: runway surface and grass portions, on flat plywood, with plexiglass case 

Approx. 28x14", 9" high

Text Box:  MODELS: Trimaster Me262A-2a/U2, DML Me262A-2a, Airfield Access. Opel Blitz tanker truck, Knights’ Cross Sd.kfz.2 Kettenkraftrad tractor, Koster Hs. 293 glider bomb, Verlinden bombs & crates set & pilot & ground figures; misc figures (Hobbycraft Ar234B-2 alternate)


Historical Background: By the winter of 1944-45, it was obvious that the end was near for Germany.  Allied land invaders were nearing the borders of the “Fatherland” on two fronts, and air armadas pounded it day and night from above.  The Wehrmacht was on the defensive on all fronts.  The Luftwaffe, the German air force, had its hands full intercepting air incursions.  Yet, there was still some effort put into offensive bombing.  And the new jet aircraft were pressed into making albeit token tactical bombing raids.


The Rhine river was Germany’s last natural defensive barrier on the Western front.  When it was crossed by a surprise US attack in March, 1945, all available resources were thrown into the battle.  This diorama represents a bombing raid being hastily scrambled against the Remagen bridge over the Rhine from a base in northern Germany, in March 1945.  An Ar234B-2 “Blitz” (lightning) jet bomber, #140342 F1+AS, from 8/KG76, is preparing to run up its engines.  Flown by Ofw. Friedrich Bruchlos, it is carrying one 1,000 kg. and two 250 kg. bombs, which is its maximum bomb load for short range flights.


Another pilot is signaling him to wait for the Me262A-2a “Sturmvogel” (Storm-petrel) jet bomber, of KG 51, carrying two 250 kg. bombs, which is being towed into take-off position by a Kettenkraftrad tracked motorcycle tractor.  These planes did not excel in the role of bomber, since they had been designed as fighters.  Parked on a hardstand is V 555, an Me262A-2a/U2, with a glazed nose and bombsight for a bombardier.  One of only two of the type built, it is being prepared for a test bomb drop. It was never used operationally. 


Also seen here is a Henschell Hs. 293 guided bomb, which was carried by larger bomber aircraft such as the Dornier Do217 or Heinkel He177, ready to be loaded for anti-shipping strike.  Other airfield accessories displayed here include an Opel Blitz tanker truck, a Luftwaffe airfield refueling cart, bomb crates with 250 kg. bombs, a 1,000 kg. bomb and a bomb cart being used to mount the RATO pods.


2. “MISTELEN” Composite aircraft, used as guided missiles  Northern Germany, August 1945

They seem too strange to be true.  But desperate times call for desperate measures, and a constant refrain called for more and different “wonder weapons”.  The Luftwaffe had its share of real wonders: jet and rocket fighters and bombers, cruise and ballistic missiles.  But now something new was needed to turn the tide.  Combining two aircraft, long-range guided missiles were created.  


The Messerschmitt Me262 Mistel combined a Me262 piloted guide aircraft, in this case a two-seater “Schnellbomber”, and an un-manned flying bomb, designed to be flown near the target, released, and then guided by the bombardier by remote control.  The composite aircraft rode on a trolley for take-off.  After the initial design proved extremely heavy(over 20 tons, almost as heavy as the whole Mistel), it was set aside and a smaller trolley originally designed for the Ar234 prototypes was adapted and proved sufficient.


The V1 was also adopted as a weapon for this program.  Since all ground-based launch sites for the V1 attacks on England had been captured, aerial launches were undertaken, at first using the ancient He111.  Later, a few of the revolutionary Arado Ar234 jet bombers, such as this four-engined “C” version, were pressed into this service.  Now they are being readied for a mission that would strike at the heartland of the Soviets.

German leadership hoped that with such “wonder weapons”, they could strike a few decisive blows and turn the tide of the war.  The target for the strike being scrambled here was to be a large Soviet hydroelectric dam in the Urals, which provided the majority of the electric power to their war industry.  This target had been planned before with a flotilla of prop-driven Mistels, made up of obsolete Ju88’s with bf109 or FW190 single-engined fighters mounted on top.  But that mission was scrapped in late 1944 when the forward bases, from which the lumbering Mistels were to be launched, were overrun by the Russians.  Now, in early 1945, a new flotilla was ready, not of slow, obsolete planes, but of the newest and best aircraft in the world: they were faster than anything else out there, and had just enough range for a one-way journey from secure, hidden bases in Northern Germany and Denmark. 

Here, a bomber pilot recently transferred to this program looks incredulously at a prototype C-3 with a test piggy-back arrangement(“Hucklepak”), while a ground crewman explains the operation of the system.

ELEMENTS: plywood diorama air-base

FM models(resin) Opel Blitz truck with fuel drums, ammo boxes: modified crew figures.

Hobbycraft Ar234C-3 with Testors V-1 flying bomb “Hucklepak”

Me262 Mistel:  Trolley scratchbuilt (from 1/72 scale DML “Mistel 5" kit parts); Top kit: DML Me262A-2a/U1 “Schnellbomber”; Bottom: Monogram with modified nose and cockpit blanked off

Verlinden Luftwaffe airfield refueling cart

Antares Models resin Mistel Trolley

ProModeler Luftwaffe Bomb cart   

Misc figures and accessories.


3. “Here they come again!”  Desert wings of the Luftwaffe

Text Box:  Tunisia,  February, 1943

Representing the precarious last foothold of the Afrika Korp’s air support in Tunisia, early 1943.

Elements: ESCI Fieseler Fi156 Storch transport aircraft; ESCI Henschell Hs129B-2 ground attack aircraft; Fuman Sd.Kfz 7 halftrack prime mover, Bandai 88mm flak artillery and crew, ProModeler airfield refueling cart, bombs, figures from Bandai, Fuman and Elan, etc.


Historic Background: By early 1943 the Deutche Afrika Korps were all but pushed into the sea. Yet through frantic re-supply, a beachhead was maintained in Tunisia.  Air superiority had turned overwhelmingly into the hands of the Allied forces, yet a remnant of the Luftwaffe’s desert air force remained, mainly in the ground attack role.  Even a few Italian units still operated in conjunction with the Germans.  Yet there was no rest for the beleaguered airfields, constantly under attack from medium bombers and fighter-bombers.  Here, the attention of the ground personnel and flak crew shows the precarious situation: another attack from the air!  


4. “The Best of Both Worlds”  The most advanced airplanes (rocket armed Me262's) and the most advanced tanks (Tiger II and JadgTiger) meet.


Text Box:  An armored column conglomerated of several infantry, Panzer and SS Panzer units, and makes a stop at the improvised JG 7 base of (*Parchim or Rechlin-Larz)  late March/early April 1945.  The tankers check out the 262's while pilots look over the tanks.  Several tankers and ground crew discuss the lack of fuel over empty fuel barrels and jerry cans.  On the balcony of the squadron’s billet, a two-story brick country manor house, a “friendly” card game is going on between a pilot and a tank crewman.   All this is all under the watchful eye of heavy anti-aircraft cover: a quad 20mm Flak 38 gun and a machine gun on the roof.


The scene being depicted is, admittedly, hypothetical.  The location is a documented III/JG7 base, but the presence of an armored column is based on conjecture.  It is plausable though, because during the last few months of the war there were armor movements either through or around southern Germany, including attempts to reinforce certain garrisons (Budepest, for example), movement toward forming a “Festung Alpen”, attempts by decimated units and isolated troops to re-form behind the lines, or even to escape the lines(S.S. for example knew that they were especially “targeted” by Allied troops, and some tried to escape to rear areas). 


Elements of the Diorama

A. Base: 20x30", with Heki grass mat, building foundation, road, & Plexiglass cover (10" high)


B. Aircraft:

1. Trimaster MA-12 Me262A-1a “Jabo”; “Green 1" III/JG7  Pilot: Rudi Sinner w/ Wgr. 21 mortar rockets; Decals from Cutting Edge #48054   Engine Covers: Scale Model Accessories; Monogram figure pointing out 30mm guns; Elan figure holding Wgr. 21 cm mortar rocket; Tanker observing.

2. Monogram #5453 Me262A-1a “Yellow 7" III/JG7: Decals from DML “Jabo” kit, fuselage band from Cutting Edge.  Jaguar tanker looking into engine, Elan ground crewman standing by; Trimaster ground crewman showing a R4M rocket to Bandai tanker figure.


C. Vehicles, Figures, & Accesories:

1. Mitsuwa Tiger II tank: Jaguar tanker holding 88mm shell; GasoLine  tanker in hatch; Elan pilot observing

2. Mitsuwa Jadgtiger tank: Jaguar tanker w /hand on gun barrel, Trimaster pilot figure (from He162) observing.

3. GasoLine quad 20mm flak 38 on roof, w/ SMA crew (2 members), a Bandai seated gunner, & Jaguar tanker carrying ammo box;

4. Bandai “Sapper” figure w/ MG34 A-A tripod mount(on roof).

5. Bandai Opel Mautlier half track truck with Verlinden 20mm flak gun w/ Bandai and SMA crew / NEW IN 2006 – Tamiya Pz. IV with Gaso.Line “Wirbelwind” quad 20mm flak turret w/ Gaso.Line crew.

Misc. Figures from Bandai, Scale Model Access., Hecker -Goros, Jaguar, Frog.


D. Equipment & House Furnishings:

1. Workshop & Fuel depot: Welding Cart, Air Compressor, cylinders, etc.  “Berkshire Valley “O” gauge; Tarmac barrels; Bandai jerry cans; Trimaster ground crew holding jerry can (upside-down), Monogram pilot figure, and Bandai tanker observing

2. House furnishings: Desk, wooden barrels,bathtub, pump,  etc. - Berkshire & Selley Finishing Touches “O” Gauge; misc. figures inside; 2 Fuman figures on low roof; 2 DML pilot figures and one Fuman seated figure around card game.

3. Building made from Design Preservation Models, “O” Scale modular wall system, 900 series; lighting kit adapted from doll house kit.

4. Cobblestone road - Vollmer embossed paper #HO6041;

5. Trees are from natural materials


5. “What’s the best way to bust a tank?” 

Text Box:  Text Box:  Hans Rudel’s Stuka Ju87G-2 “tank buster” w/ 37 mm cannons has landed at a forward command bunker of Army Group “Center”, near the German front lines in Upper Bavaria in late April, 1945.  Everyone knows that the Reich is making its last stand.  As the pilot looked around the position and the soldiers looked over the Stuka,  a discussion has arisen about the best way to knock out a Russian T-34 tank.  Present are tank destroyers (Hetzers), a “Nashorn” self-propelled 88mm anti-tank gun, anti-tank guns(37 & 75 mm), and Panzergrenadiers with their “wonder” weapon for tank-busting: the Panzerfaust rocket propelled armor piercing grenade.  Meanwhile, another Stuka tank-buster (G-1) from a different unit, comes flying in low to land.


Base: 20x30", w/ Heki grass mat & bunkers

Bandai “Hetzers” (x2)

Bandai “Nashorn”

Bandai 75mm AT gun & crew

Gaso.Line 37mm AT gun with misc. crew figures

Hasegawa Ju87G-2 Stuka Tank Buster, gunner inside

Text Box:  Hobbycraft Ju87G-1 Stuka tank buster, in flight w/ pilot & gunner (Hecker & Goros)

NEW IN 2007(?) – Skybow Tiger 1 (late)

6.  “The Sting”

By August 15, 1944, the German Wehrmacht (armed forces) was in full retreat in Normandy, France.  An attempted counterattack by the Germans had been cut off and surrounded, and now the trapped divisions were attempting to escape through a small corridor near Falaise.  But there they were ambushed by heavy Allied forces, particularly the British Royal Air Force’s ground attack squadrons.  The results were high losses on both sides: the Allies lost many aircraft to heavy flak, but it was far worse on the other side: several entire German divisions were annihilated, including Panzer and S.S. divisions. 


This diorama is set during the attempted breakout. Elements of Army Group “B”, the 5th Panzer Army, are providing cover for the 1st SS Panzer Corps’ escape from encirclement. A Hawker Typhoon Mk1b flies over a burned out farmhouse near Trun, close to the Allied lines, searching for reported armor formations(targets of opportunity).  Inside the building, a Panzer IV Ausf.H from the 116th Pz. Division, prepares an ambush as part of the rear guard, along with several infantrymen.  Outside, a Pz. IV Mobelwagon flak tank from the 2nd  Pz. Division prepares to deliver it’s sting: four 20mm anti-aircraft guns. The Typhoon was shot down.  But the breakout was a total disaster for the Germans, and effectively ended their campaign in France.


Text Box:  Elements:

Hasegawa Mk. I b Typhoon

House made from DPM modules and sheet styrene

Fuman Pz. IV Ausf.H tank w/armor skirts    

Bandai Pz. IV Mobelwagon                 

Misc. Bandai, SMA, & Jaguar figures  

Scenery base & trees     


Text Box:  (Photo and caption from, “The Typhoon and Tempest Story” by Chris Thomas and Christopher Shores)




7. Me262 Forest Assembly area: 1/48 scale display base

DML Me262A-1a (from “Nachtjager” kit) w/ Aires Jumo 004 kit & Czech Master Jumo 004 kits; engine trolley from Tamiya “Clear Edition” Me262; Misc figures and accessories


8.  “THE EYES OF THE RUSSIAN FRONT    late fall 1943, central Russian front

THE SCALE MODEL ELEMENTS (all 1/48 scale):

Blohm und Vos BV141B observation aircraft  (HPM Kit) with Koster guns; photoetch parts are included in the kit;  Black Magic masks make painting the big clear gondola a little easier.


The asymmetrical BV 141 was unusual to be sure, but very practical for the observation role, since the big glazed gondola gave excellent unobstructed views at nearly 180 degrees.

It was never put into production, but the various prototypes were pressed into front-line service, and even carried 50Kg bombs for extra good measure.  This one has survived for a full year on the front lines, a testimony to the rugged construction and good maintenance it received.

Here, near the front lines in northern Russia, the air and ground crews prepare the big plane for a mission to spot for artillery, while conferring with the army commanders.  The Horch command car has just returned from a recon mission; the Wespe self-propelled 105 mm howitzer readies for firing; and the crew of a ------mm AA gun keeps a watchful eye on the skies.


Bandai Mobelwagen flak tank, w/ Gaso.Line 37mm flak gun.  As far as I know there are only 2 of these models in the world.  The Mobelwagon has been out of production for at least 25 years, and the 37 mm gun just came out in 2004.  So I the two together since this was the actual production vehicle.  The crew is Tarmac brand.  (2006 - THIS WILL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH AN OPEL BLITZ MAUTLIER W/ 20MM )

Bandai Wespe self-propelled artillery.

Gaso.Line Horch command car (resin).

SMA, Tarmac, Preisner, and other figures.



The round diorama base began its existence as a cable reel, then as a kid's school project.  Then I commandeered it for my diorama.

The terrain is styrofoam with various materials added as dirt, ground litter, and foliage.  I used everything from household items like coffee grounds, used tea leaves, and kitty litter, to real materials like real dirt, twigs and gravel.  I also used a few commercial diorama products like Woodland Scenics ground cover and a Heki grassmatt.  The road with the wheel ruts was made with plaster mixed with dark brown acrylic paint.  Some of the shrubs are from cut flower greenery.  The white is fake snow from a spray can.


NEW IN 2006:

9. Rail Diorama – a remote nightfighter revetment lies along side a rail spur; a flatbed car carrying a Jadgpanzer IV has stopped while some fuel drums are off loaded.

Battalion Bits ss ton flat rail car

Bandai Pz. IV chassis w/ Faxon resin Jadgpanzer superstructure

DML Horton/Gotha Ho229B-1a nightfighter w/scratchbuilt Berlin radar nose

Atlas Rail line

Misc figures.

10. “Market Garden” surprise – The Oosterbeek landing zone has a surprise as SS panzer units appear just as the Horsa Gliders are being unloaded.

Sanger Ind. Horsa Airspeed Glider (Vacuformed)

Kankali latex brick road and sidewalk

Tamiya StuG III Ausf. B chassis w/ Faxon Aufs. G resin superstructure

Bandia Flakpanzer IV “Mobelwagon” w/ Tarmac 37mm gun & crew

“Red Devil” British paratroopers



1/32- 1/35 Scale Dioramas:

1. "Runnin' on Empty"   1/32 & 1/35 scale

Diorama of a Luftwaffe Nightfighter Base near Berlin, March, 1945

Text Box:  Representing the problem of lack of fuel experienced by the Luftwaffe at the end of WWII.  This unit, Komando Welter nightfighter squadron, possessed the most advanced aircraft of the time, but did not have the fuel to fly it!


Sd.kfz.2 Kettenkrafterad              Tamiya #35029       

Quad 20mm Flak 38                       "    #35091       

Kubelwagon                              "    #35006        

Pilot & crew Chief                   Verlinden # 780    

Radio                                 "        # 249

Flak Crew                            KIRIN #25017

Misc. figures & equip.               Tamiya  

Refueling Cart                       Scratchbuilt

Messerschmitt Me262B-1a/U1           Hasagawa


2. Le Bocage The Normandy Hedgerow Country 1/35 scale

June 8 1944: near Bayeux France

Text Box:  47 Royal Marine Commandos link up with a US Sherman tank to attack a German stronghold, manned by paratroopers and mechanized infantry.

Text Box:

Base: 26x26" with sunken roadway, underground bunker, trenches, ruined building, shed, trees and hedgerows.

Sherman tank; Sd.Kfz. 251 Halftrack; British “Red Devils” paratroopers; German “Green Devils” paratroopers; German infantry; mortar team; motorcycle; Kubelwagon


II. MODEL COLLECTIONS & PROJECTS:  By Steve Brauning,  August 2005


A."Wonder Wings of the Luftwaffe: The Western Front 1944-45" 1/48 Scale

These models can be displayed individually or as group


Messerschmitt Me163B Komet  DML on individual display base    Complete

Focke Wulf Ta152H-1a DML (no base)                              "

Dornier Do335 V6     Monogram (no base)                        

Heinkel He162B Salamander Trimaster on individual base                 


B. “What if...?”   Collection - Hypothetical paintings and markings for some of the advanced German aircraft designs 1/48 scale

Heinkel He178A-2   The first jet aircraft ever to fly (August, 1939);paintings and markings are hypothetical for Battle of Britain period (August, 1940)II/JG26 “Schageter” fighter squadron; Caffiers, France. Condor model kit 1/48 scale

            When this airplane flew in August, 1939, before World War Two even officially started, it was over 100 kph faster than the Lufwaffe’s existing front line fighters.  But because of a false sense of confidence, they decided not to proceed with this radical new design. They were counting on the Me109E fighters. What if the Luftwaffe had put this little jet fighter into production instead of into a museum?  Then by August of 1940, it may have been zipping over the skies of southern England, pouncing Hurricanes and Spitfires left and right.  And the outcome may have been different(good thing they didn’t!). 


Heinkel He280A-2  Eduard "Profi-Pak" Model kit, 1/48 scale; Hypothetical 1943 "gray" scheme as bomber interceptor, with Wfr.Gr. 21 mortar rockets. Unit: EKdo 280, Lechfeld. (Test Command 280). 

This plane was a competitor with the Me262 for the jet interceptor role.  Even though the Heinkel was further along in testing and design that the Messerschmitt, the Me262 was a more advanced aircaft and won the contract.  However, because of delays, it did not get into operation until mid 1944.  By then, the war was effectively lost.  The Heinkel could have been in front line units by mid or late 1943.  Perhaps it could have turned the tide against the Allied bombing offensive. Since they were significantly faster than the Allied escort aircraft, they could have operated with more freedom


against the bombers than could the bf109's and FW190's.  What would have happened if Heinkel's jets began blasting B-17's out of the air at a number unacceptable to Allied command?  Perhaps daylight strategic bombing would have been curtailed.  The war's outcome may have been different. (Good thing that did not happen, either!!!)


Horten 229B-1a flying wing nightfighter;

Blohm und Vos 212.3 fighter in ’45 intercepter scheme;

Me262HG collection: I, II, & III


B. "Nachtjagers of the Luftwaffe"    1/32 and 1/48 Scale

Dornier Do217 N              1/48  MPM VacuForm          Complete     

Gotha/Horten  Go 229B-1a (V7)        "    DML w/Berlin nose              

Messerschmitt Me 262 B-1a/U1  "    DML                       "    

Me262 A-1a Nachtjager        "    Trimaster                 

Arado Ar234B-2N               "    Hobbycraft                "    

Ar234P-2b Nachtjager                       & Unicraft

Ar234B-2a AWACS                           

Me262B-1a/U1                 1/32  Hasagawa                 

Me110G                         1/32  Revel (High Tech Kit)    

Junkers Ju 88G               1/48  DML                    Purchased(stored in USA


C.  Allied Counterparts in the Night War(1/48):

Avro Lancaster "Grand Slam" Bomber           Tamiya           Complete 

Avro Lancaster "Dam Buster" Bomber           Tamiya          Purchased

DH Mosquito Mk XVII Nightfighter            Monogram & Koster Completed

Gloster Meteor                                           Tamiya


Beaufighter Nightfighter              Tamiya

P-38 Night Lightning                    " or Minicraft

P-61 Black Widow nightfighter    Monogram   (ETO version)


D. Me262 family - 1/48 scale (completed kits)

1. Me262 A-1a Schwalbe “Yellow 4" I/JG7  Monogram

2. Me262 A-1a Nachtjager V 056               Trimaster  

3. Me262 A-1a/U4 Polkzerstörer V 083     Trimaster/DML        

4. Me262 A-2a/U2 Schnelbomber V 555    Trimaster  

5. Me262 B-1a Trainer “White 35" EKG 1   ARBA/Monogram  "

6. Me262 B-1a/U-1 Nachtjager “Red 10" III/NJG 11    DML        "      

7. Me262 A-2a Sturmvogel of KG 51           DML        

8. Me262 A-1a  “Green 1" III/JG7, mortar armed  Trimaster

9. Me262 A-1a “Yellow 7" III/JG7              Monogram                                           

10. Me262 A-1a “Black 4" JG7                   Monogram

11. Me262 A-1a Yellow 3   In flight           Revell(Germany)

12. Me262 A-1a/U3 Photo-Recon             Dragon     

13. Me262 A-1a        (Crashed)           DML     (Incomplete)

14. Me262A-2a Sturmvogel – Tamiya  FTB (some scratchbuilt detail

15. Me262A-1a - “Green 3" - DML “Nachtjager” kit, engines exposed on display base 

16. Me262 Mistel - DML “schnellbomber” & Monogram drone, scratchbuilt trolley; on Mistel diorama

17. Me262 HGIII Nightfighter – Monogram fuselage, Antares wings/engine etc.

18. Me262A-1a, Tamiya  - (Begun, version not determined).

19. C-92 Czech fighter (Me262A-1a rebuilt) Tamiya kit 

20. Me262 HGI hybrid - Monogram kit with Antares HG & Heimats kits


1/32   Me262 B-1a/U1 Nachtjager “Red 12" III/NJG 11   Hasagawa    On diorama base 



ELEMENTS: Pitcairn Auto Gyro, Gee Bee Racer, Ryan Spirit of St. Louis, : Plain, no accessories .  Plexiglass cover needed.



INDIVIDUAL MODEL LIST:     By Steve Brauning    August 2005

PART I: BUILT MODELS                              Abreviations:

                                 W/n - Werk Number     FTB - From the Box

                                  RLM - Luftwaffe color numbering

                                  JG - Fighter Squadron

                                  NJG - Night Fighter Squadron

                                KG - Bomber Squadron   PE - Photo-Etched

                                  TD - True Details



I. GERMAN aircraft : 1/48 scale

A. Ar234

1. Ar234B-2N Nachtingol - Hobbycraft, Airwaves PE, TD wheels, War Eagle Decals - No Code, W/n 140146, EproKommando 388, pilot Kurt Bonow - RLM 76 all over, RLM 75 mottle topside - Complete

2. Ar234 C-3 Hucklpak w/ V1 - Hobbycraft, Testors V-1, Airwaves PE, TD wheels, War Eagle Decals, misc. scratchbuilt - F1+GS, W/n 250006, 4/KG53 - RLM81/83 topside, RLM 76 under - Complete, on diorama

3. Ar234 B-2a Blitz - Hobbycraft “Elite”, XtraDecal decals, Airwaves PE - F1+AS, W/n 140342, 8/KG76, pilot Ofw. Friedrich Bruchlos - RLM 81/83 Top, RLM 76 under - Complete, oon diorama

4. Ar234 P-2 Nachtjager - Hobbycraft, Unicraft conversion kit w/ “Berlin” radar; radar operator’s compartment, new cockpit; Airwaves PE, TD wheels, War Eagle Decals, misc. scratchbuilt - W/n ??, 11/NJ?? - RLM76 top w/ RLM 75 Mottle; black undersiide - Complete, on diorama

5. Ar234 B-2a AWACS - Hobbycraft, Unicraft conversion w/ dome radar, XtraDecal decals, Airwaves PE - W/n ??; RLM76 top w/ RLM 75 Mottle; black underside - Complete, in flight mode


B. Messerschmitt (misc)

6. Me163 Komet - DML - Yellow 26, W/n 191916, I/JG400 - RLM70/71 Top, RLM 65 under - Complete FTB

C. Messerschmitt Me262

7. Me262 B-1a/U-1 Nachtjager - DML - Red 10, W/n 1110635, 10/NJG11 - RLM76 w/75 & 80 mottle, RLM 22 under - Complete FTB

8. Me262 A-1a Nachtjager FuG226 testbed - Trimaster - V 056, W/n170056, pilot Oblt. Kurt Welter - RLM 81/82 top, RLM 76 under - Complete FTB

9. Me262 A-1a Schwalbe - Monogram, MSAP decals - Yellow 4, W/n unknown, III/JG7 - RLM 70/80 top, RLM 65 under - Completed, needs repairs

10. Me262 A-1a/U4 Polkzerstörer - Trimaster - V 083, W/n 170083 - RLM 81 top, RLM 81/83 wing tops, RLM 76 under - Complete FTB

11. Me262 A-2a/U2 Schnellbomber - Trimaster - V 555, W/n 110555 - RLM 81 top, RLM76 under - Complete FTB, on Diorama base

12. Me262 B-1a Trainer - Monogram, ARBA conversion, PE from Trimaster & Airwaves, cockpit & landing gear parts from Trimaster, Ventura Decals - White 35, W/n 118689, III/EJG2 - RLM80/81 top, RLM 76 under - Complete

13. Me262 A-2a Sturmvogel - DML, MSAP decals - No Codes, unknown W/n, KG51 - RLM 81/82 top w/ whitewash stipes on fuselage, RLM 76 bottom - Completed, on diorama base

14. Me262 A-1a Schwalbe - Monogram, Airwaves & True Details PE, TD wheels, Cutting Edge & Trimaster decals - Yellow 7, W/n 500491, III/JG 7 - RLM 81/82 top, RLM 76 under - Completed

15. Me262 A-1a Schwalbe - Trimaster, Cutting Edge decals - Green 1, W/n unknown, III/JG7, pilot Rudi Sinner - RLM70/82 top, RLM 76 under - Completed (Wg 21 Mortars mounted)

16. Me262 A-1a Schwalbe - Revell/Germany, Eduard PE, Experten decals - Yellow 3, W/n 17030?, JV44(transfered from III/KG(J)54 - RLM 83 top, RLM 76 under - Complete (in flight display)

17. Me262A-1a/U3 Photo Recon - Dragon Overall RLM 76, RLM 82 & 83 squiggle on top, completed

18. 12. Me262A-2a Sturmvogel – Tamiya  FTB (some scratchbuilt detail): RLM 76 bottom, RLM 82 & 83 squiggle on top

19. Me262A-1a - “Green 3" - DML “Nachtjager” kit, Decals; engines exposed(Aires & Verlinden engines & parts) on display base; RLM 81/82 top, RLM 76 under

20. Me262 Mistel Complex  - DML “schnellbomber”(RLM 81 top, RLM 76 under) & Monogram drone(RLM 81/82 top, RLM 76 under), scratchbuilt trolley; decals: Done, on Mistel diorama

21. Me262 HGIII B-3c High speed nightfighter hybrid – Monogram fuselage, , Antares Resin wings/engine, V-tail etc., DML “B-1a/U1” cockpit tub, Berlin-radar nose(Airwaves); misc. decals

22. Me262A-1a  Begun, Tamiya

23. C-92 Czech fighter (Me262A-1a rebuilt) Begun, Tamiya clear version

24. Me262 HGI High speed fighter hybrid with “Heimats” interceptor – Monogram & Antares conversion sets


D. Misc.

25. Focke Wulf Ta152H-1a - DML, Superscale decals - Yellow 4, W/n unknown, JG301 - RLM 75/80 wingtops, RLM80/81 fuselage, RLM 76 under - Completed, FTB

26. Dornier Do335 A-6 - Monogram, Airwaves PE, Falcon canopies - White 113, W/n 240113, pilot Wolfgang Schnaufer - RLM 70/71 top, RLM 65 under - Completed with kit radar on wings(must be changed)

27. Horten Ho229B - DML, misc decals, scratchbuilt Berlin nose, misc. underwing stores - V7, White 14, W/n , NJG1 - RLM 76 w/RLM 75 & 80 mottle top, RLM 22 under - Complete

28. Dornier Do217 N-1 - MPM vacuform kit, Koster clear parts &p; guns, misc scratchbuilt - 3C+DV, W/n unknown, 11/NJG 2 - RLM 22 overall - Complete

29. Henschel Hs129 B-2/R1 - AMT, Aeromaster decals - Red F, W/n unknown, 4./SchG2 - RLM 79 w/ RLM 80 mottle top, RLM 65 under - Complete, on desert diorama

30. Heinkel He178 A-1 - Condor, misc parts, Superscale decals - YYellow 4, II/JG26 “Schageter” - “What if?” scheme for Battle of Britain- RLM74/75 top, RLM 65 under - Complete

31. Heinkel He162A-2 - Trimaster, PE added - White 5, W/n 1200544, I/JG1 - RLM 81/83 top, RLM 76 under - Complete

32. Heinkel He280 A-1a - Eduard  

33. Fieseler Fi156C-3 Storch - ESCI - RLM79/80 top, RLM 65 under - Complete (on desert diorama

34. Junkers Ju87G-2 Stuka “Tank Buster” - Hasegawa, Airwaves PE - Kmd. SG2, W/n 494193 - RLM 70/71 top, RLM 65 under - Complete

35. Junkers Ju87G-1 Stuka “Tank Buster” - Hobbycraft, Airwaves PE, “Prop Blur” props - White B, 10.(Pz)/SG3 - RLM70/71 top, RLM 65 under -  Complete

36. Blohm und Vos BV212.3 jet fighter – “Just Fantasy(Pend-E) with late-war camouflage RLM 81/83 top, 76 “greenish” under. 


            1/32 Scale

37. Me262B-1a/U1 Nachtjager - Hasagawa CH collectors’ series - Red 12, W/n 111980, 10/NJG11 - RLM 76 w/ RLM 75 mottle fuselage, RLM 75 wings, RLM 22 under - Completed, on diorama

38. Me110G Nachtjager - Revell, misc. scratchbuilt, Roberts Models drop tanks, Eduard interior PE parts - RLM 76 w/RLM 75 mottle top, RLM 76 w/ RLM 22 1 wing under - Completed


II.  BRITISH 1/48 scale

39. Avro "Grand Slam" Lancaster Mk.1 Special - Tamiya - Code PD133, YZ/P, #617 Squadron, #5 Group - Dark Earth & Green top, Med. Sea Grey, under - Complete, FTB

40. DH Mosquito Mk. nightfighter -  Monogram, Koster radar nose, TD wheels, TD PE - Code J/RX, # 456 Squadron (Australian), Crew: F/O Stevens y Kellett - Sea Grey & Green top, Med. Sea Grey, under - Complete

41. Hawker Typhoon Mk 1b, “Bubble Top” - Hasegawa, Eduard PE parts, “Prop Blur” prop.-Code JR429, MR-A, 245 Squad.  On “The Sting” Diorama.

 42. Gloster Meteor Mk 1, Tamiya


III.  NON-MILITARY, & MISC.  1/48 scale

43. Lindberg's "Spirit of St. Louis" - Glencoe - Metalizer paint - “Prop Blur” props for in flight mode - Complete    

44. Pitcairn Autogyro - Williams, Eduard PE - US Navy # - Yellow & aluminum   -Complete


IV. Vehicles, Figures, and Accessories (Military), 1/48 Scale

A.      On Dioramas:

“Bomber” & “Mistel” Dioramas

1.      Knights’ Cross Sd.kfz.2 Kettenkraftrad tractor

2.      Koster Hs. 293 glider bomb

3.      Verlinden 250 kg. bombs & crates set

4.      FM models(resin) Opel Blitz truck carrying fuel drums and ammo boxes

5.      Verlinden Luftwaffe airfield cart set

6.      ProModeler Luftwaffe Bomb cart

On “Here they come” diorama

7.      Fuman Sd.Kfz 7 halftrack prime mover,

8.      Bandai 88mm flak artillery and crew,

9.      ProModeler airfield refueling cart   

On “Best of Both” diorama

10.  Mitsuwa Tiger II tank: Jaguar tanker holding 88mm shell; GasoLine  tanker in hatch; Elan pilot observing

11.  Mitsuwa Jadgtiger tank: Jaguar tanker w /hand on gun barrel, Trimaster pilot figure (from He162) observing.

12.  GasoLine quad 20mm flak 38 on roof, w/ SMA crew (2 members), a Bandai seated gunner, & Jaguar tanker carrying ammo box;

13.  Bandai “Sapper” figure w/ MG34 A-A tripod mount(on roof).

14.  Bandai Opel Mautlier half track truck with Verlinden 20mm flak gun, Bandai and SMA crew.

15.  Misc. Figures from Bandai, Scale Model Access., Hecker -Goros, Jaguar, Frog.

16.  Workshop & Fuel depot: Welding Cart, Air Compressor, cylinders, etc.  “Berkshire Valley “O” gauge; Tarmac barrels; Bandai jerry cans; Trimaster ground crew holding jerry can (upside-down), Monogram pilot figure, and Bandai tanker observing

17.  House furnishings: Desk, wooden barrels,bathtub, pump,  etc. - Berkshire & Selley Finishing Touches “O” Gauge; misc. figures inside; 2 Fuman figures on low roof; 2 DML pilot figures and one Fuman seated figure around card game.

18.  Building made from Design Preservation Models, “O” Scale modular wall system, 900 series; lighting kit adapted from doll house kit.

19.  Cobblestone road - Vollmer embossed paper #HO6041;

On “Tank Buster” diorama

20.  Bandai “Hetzers” (x2) w/ misc crew

21.  Bandai “Nashorn” 

22.  Bandai 75mm AT gun & crew

23.  GasoLine 37mm AT gun with misc. crew figures

On “Sting” diorama

24.  House made from DPM modules and sheet styrene

25.  Fuman Pz. IV Ausf.H tank w/armor skirts w/ crew figures

26.  Bandai Pz. IV Mobelwagon  SMA crew figures               

27.  Misc. Bandai, SMA, & Jaguar figures  

On “Eyes” diorama

28.  Bandai Mobelwagen flak tank, w/ Gaso.Line 37mm flak gun, Tarmac flak crew figures (2 sets)

29.  Bandai Wespe self-propelled artillery SMA figures

30.  Gaso/Line Horch command car (resin) w/ misc crew

31.  SMA, Tarmac, Preisner, and other figures


B.     Built, not on diorama

1.      FM Models - Opel Blitz tanker truck          (resin- partially built))

2.      Fuman - Sd.Kfz 7 halftrack prime mover  (mostly built- flat-bed) 

3.      Bandai #8226 Opel Mautlier truck                 mostly built

4.      Stolido Panzer IV Kubelblitz flak tank (parts)

5.      Bandai Schwimmerwagon

6.      Bandai Kubelwagon

7.      Bandai Sd. Kfz. 251 half-track

8.      Bandai#8226 Opel Mautlier truck built with misc. crew figures on board

9.      Figure sets, misc: Tarmac, Gaso.Line, Preisner, SMA,

10.  Resin accessories: fuel barrels, crates, aircraft engines, jerry-cans (SOL, Tarmac, Pen-O)

11.  Antares Models resin trolley for Me 262 Mistel

12.  Tamiya 1/48 Scale Stug III Aufs. B; Combined With Faxon #48-65  Sturmgeschutz III G Resin Conversion 

13.  Bandai Flakpanzer IV Mobelwagon “Pin Point” Combined With Faxon #48-28  Sturmgeschutz IV Aufs. G  Conversion

14.  Bandai #058270 Pzkfw IV Ausf. H Combined With Faxon #48-33 Jagdpanzer IV Lang  Conversion

15.  Pz. IV Mobelwagon, Bandai chassis w/ Tarmac 37mm – Tarmac flak crew (2 sets)





Box #10 MODEL KIT COLLECTION (FOR BUILDING) Stored in Santo Domingo

  1. Frog/Fuman #FM150 Hanomag Sd. Kfz. 251           1/48 New unopened Mint
  2.  Bandai #8221 Wespe artillery                     1/48 Opened Very good
  3.      Flakpanzer IV Mobelwagon “Pin Point”    20mm Quad gun only
  4.      8 ton Semi Track Sd. Kfz. 7 “Pin Point”   1/48 New unopened Mint
  5.      #8236 German 88mm flak gun                1/48 Opened Good
  6.      #8253 Anti-Tank gun 75mm                  1/48 Opened Very good
  7.      #8243 German Infantry #2                  1/48 Opened Very good
  8.      #8255 German Infantry #3                  1/48 Opened Very good
  9.      #       US Infantry set                       1/48 Opened very good
  10.      #8234 Fieldwork Barricade Accessories #6  1/48 Opened partly used
  11.      #         Fieldwork Bricks                      1/48 Opened Mint
  12.     #8283 8 Wheeled Armored Car “Pin Point” Opened, some paint
  13. Sol Kubelwagon (resin)    1/48, opened, mint
  14. Jaguar #66803 Berlin Sewer Diorama 1/48 New (figures removed)
  15. Verlinden #477 2cm flak 38A    1/48  New Opened Mint
  16. Scale Model Access. Kettenkrad 1/48 scale resin & PE New unopened mint
  17. Tamiya 1/48 Kettenkrad  - opened, some paint Opened, good
  18. Tamiya 1/48 T-34 tank kit Opened, Mint
  19. Tamiya 1/48 German infantry figure kit Opened, Mint
  20. Verlinden - Luftwaffe airfield cart set   1/48 unopened mint
  21. Verlinden Figures-Pilot & crew 2 sets   1/48 opened mint   
  22. Elan, pilot figures  2 sets, misc        1/48, opened mint
  23. Scale Models Accessories Flak crew set    1/48, opened mint
  24. Jaguar  Tank crew set          1/48, opened mint
  25. ReHeat Luft. Aces 3 figures  1/48 unopened mint
  26. Propaganda Kompany resin figure set, soldier running 1/48 unopened mint
  27. Propaganda Kompany resin access, set, infantry equip. 1/48 unopened mint
  28. Tarmac/Gasoline Tank AA,and infantry 4 sets         1/48, opened mint
  29. Gaso.Line German tank external equip, metal tracks. 1/48 opened partial
  30. Dartmoor Model metal figure: British crew figure 1/48 unopened mint
  31. Hecker-Goros metal figure: 2 luft. Pilots for Ta 154 1/48 unopened mint
  32. Sky- Warriors metal pilot figure set, soldier running 1/48 unopened mint
  33. HR models metal ship fittings: wire reels, extinguishers, painted. 
  34. Airwaves metal pilot figure set, “Stuka gunner” 1/48 unopened mint
  35. Hasegawa Luftwaffe airfield acc. & figure set     1/48 Opened, partly built
  36. VP I2238 German Military Vehicle Stowage
  37. TAR 48320 Flak Crew #1
  38. GAS 50329 German crew for 75 mm PaK 40 set n°2
  39. CMK F48065 German Soldiers Rolling Barrels (2 fig. + Barrels)
  40. KSHG92 Figurines 1/48 (kit) Army: German mechanics
  41. WSW4818FIG Figurines 1/48 (kit) Army: Crew German howitzer
  42. Tamiya 1/48 Panzer IV
  43. GASOLINE Kit Range Conversion for Tamiya kit: Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind
  44. Eduard Pz.IV wheel masks  & Eduard Zimmerit Pz.IV Ausf.J Photo-etch
  45. North Star WWB11 British Paratrooper Bren Team
  46. North Star WWB08 British Paratrooper Command and Support
  47. Tamiya #32517 Citroen 11CV Staff Car w/ EDU28018 Citroen 11CV Photo-etch


B. UNBUILT AIRCRAFT KITS (stored in Santo Domingo

1. Tamiya #61021-4000 Avro Lancaster “Dambuster”   1/48 New unopened Mint

2. Flightpath #48-011 Lancaster B1 detal set (Photo-etch & cast metal) New unopened mint

3. Tamiya #61057    Heinkel He219 nightfighter 1/48 Opened Mint

4. Tamiya #   Focke Wulf FW190 A  1/48 opened, Mint

5. AmTech FW183 jet fighter (opened, mint)

6. “Indiana Jones” Flying Wing – 1/48 scale Opened, conversion started (use MPM FW 189 for engines/cockpit/canopy)

7. MPM #48034 Fw-189A hi tech


C. 1/48 scale accessories

P-38 1/48 photoetched set             True Details

    1/48  vacu-formed set            Koster Details

Accurate Miniature tubes, misc -      11 sets

Tarmac brass tube set                 2 sets

Misc photoetched sets:                20 sets

Misc detail sets(tires, parts)        10 sets

Lancaster Photoetched set             Flightline

Misc. Decal Sets:                     20 complete sets

                           approx. 25 incomplete sets

Woodland Scenics tree foliage     15 sets

                 “ trunks       6 sets

               Clump foliage    2 sets

Heki grass matts                  4 sets

Misc house furnishings “O” gauge 10 sets


C. Paints:

XtraColor - 25 tins

Aeromaster - 10 jars

Model Master - 25 jars

Testors -      15 jars

Gunze San -    10 jars (clear coat & thinner)

Floquil paints 2 jars

Micro Scale coatings - 6

Tamiya paints: 8 jars


D. Tools:

Model Master Pro-Airbrush

Air regulator - Norgren

Dremel motor-roto tool

Tweezer set

Pliers & wire cutters

Paint brushes

Hobby Knives - 4

Pin vise & hand drill - 3

Micro Dril sets: - 2 sets

Flexi-Sand set

Sanding sticks:  - 9

3M Sanding pads – 6

TAM87080 Tamiya Weathering Master B Set (Snow, Soot, Rust)

TAM87079 Tamiya Weathering Master A Set (Sand, Light Sand, Mud)



Trimaster MA-12  Me262A-1a “Jabo” 1/48 New unopened Mint

Trimaster MA-??  Me262A-1a “Nachtjager” 1/48 New unopened Mint

Trimaster MA-3  He162A-2     1/48  New unopened Mint

DML #5509 Ju88G-6 Nachtjager  1/48 New Unopened Mint

Fuman #FM147 ZgKw. 8 ton Sd.Kfz. 7 half track 1/48 New Unopened Mint

Monogram Pro Modeler #5926 He111H-22 w/V1 1/48 New opened Mint

(Many extra parts-resin, Eduard Photo-etched, Koster white metal, Aeromaster decals)

Monogram #5410  Me262A-1a     1/48 Assembled