Professor Crackpot's
Dream Diary...
Do you see giant toothbrushes, dancing suitcases or greek speaking zebras when you shut your eyes and go to py-py land?. If so, then like me you have some pretty restless nights!. Here are a just a few dreams I have had and if you have any idea whet they mean or can recommend a good shrink then send me a mail.
I walk into the local chip shop and Bono from U2 is serving behind the counter.
I order chips & peas, pay the man, then leave.
It is dark and I am jet ski-ing around icebergs in the middle of the ocean. The sea is
really choppy but I manage to move around without hitting them.
I am at work. The department looks normal but instead of manufacturing garments
I am working on a production line making teapots. The whole room is full of
conveyor belts moving hundreds of big red teapots up and down the place.
I am in my living room looking at 2 metal snakes dancing around my feet.
I walk into an estate agents and make an offer on a house. The man in the office says no problem and calls me over to his desk. He then hands me 3 perfectly round green apples and tells me to look after them. I leave the shop carefully holding my fruit.
Other Stuff...
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