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By becoming a extra-pay member, you will receive free info on the newest GPT.. services. You will also receive info on how to make $5000 per month online!

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Our deepest sympathy and condolences go out to every single person affected by the US tragedy. We are all shocked that any human, even the evilest human alive, could have ever sought to destroy so much, our love, our life, our friends...
What the world needs now is the determination to move on, rebuild New York, find the evil who brung about this tragedy on the world, and bring them to justice.
- extra-pay.com webmaster & co-webmaster.
Welcome to extra-pay.com.

Luckily, you are on the threshold of a whole wad of cash. Extra-pay.com specially reviews the best of the many "get paid to surf" programs, which include "pay per hour" sites, "pay to read email" sites, and "pay to watch adverts/movies", so that you can evaluate them, and select the ones that take your fancy.

All you need to make yourself loads of money is:

a) You need to know who pays you the most!
No. 1: Nitroclicks
All you need to know is that Nitroclicks.com offers up to $8.00 per task, an astounding amount. Nobody can miss out, sign up today!
Sign Up!

b) A connection to the internet
c) An email account (why not get an extra-pay email address here!).
d) A total devotion to earning cash on the web.

Once you have all these things, you can move on. First, I suggest you try the "pay per hour services". These sites will pay you real cash for every hour that you surf, the catch: you often have to download a small program which nestles itself on your screen and displays adverts. If you are willing to give up about one tenth of your screen whilst browsing, then you are ready to earn.

- Mike, your fiendly local webmaster of extra-pay.com :)
and the co-webmaster, Stevie.

Quick News
Extra-pay Email! . Nitroclicks
Yes you can now get your own extra-pay email address, absolutely free! The email addresses *yourname*@extra-pay.zzn.com can be used for anything. You can receive and send emails, and it's fast, easy and free! To sign up, enter your details here and you could be receiving the benifits of extra-pay.com email before you know it.

Sign Up!

Other uses for e-p email:
o To recieve spam and newsletters you cant be bothered to read.
o To send emails to all your many mates with your referral links in.
o To recieve the extra-pay.com newsletter (to sign up, make sure you contact us!)

This is a very new and extremely good new service. Nitroclicks offers it's users $1-$8.00 per email! This is not a deal to be missed! The Nitroclicks service is a task based prgram. Members are alerted of new tasks by email. Tasks usually include visiting and signing up for free at various websites. Tasks usually pay about $6.00 each. Nitrocklicks is the best service that we have ever seen, so make sure you sign up NOW!

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