Students should record all assignments into a Student Planner or an assignment book. Details and due dates should be written daily.
    I am having trouble accessing my email account. The messages in my In Box will not open.  Please send a note to school if you need to contact me.
     Graduation is on Wednesday, May 20, at 7:00. The students should be in the pews by 6:50.


Mrs. Seifert sent a note home last week about the CONFIRMATION PRACTICE being on TUESDAY, MAY 19, at 6:30 P.M. in St. Francis Church. The eighth grader and the sponsor should attend.  If the sponsor can not attend, a parent or another adult may take the sponsor's place during the practice. 
    The seventh graders should be studying voc. words on a pink handout, which they received in August. A good voc. helps students read, write, and spell better. The class needs to know the  words for Unit 22 on Tuesday unless there is another schedule change. Then, after a review, the date will be changed. The spelling review tests are on Wednesday and Friday. In English, the class will study homophones. Many examples are shared in class, and the students have handouts from which to study and review. In writing, the emphasis is on writing paragraphs with no run-ons!
FAITH -- The Anti-Drug!