Wanna send me your response? mmwoton@hotmail.com
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Link Me With These Things:
1/19/03's Comic: 97) Fourth Wall Breakage
Okay, I think the site should be all moved (it better be *shakes fist*). Anywho, if the archives there don't work, you can always come back to here to see them, I'm gonna leave this site up. Anywho, this should be the last comic I put up here. Anywho, THE NEW SITE IS
HERE!!! If you didn't hear me the first time, THE NEW STICKY AND BLOB-O SITE IS GOING TO BE HEEERRRRRREEEE!!!!!!! Is that CLEAR!? HERE HERE HERE. Got it? Good, see you there!................ Here. Enjoy ^_^
Ok, the site is almost all moved, just a few more pages in the archive. Tomorrow, I'll put links up to my new site. In the meantime, here's your comic. I FINALLY got around to watching Chasing Amy today. Good movie, real good. I can't find anything wrong with it, just like all of Kevin Smith's works. Well, I got work tomorrow, so when I come back, I'll put the links up to get you to my new site. I'll be updating there from now on. Is that clear? I don't want any e-mail saying "whu arent j0 makin mor3 comicz!?!@!@???". And I bet someone will send me e-mails with that message just to spite me. Well, that's it for today...... SITE WILL MOVE!!! Ok... enjoy ^_^
Yeah yeah, site still isn't moved. In the mean time, here's a guest comic from Lloyd (click the link), the guy who made the Jel-o comic. Anywho, in other news, I had my first live performance at school today. It was the whole theater class who was in the play, me included (obviously). It went well but we missed a lot of lines. But hey, the audience clapped, that's what matters, right? Our play was called "Wiley And The Hairy Man". I doubt anyone heard it before. Well, I still need to do two more performances Tuesday and Wednesday, so I can't relax yet. Let's see, well the weekend is here, three day weekend for me. Whoopee. Well, not really. I have to work Sunday and Monday. Ugh. Oh well, at least I get money. I'm saving up to go on a trip Spring Break. I think we all agree that it is a tradition for high schoolers to go somewhere on Spring Break. Where am I going? Can't say yet, gotta see how much money I can make. Well, until tomorrow, that's it for today ^_^
Edit: Oh! By the way, the place I'm moving to is
Outpost9. As you can see, my archives are being constructed over there, so it is only a matter of time (also, look at the cool staff pic of me, yay!)
Nope, still haven't moved completly yet. By the way, noticed I'm reaching the 100th episode. Yay! Maybe I'll move by then. Hopefully...
Gah, still haven't completely moved yet. I HATE HTML!!! Bleh, well the first 39 pages are done in the archives, I won't completely move until I get the entire archive up on that place. It may be done tomorrow or Friday
Link to me with the one above, too