Georgia birds in our yard
I have a window with a Bradford Pear outside which is perfect for bird (feeder) watching. I have two seed feeders, a feeder for commercial suet cakes, and a home made feeder for home made suet cakes hung in the tree. I much enjoy watching the activity outside and try to take pictures of all the kinds of visitors I see.

Here are some of my photos and my guess as to what kind of birds they are. I owe much to a digital camera and Adobe Photoshop! Qualified comments on the determination of species are very welcome through
Male and female Cardinals.
I counted 6 males and 7 females around the feeders the other day.
Dark-eyed (slate-colored) junco, female and male.
Downy woodpecker, female. She let me hold her while she recovered from flying into the window, so she is special to me.

There is also a male in my yard.
American goldfinch in winter plumage.
White-throated sparrow.
Blue grosbeak, female, I think.
Chipping sparrows in winter plumage. I have lots of these.
Yellow warbler.
House finch, female and male.
Carolina chickadee
Tufted titmouse
American robin
For a couple of days in January, a big flock of common crackle (bronze race) went through our area.
Male and female yellow-bellied sapsucker. They move so fast I can't get good photos.
Mourning dove
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) warbler.
A few brown-headed cowbirds came visiting with the spring. My bird feeder sure seems popular  (-: