The sad thing about moving frequently is that you end up having to leave new friends. Not that they stop being your friends but long distance friendships just aren't the same as doing those little everyday things together. Still, knowing these people greatly outweighs the sadness that follows from missing them.

Through Mark's work we met Tara, Christian, Darren, Eric, and Julie, people who enjoy good beer, wine, beer, food and beer as much as us but know more about it.
My mom and dad came to visit and do a bit of traveling shortly after Mark and I moved to Idaho. Later Mom visited again and that time she brough my lovely niece Victoria.
While volunteering at Idaho Humane Society I found a special friend in Dee. Dee invited us to Thanksgivings and Christmas in her and Scott's house on the mountain. In the picture I look tired because I had a cold. Their house is perfect for curling up with a big mug of hot cocoa!

I also met Rebecca, Sarah, Teresa, and Debbi while doing dog evaluations, and David and Paula Burr in connection with the IHS website.
One of the things I share with David and Paula is a love of nature and seeing new places. Here are Paula and Emmy out hiking in the snow.
Another good thing sbout meeting people in a new place is that you can get some good pointers. Without someone telling us about the Garden Valley/Payette Middle Fork hike with the beautiful scenery, shallow river, and hot springs and pools, we would never have found it. Both Mark and I and the dogs loved the trip.
Idaho scrapbook
Hiking in the snow can be hard work but the dogs sure enjoy it - as do I. It's hard to beat a sunny day in snowy Idaho foothills!