St. John's United Church of Christ
Shamokin, Pennsylvania
I am writing to you with great joy in my heart as I inform you that our new, contemporary worship service is off to a great start! I want to thank everyone who has helped bring this new service to fruition. There are many of you . . . from the folks who served so tirelessly on the worship committee, to the volunteers who serve as greeters, ushers, coffee hour hosts, welcome center hosts, lay readers, computer operators, and soundboard operators.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And let's not forget the people who attend the new service. Without you there would be no
service. Our average attendance for the first six services is 50. What a nice, round number!
No one really anticipated that we'd be off to such a strong start. Remember, it will take at
least two years before the new service really begins to take a foothold in the life of this

I also want to thank the members of the worship band. These folks rehearse an hour and a
half every week and are here every Sunday to help lead worship. Thank you. Do you
realize that our band is now complete? how many weeks was it when we were advertising in the bulletin for a drummer and an electric bass player? Almost too many to count. Now God has blessed us by completing our band. Yet, as I dream into the future, it sure would be nice to have a keyboard player, ot maybe a flute, or a fiddle. Hmm.... let's pray about that, shall we?

One of our elders memtioned to me the other day that there seems to be a lot more life in the church than there has been in a long time . . . not only at the new servicem, but at the traditional one, too. I think this elder is right. There does seem to be a sweet freshness in the air. It's wonderful, isn't it?

Look for more exciting things to happen as our strategic planning committee continues to work on a long-range plan for our future.

And please, please invite your friends, family, and neighbors to church on Sunday. Remember, 85% of new members join a church because a current member has befriended them and invited them to attend services.

Peace & Love,
Pastor John