The Nicholodion


January 2002 ¨ Issue 3

Dear Parent(s)


Now that we have made it through the holidays, it is time to get more serious with our church school classes.  The upcoming weeks are always the most intense in our program for both classes, but most particularly for the children who will be making their First Confessions this Spring.  We have reached the time when even excused absences may start accumulating to the point where a child will not be permitted to make a First Confession this year.  Please be aware of this now and make sure that any absences are ones that are absolutely necessary.


-Pani Barbara





Thanks to everyone for a wonderful Saint Nicholas celebration!




As always, but even more so now, weekly attendance is mandatory.  It is impossible to have a coherent program when students miss weeks in a row of class instruction.

An unexcused absence is one where no notification to the church or the teacher has been made, and there is no effort made to obtain the missed class work. Please keep in mind that unexcused absences will not be tolerated in the First Confession class.

Please call 216-226-5506 as soon as you know that your child will not be able to attend class. This policy holds for both classes.




There have been no changes made in class arrangement.  There are still two classes, each meeting EVERY Sunday after Communion. The only change is that the following children are eligible to make their First Confessions this year and will be preparing for that event as long as they attend every scheduled class:

Kerrie Cooney, Manal Hanna, Susan Hanna, Robyn Morin and Vladimir Swerchowsky.

Eric Anderson and Ramez Hanna will remain in this class for the time being and will receive age appropriate assignments to coincide with the Ten Commandments instruction.




Please remember that children who have received hard binders ARE NOT to write on them or deface them in any way! These binders must be returned, clean, at the end of the year for use again.

Although this newsletter is being included in the parish bulletin, please continue to check folders after every class for notices and updates, as well as homework assignments.




We always welcome and appreciate the donation of snacks and treats for the children.  We have a refrigerator in the house, so we can hold things easily from week to week. Please remember that we have 14 children in the program.




Many weeks have been devoted to teaching the children about proper church behavior. We even sat together as a group for several Sundays so that they could better understand expectations.  Now it is up to you to monitor your child(ren). Here are some of the items to reinforce:

_                    There is no running in the church or in the hall.

_                    No one should have to leave church more than one time. Go to the bathroom before church and leave only for an emergency once services have started.  NEVER leave or enter the church when Father is incensing, preaching or giving a blessing. Wait for a more appropriate time.

_                    When entering the church, approach and kiss the icon, then light candles, if desired.

_                    Children over the age of 4 should not need to be distracted by toys or food while in church and these items shouldn’t be brought into a pew. Instead, leave them in the car, or downstairs in the hall.

_                    People are in church to pray.  Children are in church to pray (not play), too.

_                    Singing is one way to pray. If possible, follow the service in the pew book and sing along.  Not only are we praying, but singing helps to pass the time, too!

_                    If asked to hold a candle in church, it should be considered an honor and done with respect. We need to make sure we stay in church and pay attention so we know when to go forward. We should not run or lean on the front pew at any time. We should not play with the candle, either.

_                    We should bow or cross ourselves whenever Fr. Dennis incenses or gives a blessing.

_                    We should be careful when we go to Communion. Our hands should be folded over our chests and we should walk patiently to the chalice.

_                    On Sundays when classes are not meeting, it is important for the children to stay in church. They need to know that the service is not over after Communion, but rather when Father gives the final blessing. (This is the one drawback to holding our classes when we do.)

_                    On Sundays when we approach Father at the end to kiss the cross, he will say, “Christ is in our midst.” The answer is, “He is and shall be.”

_                    Remember, we are in God’s House and He looks for us every Sunday!




I enjoy hearing from you any time; so if you have any questions, comments or ideas, please contact Pani Barbara at 216-226-5506.  This is also the number you should use to report absences.




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