On the Bush Stone, in Punt, a Man Named Ptah Created
                            "The Metal Plate Upon Which are the Stars"
                                       - Recorded in Ancient Egypt -
                    - Found by Busch in Peterbourough, Ontario, Canada -
Compare the star images as seen through modern telescopes, (Shown in Black.) with the ancient telescopic star images as carved into the Bush Stone. (Shown in Red, upper right and above.) The images on the Bush Stone, were filled with copper and could be used for scientific study, or sold: think of it as the first video recording. The drawing labeled "Simple Telescope Problems" is based on pages 59 and 60 of the May 1990 edition of Astronomy Magazine.
Above cartography by Michael Busch.

Stars visible to the naked eye are shown on the above map.  The larger the star the brighter the star.  The stars in red are mapped on the Bush Stone.  (See upper right.)  The lines of the constellations and the scale placement of the stars are based on a map that came with the Aug 1970 edition of 
The National Geographic Magazine. (The Heavens)
Above cartography by Michael Busch.

The stars visible to the naked eye, were originaly drawn in the cartographic workshop of  “The Sea People” in the approximate years 3200 BC - 1700 BC on the Bush Stone.  The larger the star the brighter or more important the star.  The stars in red, the ship (Argo amongst other names.) in blue, and the Benu Bird in pink are mapped on the Bush Stone.  The lines of the constellations are based on a map that came with the Aug 1970 edition of 
The National Geographic Magazine. (The Heavens)  The placement and size of the Bush Stone stars and images are to scale drawn from a Ministry of Natural Resources publication. (In, Busch, works cited see:  Petroglyphs Provincial Park) 
The stars visible to the naked eye:  the larger the star the brighter the star.  The placement of the stars, shown in red, are based on a map that came with the Aug 1970 edition of  “The National Geographic Magazine”.  The shape, placement, and horizontal orientation of the dark blue constellation lines is as shown by the hieroglyph & mold of the “The Constellation of the Ship” placed by the Sea People on the Bush Stone. (see top right)  The match is perfect.
Isis was the wife of the god Osiris and father to the god Horus.  The sky goddess Isis, in ancient Egypt, was also the star Sirius.
    The Imagaes that follow are taken from the book, THE
  SPECIAL THEORY OF ANCIENT HISTORY, by Busch.  The fuller explanation of these images can be found in his book.
A Modern Star Map
Busch Stone, Star Map, Carvings
    From Long Before 2000 BC
Modern and Ancient Star Images, as Seen Through Imperfect Hand Made Telescopes
Carving of Ship on Bush Stone (Shown in blue.)
         Superimposed on Modern Star Map
Star Map from an Ancient Egyptian Tomb at 1500 BC
          (Less Accurate then on the Bush Stone)
                        ***  Tribute to Barry Fell  ***

Proof of a Barry Fell Translation

While speaking about the carvings at Petroglyphs Prov. Park I would like to quote Barry Fell, Professor of biology at Harvard, “The original purpose of the carvings as a sky map.”  (Ancient Visitors) (Fell, Bronze Age America, pp. 36 - 49, 119 - 152.)  Using expertise in epigraphy and linguistics Barry Fell reached his conclusions.  He points to Iberian and Arabic text and words from the eastern Atlantic cultures deciphered by himself on the rock.  Barry Fell, unaware that stars were shown on this map points out constellation images labeled as rotating around the Earth. (Ancient Visitors) (Fell, Bronze Age America, pp. 36 - 49, 119 - 152.)

Barry Fell died in 1994 and had no knowledge of the stars, hidden from himself and all others on this map until the time of the publication of this article in the Summer of 2000 AD.  I show in Veda 1 my method for finding the stars and constellation symbol Argos, as being entirely separate in origin from the method used by Mr. Fell.  This proves the translation by Barry Fell of the Bush - Fell Stone.  If Mr. Fell and myself had not published our other works one might say:  as both he and I reached the same conclusions from separate sources, we add credence to each others theories.  However given the volume of supporting evidences of early contact that we have published the word credence can be substituted with the word proof in the previous sentence.
The proof I and Fell supply on the translation of the Bush - Fell stone gives credence to, and makes almost impossible the continual dismissal of Fell’s other excellent Iberian and Arabic translations.

Belief in Infallibility

Like Barry Fell, Nicolaus Copernicus published the truth contrary to the accepted opinion of the academic community of his day in the early 1500s.  From Stoahist Theory I have built on and published proofs of the works of Barry Fell the same way Galileo built on and published proofs of the work of Nicolaus Copernicus in the early 1600s.
In the scientific age of Barry Fell and myself there is a general belief in the infallibility of the “Scientific Method.”  In the academic community in which Copernicus and Galileo lived there was a belief in the infallibility of the head academic, the Pope.  Barry Fells place in history has been temporarily denied, as will be mine, because we dare to challenge what is now the blatant failure of the application of the scientific method as applied to ancient history.  This is a direct challenge to the infallibility of the Scientific Method.  Copernicus and Galileo were denied their place in history in their time by challenging the blatant errors within their academic community.  That was a direct challenge to the infallibility of the Pope.  The reputations of Galileo, Copernicus, and Fell were smeared by the prevailing scientific community.  Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment.  Fell, the greatest historian of his time, died in relative obscurity in 1994.
I am going to need all the help I can get.  I accept assistance for myself the same way some of the Jesuits, recognizing the truth, assisted Copernicus.
The truth has a way of coming forward and those that oppose it are eventually lost to obscurity.
The above image and the picture of the Sun Ship (ancient Northern European, and ancient Egyptian) are fom the document, from which I quote...
For clarification I have colored (Not on the original document.) the images as shown in the following table.   

"Additional copies of this publication are available from: District Manager
Ministry of NaturalResources
P. O. Box 500
Bancroft, Ontario, K0L1C0
5949 (20k P.R., 87 02) Rp."
Snake diety of Byblos and others.  St. Patrck drove the "People of the Snake" from Ireland.

Geometric shaped ingot with handle.

Star image as seen through an early telescope


Set turning into Hippopotamus for the ancient  Egyptian festival of 10 harpoons.

God Seth of Ancient Egypt, characterised as having big ears and pric tail.  Ruled underworld.

Crocodile  (Large animals depicted, not small.) of the gods Sobek and Bastet of city Crocodilopolis.
Ship Argo of ancient constelation Argo. (Stott 94, 101.) 
With side stearing ore, as shown above. (Stott p. 55)

Celtic leader with symbol of power (Ank, Crook) and Crown. (As in the White or / and Red crowns of Egypt.)

Horse Tracks (Only none cloven hoof in America at time)

(Pink) Body of main deity of ancient Ir.

Cornish tin Ingot ready fpr group pour.