Luclin Zone Map

Echo Caverns

West:Fungus Grove (p1150, p1000)
South:The Deep (n1750, p1750)
East:Shadow Haven (p825, n815)
East:Shadow Haven (n1050, n100)

1 Necromancer Trainer

2 Wizard, Necromancer, Magician, and Enchanter Trainers, Bank

3 Warrior, Shadow Knight, Rogue Trainer, Fordel weapons

4 Monk Trainer
4a Various Spellcaster Supplies
4b Stews and Meats
4c Gems
4d Food and Goods
4e Necromancer Spells
4f Poison Supplies
4g Jewelry Supplies
4h Alcohol
5 Lilypad Room - Bogling Cultists

6 Needlite Hive

7 Mutant Area
8 Taskmaster Torkazh and Slaves
9 Gnome Kings
10 Tinkering Supplies
11 The Elevator
12 One way drop in from Shadow Haven water near Paludal zone