Luclin Zone Map

Katta Castellum

West:Twilight Sea (n1670, n970)
East:Tenebrous Mountains (p700, n670)

1 Starlight Music - Musical Instruments, Bard Songs; Adornments of the Night - Metal and Gems, Cloth Patterns, Loom 2 Bard Trainer, Shaman Trainer
3 Mansion
4 Bread Breakers Baked Goods - Oven, Cooking Supplies, Cooking Molds, Brewing Supplies, Food and Other Goods, Bags
5 Second Kin Armory - Combine Plate and Chain Armor, Plate Molds, Blacksmithing Books, Chain Patterns, Forge, Ore, Hammers, Dyes, Superior Combine Weapons, Blade Molds, Combine Ranged Weapons

6 Cleric, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, and Warrior Trainers

7 Midnight Ceramics - Clay, Ore, Sheets, Pottery Sketches, Kiln, Pottery Wheel; Shooting Stars Archery - Fletching Equipment, Bowmaking Equipment

8 Graveyard outside
9 (upper level) Enchanter, Magician, and Wizard Trainers and Spells, including high-level Magician pet spells
9 (underground area) Tinkering Supplies
10 Bank
11 Nectar of Unity Brewery and Tavern - Alcohol, Brew Barrel