Burial Lookup Request

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I am currently able to provide lookups (with kind permission) from the DFHS Burial Book publications (see their catalogue here) for the years 1813-1819 and 1823-1825. I have also transcribed from fice 1826-April 1828. This page facilitates your making a lookup request.  You can search for the surname(s) you are interested in and, if possibilities are found, request a lookup for the details of the entry or entries. To look for surnames that begin with a particular letter, please see further down the page

A valuable feature is also available called a 'middle name lookup', Often an individual's middle name(s) can provide a clue to their ancestry since frequently children are given middle names that are surnames of their mother or grandparents or other names important to the family. For all the burial registers which have been fully transcribed I have created a list of middle names found in the registers for which you can request a lookup. 

If you find any errors please let me know at errors@stokedamerelopc.org

This facility is currently still in test mode and therefore may not behave as anticipated. Your feedback is welcome.

Search using Soundex matching


  1. Enter the surname for which to search - do NOT use wildcard characters (e.g. *, ? etc.).
  2. Click on the Search button
  3. Any matching entries will appear in a separate window. This may take a little time to appear completely.  Occasionally the results window may be hidden when it first appears, in which case you will need to bring it to the front manually. 

Enter the surname for which to search

This search will look for matching names using the SOUNDEX matching algorithm which looks for similar sounding names. For an explanation of this algorithm see http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/soundex/soundex.html.

Search by first letter of surname

Click on the appropriate link below to see surnames beginning with the relevant letter. Any matching entries will appear in a separate window. Some of these pages are very large and so this may take a little time to appear completely.  Occasionally the results window may be hidden when it first appears, in which case you will need to bring it to the front manually. 

A   B-BD   BE-BH   BI-BQ   BR   BS-BZ  

C-CK   CL-CQ   CR-CZ   D   E   F  

GA-GN   GO-GZ   H-HD   HE-HN   HO-HZ  

I   J   K   L   M-MH   MI-MZ   N   O  

P-PD   PE-PK   PL-PZ   Q   R   S-SH  

SI-SP   SQ-SZ   T-TO   TP-TZ   U   V  

W-WH   WI-WZ   X   Y   Z   Unreadable  



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