I don't suppose I have to tell you what FanFiction is; it's pretty self-explanatory. All the stories I've written that are on this page are based on "Biker Mice from Mars (although I love "Sailor Moon", I've never written a FanFic about it, and I doubt I ever will)."
        I'll try to give you a brief overview of my stories here, but you really have to read them to know whether or not you're going to like them. On the surface, they're fairly similar to the animated series. The cannon characters (Throttle, Modo, Vinnie, etc.) closely resemble their established personalities, with some embellishment by yours truly, and the events of the show have occured and will continue to have an impact on the world in my FanFics. So far, the stories have focused quite a bit on the Plutarkian War, a period of time barely explored in the cartoon. However, the newest takes place in Chicago in the present day, and I imagine most of the future ones will as well.
        Also like the original series, my FanFics are a blend of a variety of genders, principally comedy and action. I can't stand overly-serious FanFics, particularly if they're based on a series as comical as "Biker Mice." Of course, I'd be lying if I didn't say my stories had very serious sides as well, with elements of mystery, drama, and even a little romance thrown in. There's a little sword and sorcery action, but it's a bit part. Yes, there are wizards; yes, there are gigantic evil forces conspiring in the shadows; yes, one (actually, more than one) of the major characters has a 'destiny' to fulfill...but that all takes a back seat.
        For now.
        The most obvious change, and the largest one, is the addition of a fourth bro, young red-headed Bingo (although she's not the only new character I've created). She idolizes her older bros, and wants to be as good a Biker Mouse as they are...but there's this pain in the ass guy telling her she's got to be a chosen warrior of light or something...
        So, I hope that gets you interested. Eventually, I hope to add a page that details the basics in a bit more detail. But like I said, the only way you'll know whether or not you'll like them is if you go ahead and read them. So go on, give it a go! Stories are arranged in the order they are written, and do sort of follow a chronological pattern. Kinda.
Biker Mice ON Mars
"Biker Mice ON Mars
How to Be an Interplanetary Hero
in Eleven Easy Lessons"

"New Years' Resolutions"

On All Hallow's Eve

"On All Hallow's Eve"
(A Severely Belated Halloween Story

Wondering what in the world "Biker Mice" is? Visit my Biker Mice from Mars page!

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