Date/Place of Birth: Feb 25th 1987, Plant City, FL
Favorite Band: Rancid/ Nirvana
Favorite Song: none
Major Musical Influences: Travis Barker, Dave Grohl
Musical Background: In Mustache Mercado, now                                            Stonedeaf

Hobbies:Drummin, cruisin, and drummin
Favorite Book:
Any Stephen King
Favorite Movie:
Best Memory:Bottle Rocket Fighting
Worste Memory:Good Friend died in a car wreck
Favorite Food:Cereal
Favorite Quote: "Being someone else is a waste of who you are" - Cobain


      Garret's All Time Top 10

1. AFI - Sing the Sorrow
2. Rancid - Let's Go
3. Nirvana - Nevermind
4. AFI - The Art of Drowning
5. The Ramones - Loud, Fast
6. Operation Ivy - Energy
7. Boxcar Racer - Boxcar Racer
8. Queens of the Stoneage - SFTD
9. Green Day - Dookie
10. Blink 182 - Dude Rach