Date/Place of Birth: June 27, 1985 West Plains, MO
Favorite Band: Incubus
Favorite Song: Pennyroyal Tea - Nirvana
Major Musical Influences:Incubus, Deftones, 2 Skinny J's
Musical Backgrou
nd: Singer for Mustach Mercado
: procrastination
Best Memory:
Losing his Virginity
Worste Memor
y:Getting Diabetes
Favorite Food:
Mashed Potatoes
Favorite Quote
: "The Love you make is equal to the love you take" The Beetles
I don't know why you're reading this. Since you've got nothing better to do, i'll tell you something about me. I try to enjoy every day of my life like it is my last - and i hate ignorant people. The End. Jesse Tate sucks nuts.
