
The Stonedeaf EP is now available. Contact me. But not till Jaunary... because i'm going to canada. Woo Hoo... goodbye.


HOORAY! I am happy to report that this weekend we went recorded a six song demo with Jim Clemons and Dustin Miller. We think it turned out really well. We still have a few things left to get down, and they have to get a final mix for it, but it will be available soon. It is slated to include:
Killing Laura
Ode (and some bonus tracks)

Like i said, there is still a bit of work to be done with them, but it will be available soon. They'll be $1 each... so start saving.

(I hope to find some pics of this soon)

Well . . . we played not to greatly at one of the funnest gigs ever yesterday. We played at the school Kareoki/talent show. We went on stage right at the end of the schoolday, all decked out in suites. As SOON as Jim Clemmons introduced us over 100 students stormed up to the stage, knocking over chairs and freaking out administrators. The administration freaked out even more when I yelled  "This one's 'Killing Laura' " then we started playing our loudest hardest song. They made Jim turn the PA down, which sucked because we then had no monitors. So, playing without hearing ourselves wasn't easy. On top of that, Garret broke two sticks within about 30 seconds, because he was BEATING THE HELL out of his kit way hardcore style. The people didn't notice the trouble though, and were all jumping around and being restrained from moshing. At the end of the song, i tossed my gutiar to the ground (talk about feedback) and took a run at a stage dive, crowd surfed just enough to make the Super Intendant piss her pants, then got thrown back on. Paul then went into "Echoes" and the Administration made the people all sit down. After the first chorus, Paul broke a rather important string. We improvised the rest of the song, and the show was over. WE pissed alot of Administrators off and offended almost all the other teachers (probably because Joe was yelling "Bitch" and "Fuck" every ten seconds). The kids loved it. It is estimated to be a very long time before Liberty High will allow any other shows.
                              And it's all because of us.
                                          Kick ass.


He had a KILLER show with Dumpster Dave @ the Blue Room in Springfield the day before Haloween. Hopefully we'll have some pics up soon from that. And also hopefully we'll be making a habit of it. We had our first recording session a month ago or so. . .it sucked ass but that's fine. We'll work it out. That's it for now . . .


We have a singer. The lineup is complete. Now get ready for some music.


Well . . . we took another break, but were back and now doing better than ever. Tyler and I have a system worked out of dividing bass/guitar parts between us and we have about five songs in the works.


Well, in world events Bush declared war or something today, but we all know the real news is right here. I, Doug, have conquered my unproductive addictions and now plan on concentrating on my playing. As far as I know Garrett is still a kick @$$ drummer. So hopefully we'll have our sh. . er, junk, in gear soon. Oh, by the way, if you are a wicked cool vocalist in the area and wanna do some garage rock, look me up and we'll tal


The hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil monkey's are cool. I officilly declare them the mascots of the band StOnEdEaf