Heartache is like riding a glass bottom elevator
with no brakes
2000 feet straight down.

You can't stop it,
you can't slow it down,
only plummet helplessly.

And all the screaming, and crying,
and praying in the world can't save you now.

It's the feeling you get during that big argument
when you finally go too far,
When you say that one thing that'll drive him over the edge,
That secret thing that will crush her!

That thing that seems like just the thing to say,
to win, to be right!
To make her hurt,
to break him.

yeah, just the thing.......
until one second after it's past your lips.

And it hangs there for the longest heartbeat you've ever felt.

And the fighting stops.

And he silently pick up his coat,
and she slams the door on her way out.

And there you are, laying in the rubble, and the wreckage
bleeding and broken, and waiting to die.

And you roll over,
and you sterilize your cuts with cheap whiskey and expensive tears.
and your reminded of it everytime you look in the mirror
like a bad tattoo.

And you know it'll ache for years to come,
like a poorly set bone break.

That, my friend, that is heartache.