A living Ghost

He is a ghost to her, though he is not yet dead.
He lives on for her, only as a memory.
He is just a disembodied voice that speaks to her from far away.
An image in old photos.

Once he could touch her.
Make her see him, hear him, feel him.
But no more.
He calls out to her, but it does no good.
He reach out, but he pass right through.

Now, He is just one more of the many people that she has known.
He has joined the masses who are not a part of her day to day.
He is deprived of the gift that is her.

He is an idea that drifts through her head once in a while,
Memories of him maybe pass through her body and her heart sometimes.
He has become a nostalgic dream to her.
Someone who used to be important, but is gone now.
A former, an ex-, a used to...
He "is" not, but he was.
He exist in the past tense for her.

He carries her with him into this strange new world.
Inside him, he carries the hope that she might, one day, breach this veil and call him back into her world.

He will always return to her. No matter how far or how difficult, he will return, if called.

So you see, in some ways, He is a ghost who hasn't stopped breathing.

But he is just as gone.

And her life goes on.