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Yes Is the practice rooted in ancient barbaric blood rituals? Yes
Yes Was it initially adopted to suppress or control sexuality?
(Circumcision of U.S. males began when it was adopted from England in the late 1800s to "prevent" masturbation. Female circumcision is practised to "prevent" promiscuity.) 
Yes Did (is) the practice become (becoming) "medicalized?"  Yes
Yes Do communities use hygiene, medicine, religion, tradition, cancer prevention or STD transmission rates to "justify" it?  Yes
Yes Is it usually done without anesthesia, and is it painful and traumatic to the child? Yes
Yes Does it carry long-term physical, sexual, emotional or psychological effects?  Yes
Yes Does it diminish sexual sensitivity? Yes
Yes Does it abuse,  mutilate or modify the child's body? Yes
Yes Does it leave surgical scars in most cases? Yes
Yes Is it forced upon the child without his/her consent? Yes
Yes Do parents who insist on circumcision being performed on their baby, believe that they do it "in the interests of the baby"? Yes
Yes Is it a violation of a person's fundamental human right to his/her own body?  Yes
Yes Do the victims learn to accept it as "normal" or even defend the practice in later life? Yes
Yes Do the victims generally insist on their own offspring to undergo it? Yes
Yes Do the victims propagate it as something "normal" and "beneficial", of lesser consequence, and try to convince others to also do it? Yes
Yes Was it originally generally practised in countries with low levels of personal hygiene? Yes
Yes Is the practice of routine circumcision decreasing? Yes
No Do Americans widely condemn it? Yes
No Is it legally outlawed in most civilized countries of the world? Yes

Why are the answers "No" to the last two questions if it does not boil down to gender discrimination?

The comparison goes further. A whole industry of ingenious devices have been developed to perform the operation, but essentially both male and female circumcision uses the same pair of scissors. Continuation of the ritual is important to sustain a source of income for those performing both male and female circumicision. But there are some glaring differences: those performing female circumcision are often prosecuted, but those performing male circumcision are mostly revered. <xmp>