Chapter Twenty Seven

**Author’s Note: I have never been in the Navy, but I was a Navy brat. Most of the information was gleaned from my father, but I did do some digging around the ‘net for medals and stuff. I only named some of the ribbons Meredith would probably wear because I was afraid my hand would cramp trying to type them all. Also, the Valorous Service award does not exist. There are no medals for bravery for citizens awarded by the military, but I thought the guys deserved something.**

Late Monday morning, Meredith walked down the hall, clad in her skirt and a camisole, and checked on the guys. She knocked on Nick’s door, and he opened it.

“Any problems?” She watched as he pulled on his choker, but left it unbuttoned over his tank top.

“Nope, just about ready.”

She nodded and headed for Howie’s room. He was sitting on his bed, lacing up his shoes. He looked up and smiled at her. She smiled back and moved to the next room. Brian was buttoning his choker as he opened the door.

“Need anything?” She looked him over with a critical eye.

“No, ma’am. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

Meredith nodded and headed for AJ’s room. He was dressed in everything but his choker, waiting to put it on at the last minute. They smiled at each other, and she nodded before she headed to the last room.

She wasn’t surprised to find Irene sitting on Kevin’s bed watching him as he fastened the last button of his uniform. He turned to face Irene and caught Meredith’s eye.

“Does it look okay?”

Meredith smiled at him. “You look great.” She didn’t miss the look Irene gave him as she bit her hand.

“I think everyone’s ready to meet in the den. I’ve got your ribbons ready to go.”

Irene and Kevin followed her down the hall and into the den where the others had already gathered. Meredith slipped into her choker, buttoning it and smoothing the material over her hips.

When she turned to face them, their eyes grew big and their jaws dropped at the ribbons and medals adorning the material.

“My God, I didn’t know you had that many.” Nick looked at the commendations she wore.

“Yep. Lots and lots of fruit salad.” She picked up the ribbon bars and prepared to pin them.

“What are they for?” Kevin looked down as Meredith opened a couple of buttons and slipped her fingers inside so that she could pin the ribbon bar without sticking him.

“Which one?” When she finished, she rebuttoned his choker and stepped back to look at her second-in-command.

He looked down at his chest and pointed to one at random.

“That’s the Silver Star ribbon. It’s given for gallantry in action against an armed enemy of the United States or while serving with friendly foreign forces.” She focused on pinning Howie’s ribbon bar.

When she finished with him, he pointed out another ribbon. “And this one?”

She gave it a brief glance as she moved to Brian. “That’s the Purple Heart. It’s awarded to any member of the U.S. Armed Forces killed or wounded in an armed conflict.”

AJ was next, and he did his best not to move as he felt her fingers slide across his chest while she pinned on his ribbons. “What’s this one?”

“That’s the Prisoner of War Medal---awarded to any member of the U.S. Armed Forces taken prisoner during any armed conflict.”

He fingered the ribbon, oddly proud to be wearing something that symbolized survival during one of the darkest times of her life.

She stood in front of Nick and pinned his ribbons on the front of his choker. He pointed to the ribbon on her bar that was not on theirs. “I like that one.”

She smiled up at him and knew he recognized it. “Thank you.”

The others looked at the pair. Brian finally asked the question. “What’s that one?”

“It’s for the Medal of Honor.” She stepped back and looked at all of them standing tall in front of her.

“Y’all look very distinguished, and I’m honored you’re wearing my ribbons.”

They smiled at her, the pride easily recognized in their eyes. Irene gathered them together and took a picture with her digital camera.

“I should post this to one of my lists just so everyone can see how cute you look.”

The “no”s echoed around the young woman, and she laughed. “Joking, guys, joking.”

Nick was counting ribbons as they walked outside. “You’ve got 14 ribbons.”

“What do they all stand for?” Howie climbed into the middle bench seat with AJ and Brian.

Irene and Kevin were in the very back, and Nick had claimed shotgun. Meredith started the SUV and headed towards the base for the official graduation ceremonies.

“Medal of Honor, Navy Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Defense Superior Service, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Combat Action, POW Medal, Navy Good Conduct Medal, Navy Expeditionary Medal, South West Asia Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, and Pistol Marksmanship.”

“Wow.” They were impressed.

“I had a CO who liked to put in for medals. He thought it made him look good to have so many decorated people in his command.” She slowed down as they approached the gate, nodding as the SP waved her through.

“But didn’t you earn them?” Nick turned to watch her.

“They don’t give the medals if you don’t meet the criteria, Carter.”

“But you don’t like the attention.” AJ spoke up from the backseat, catching Meredith’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

She just smiled as she pulled up in front of the gymnasium. She looked at the large group of reporters behind the ropes and groaned. Meredith stepped out of the car, handing her purse and keys to Irene when the young woman emerged.

Irene stepped to the side and watched as the men lined up in formation, waiting for orders. She knew the press was paying special attention to them, and she was very proud as they turned smartly to the right at Meredith’s command and marched into the gym without acknowledging the cries for their attention.

Inside the building was better. Their management companies had insisted on a limited amount of press to cover the ceremonies, and management for the three teams involved in the Sierra Ramon ordeal had been adamant about who would be there to record the event.

Meredith marched her team to its assigned place in front of the grandstand. They stood at attention until Captain Carruthers ordered them to stand at parade rest. After so many years, she had become an expert at paying attention to her CO while letting the rest of her mind wander. She thought about the events of the morning.

Captain Carruthers had called her early that morning, and she’d been very surprised at the speed with which the Navy had moved to get the commendations ready for graduation. He had asked her to deliver the speech before the awards were made, and she agreed, silently cursing at the lack of preparation time. Locking herself in her office, she wrote three brief speeches before finally deciding which one she would use.

After Captain Carruthers extolled the virtues of the training program, he looked at Meredith and nodded.

“I would like to introduce Commander Meredith Davenport.”

She walked up the steps to the podium and looked out across the gymnasium floor. With covers tucked firmly under their arms at parade rest, the men and women who had been the first trainees stood proud. She smiled as her eyes swept over the three teams that had been with her in the jungle.

“When people join the Navy, they are subjected to rigorous training to instruct them on how to deal with the threat of battle; to hone their skills at survival; and to become outstanding examples of strength, perseverance, and courage. Six weeks ago, I accepted the task of training five young men who had no idea of the trials they would face in their journey. One week ago, these young men, along with nine others, were tested in the heat of battle. I watched as they banded together, drawing strength from one another to courageously face the advance of an enemy force numbering over one hundred men.”

She stopped for a moment as a ripple of conversation rolled through the crowd. “These fourteen men held off the rebel forces in Sierra Ramon with courage and determination. It was my privilege to serve with them in that conflict, and I have seen examples of true bravery that make me proud to call myself and them officers of the United States Navy. Thus, it is my great honor to present them with the Valorous Service award for exceptional bravery.”

Meredith walked down the steps followed by Becky, who was carrying the medals. She stopped in front of 98 Degrees first, pinning their medals and returning their salutes. She moved to ‘N Sync next, pinning medals on all five men and saluting them. She saved her team for last, taking special care to pin the medals on the right breast of their chokers. They saluted her, and she returned it with a proud smile.

When she was finished, she returned to her place in front of her team while Becky retreated to the sidelines. Captain Carruthers moved to the podium once again.

“It has also been my honor to serve with each and every one of you. Congratulations, graduates.”

He dismissed them, the cheers beginning even before he finished speaking.


People were out on the lawn, sitting on cars, or dancing in the streets when Lance, Joey, Justin, JC, and Chris showed up for the party. Although there was a good bit of land between the houses, Meredith solved the problem of cranky neighbors by inviting them over to join in the festivities. The surrounding households were more than happy to hobnob with the celebrities.

When they walked in, they saw a big bowl on the table in the foyer, with a sign that read “Keys Here.” They stared at it for a minute.

Brian stepped up behind them. “Meredith is collecting keys because of the amount of alcohol available. She’s made arrangements for everyone to get home if they can’t drive, so toss in your keys.”

JC dropped the keys into the mix, then followed the other man to the tubs out on the patio. He grabbed a beer, tossing one to each of his bandmates before he stood up and surveyed the crowd. There were easily one hundred people milling around, and he could see Meredith moving from group to group talking to people. He caught a glimpse of Arianna running with a group of children, and he looked around at the various faces, nodding to those he knew. When he faced forward, he found himself staring at Meredith.

“Welcome.” She reached out and hugged him.

“Thanks for the invite. There are a lot of people here.”

“Well, between the teams and the neighbors and the friends, the guest list just sort of grew exponentially.” She looked around before returning to him.

“Where are the others?”

He turned in surprise. “They were here a minute ago. Guess they found people they needed to see.”

Meredith grinned. “Don’t forget to eat something.”

“Yes, mom.” He rolled his eyes.

She smacked him on the arm before walking away. She walked up behind Joey and Lance, touching them on the back, while they stood talking on the patio.

“Welcome, gentlemen.”

They both turned to smile at her.

“Thank you for inviting us.” Lance accepted her hug.

“I’m glad you could make it.” She smiled, before turning to hug Joey.

“I’m still waiting to find out where else you’ve had sex.” He spoke in her ear, not surprised when she pulled back and just laughed at him.

“I told you, I’d have to kill you after you learned. Why is it so important?” She reached down and grabbed a bottle of water out of a tub.

He shrugged. “Because you’ve piqued my curiosity.”

“Do you even know how to spell piqued?” Lance looked at his friend.

Joey reached out and smacked the back of Lance’s head.

“Don’t make me separate you two.” She laughed as she turned away and headed off to find the rest of the new arrivals.

Brian walked up beside her, watching her scan the party. She looked over at him. “Have you see Justin and Chris?”

“Is there anyone you haven’t talked to tonight?”

“Only Justin and Chris.” She continued to look for them.

“Why is it so important you find them now?”

“Because they’re new arrivals, and it was drilled into my head at an early age that a proper hostess always greets her guests when they arrive.”

He helped her look, finally catching a glimpse of Chris. “Chris is over there in the corner talking to Scott.”

She followed his line of sight and nodded her thanks. “I’ll catch him, then look for Justin.”

“I’ll send him your way if I find him.”

“Thanks, Brian.” She started off towards Chris.

Waiting for a break in the conversation, she finally caught Chris’ eyes. He smiled at her, surprised when she hugged him.

“Just wanted to say welcome to my home.” Meredith smiled at both men.

“Thank you. I think it’s going to be a kick-ass party.”

“Well, it won’t be for lack of alcohol or entertainment, that’s for sure.” She turned her head and caught sight of Justin.

“If you gentlemen will excuse me, I’ve got to welcome someone else.” She smiled again and walked away, leaving the two men to stare after her.

“Hi, Justin.” Meredith stood behind the young man.

He almost fell over in surprise, but stood up quickly, looking down at the beer in his hand then back up at Meredith.


“No driving, and try to keep them to a minimum.” She hugged him and smiled.

“Thanks, Commander.” His grin was sheepish.

She just shook her head as she laughed. “I think you can call me Meredith now.”

“Thanks, Meredith.” He opened the Corona and took a sip after he squeezed a lime into it.

“Don’t forget to eat some food, okay?” She looked at him, then turned away when she heard her name.

Walking through the crowd near the kitchen, she found Irene surrounded by platters of food. “Where do you want all of this?”

Meredith picked up a tray. “Just put it on any available table I guess.”

Fred Durst smiled as he grabbed a puffed pastry.

“If it’s not all gone by the time you get there.” She smiled at Fred before heading towards the game room.

Entering the room, she found several people either involved in the pool game or surrounding Nick as he played one of her video games. She set the platter down on an end table and walked over to the pool table to see what was going on. AJ was lining up a shot, while Shaquille leaned on his cue.

Meredith observed the placement of the striped balls and watched as AJ proceeded to clear the table. Shaquille handed him a 100-dollar bill. She chuckled when she saw the basketball player rack the balls again.

AJ looked up to catch her eye. “Want to get in on the action, Meredith?”

She shook her head. “I’ll leave you to your game. I’m just making rounds to see if anyone needs anything.”

“Better skill at this game.” Shaquille stood up after failing to sink anything during his break.

“You might want to avoid playing with pool sharks.” She smiled up at the tall man.

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” He turned to watch AJ put away three solids in quick succession before missing a shot.

Meredith moved to the video games, keeping her eye on Nick. Stepping up beside him, she watched as he managed to avoid crashing his car.

“You feeling okay, Munchkin?”

He nodded, a big grin on his face. “Yeah, I’m good. I took a pain pill before the party.”

“No beer for you.”

“Brian and Kevin have already warned me.” He glanced at her quickly before looking back at the screen.

She patted him gently on the shoulder, then left the room to make sure everyone was having a good time.

Late in the evening, Meredith watched as Kevin and Irene moved around, dancing slowly despite the uptempo beat of the song. A couple of hours earlier, the patio furniture had been moved and the stereo cranked up for dancing. She moved to “Smooth” as it played, looking around at the people enjoying themselves.

She felt the warmth of his body behind her a moment before he grasped her hand. The CD changed, and Joe’s “I Wanna Know” began to play. Tugging gently, he pulled her close to him, resting his hands on her hips. She reached up and slowly pulled off his sunglasses so she could look into his eyes while they moved together.

Irene smiled as she rested her head against Kevin’s should. “It’s about time.”

He turned his head and looked over to see Meredith and AJ moving to the sensual rhythm of the music. “Took ‘em long enough.”

Irene wrapped her arms tighter around Kevin’s waist as they danced, and he dropped a kiss on her head as he hugged her close.

Once she removed the glasses, Meredith stepped closer to AJ, wrapping her arms around his neck as the glasses dangled from her fingers. One of his hands drifted to her lower back, while the other one stroked up her spine to tangle in the curls at her nape. Dancing her slowly away from the crowd, he maneuvered them so that they were in the shadows of the house near the edge of the patio.

His face drew close, and she opened her mouth as a warm breath drifted across her lips. She closed her eyes in anticipation.

“Anyone seen Meredith?” JC’s voice echoed across the patio.

“Shit.” AJ lowered his head. “I’m never gonna get a break.”

Meredith chuckled as she stepped away from him. “Well, you do know where my room is.”

Smiling over her shoulder and settling his glasses on her nose, she headed towards the back door to find out what JC needed. AJ rubbed a hand over his face as he sat down in a chaise to watch the people still dancing.

Once the first guest left, a slow exodus began. Meredith grabbed the bowl of keys and checked the drivers to make sure they were okay to drive before letting anyone leave. At 3:00 a.m., the last partygoer was helped into a cab and sent on his way. Meredith closed the door and locked up.

She walked into the kitchen, stared at the mess, and shuddered. “Definitely cleaning up later in the morning.”

Walking down the hall, she turned off lights as she went, making sure there was a clear path through the mess. She headed for her bathroom to grab a shower.


She stared out the French doors, feeling the warm night air brush over her naked skin. After her shower, she couldn’t bear to put on clothes and just walked around her room wearing nothing at all.

She heard him, smelled him, before he touched her. At the first caress of his fingers along her back, she sighed in pleasure. His fingertips stroked her with gentle touches before his arms slid around her, and his hands rested on her belly. He pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder, then nuzzled her neck. Turning in his arms, she cupped his face with her palms and looked into his eyes. Leaning forward, she kissed him, letting the warmth of his lips seep into hers. For a long time they just kissed, tasting and learning each other as they slowly moved together.

She knew it would be magic when the moment finally arrived, and she was right. The small intimacies they’d shared up to now were mere whispers compared to what they were sharing now. Draping her arms across his shoulders, she leaned into him so that their foreheads rested against one another. She looked into chocolate brown eyes and smiled lazily as he grasped her hips and pulled her against him. She felt him, hard and hot against her pelvis, and she rocked her hips a little just to hear him hiss with pleasure.

Grinning, he slid one hand up her ribcage and cupped her breast, rubbing her nipple with his thumb to listen to her moan. They shared another kiss, their tongues stroking one another as he slowly backed her to the bed. She felt the mattress against the back of her knees and almost fell, but he caught her in his arms and lowered her gently to the surface. With a small kiss to her nose, he stood up and pulled off his t-shirt. Her eyes wandered the length of his torso before settling on the crotch of his jeans. She watched the long fingers unbutton, then unzip the pants, sliding his fingers into the waistband to push the jeans and boxers down his legs. She feasted on the sight of him, thick cock jutting proudly from the nest of dark hair that cradled it.

Holding out her hand, she pulled him down to lay with her, his leg sliding between hers, and the crisp hair on his thigh tickled and excited hers. As he dipped his head, she offered him her neck to taste, and he nipped and sucked the soft skin to leave his mark on her. One hand stroked the back of his neck while the other slid down his arm to join their hands. She pulled it to her mouth, sucking on the fingers as she looked at him.

Shifting, he moved to lie between her thighs, never taking his eyes from her face. Tilting her hips, she felt the head of his cock at her entrance. Raising them, she felt him sink into her, and she drew in a ragged breath as he filled her.

He had to close his eyes as warm, wet velvet surrounded him. He thought this must be what Heaven felt like, then he opened his eyes to find her love gazing at him, and he knew it was.

He slowly eased out of her before sliding back in, and she lifted her hips to meet him, holding onto his hips as he rocked against her. He refused to be hurried, wanting to bury himself in her and never leave. She teased him by squeezing her walls gently to hold him as he stroked in and out. Angling his hips, he moved so that he rubbed against her clit every time he sank into her, and she moaned from the ripples of pleasure that cascaded over her body.

He pressed harder and faster, wanting to watch her face as she came, as he made her cum. She was determined not to leave him behind, and she wrapped her legs around his thighs to pull him closer and deeper as they both struggled to find release. She arched her back, her mouth opening with a groan as she climaxed around him. The shudders vibrated along his shaft, and he drove himself into her as he felt himself falling into an orgasm so bright it blinded him.

He couldn’t help collapsing against her, still buried deep inside, and she wrapped her arms around and stroked his hair as she pressed kisses against his temple.

“Meredith?” His voice was soft in the darkness that surrounded them.

“Yes, AJ?” She continued to stroke his back with her fingers, enjoying the play of muscles beneath his skin.

“I’m not giving you up.” He raised his head to find her face.

She smiled and stroked his lips. “I know.”

Spiral Bound Fiction
Table of Contents
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Email Gabrielle