Chapter Nine

Howie leaned on his grocery cart and stared at the cans of soup he had dropped in there. Nothing sounded good; hadn’t in a while.  Sighing heavily, he headed towards the checkout and slipped out of the store after paying.

He drove around the city, not really looking at anything. He spotted a park and impulsively turned into the entrance, hoping for some peace and quiet. Locking his ‘vette, he walked towards a bench. As he approached the empty seat, he saw an older man out of the corner of his eye preparing to lower the American flag that flew there.

Howie immediately stopped and saluted, the action as familiar as breathing now. The older man looked at him in surprise, then smiled.

“Wanna help me fold it?”

Howie nodded and assisted with the proper folding of the flag. The other man held out his hand. “Name’s Jim Cornwallis. What branch?”

“Navy.” Howie smoothed the material with his hand as Jim held it. “Do you do this every day?”

Jim shrugged. “If not me, then one of my buddies. We all served in Korea together, born and raised around here. Those of us who came back, that is.”

He motioned towards a bench, and the two men walked over. “How long were you in?”

Howie smiled realized he’d have to explain. “Only five weeks. I was part of that recruiting drive a few months ago where celebrities joined up and served with a branch of the armed forces. It was an eye-opener.”

Jim laughed. “Yeah, that’s how I felt when I enlisted and went to boot. That drill sergeant taught me the facts of life real quick.”

The young man grinned as he thought about Meredith. Jim looked at the other man, wrinkling his brow. “You know. I haven’t seen that look in a while.”

“What look?” Howie was confused.

“The look that says you did something you never thought you could do, and now you’re not sure how to live with yourself.”

The air whooshed out of Howie’s mouth. “That obvious?”

“Only to someone’s who seen it in the mirror.” The older man placed a hand on Howie’s shoulder. “Wanna talk about it?”

Howie spoke of Sierra Ramon, what he had seen and what he had been forced to do. Jim nodded in understanding as he listened.

“You know, before I shipped out to Korea, my only concern was taking out my girl and making sure my board was waxed and ready to surf. Being over there, seeing people die every day, made me realize how much I took things for granted. I know where you’ve been, son, because I’ve been there myself.”

Rubbing his forehead, Howie looked over at Jim. “How did you get through it? It’s like it eats at me every day, and I’m getting to the point where I…” The young man stopped abruptly, afraid to finish the thought.

The older man looked down at his hands, mulling over his words. “To be honest, it took me a long time to get to the point where I could look at myself in the mirror and not hate the view. I sat down and ran through what would have happened if I hadn’t pulled the trigger, and I realized that me and my buddies would be dead or at least seriously wounded. Every time the demons popped up, I kept telling myself what could have happened. Finally, one day, I looked in the mirror and just saw me.”

He finally looked at the young man sitting next to him. “Do you think you’d be dead now if you hadn’t shot them?’

Howie nodded slowly. “Yeah, I think all three of us would have been killed, and no telling how many others if they’d gotten past us.”

Jim patted Howie’s shoulder as he stood. “You keep that in mind, son. War is never pretty, but if you did what you had to do to save yourself and your buddies, then you did right.”

Howie nodded and stood to shake Jim’s hand. “Thank you, Mr. Cornwallis. I really appreciate you listening to me and telling me your story.”

The veteran nodded and grinned. He turned and walked towards his car, then stopped. Turning around, he walked back to Howie and handed him the flag. The young man protested, but Jim just shook his head.

“You earned that, son. You fly it proudly.” Jim straightened and saluted.

Howie returned the salute before clutching the flag to his chest and watching Jim walk away. He stood watching the sun settled over the horizon before walking to his car and climbing inside. He started the engine and slowly drove home, glancing every so often at the flag laying on the seat next him and smiling.

***Backstreet Boys***

Kevin hummed as he pushed the grocery cart back and forth with his foot. Spending a lot of his free time in New York had been good. He and Irene had done a lot of talking about their lives and their goals. He had gone into the gallery with her a couple of times, as well as visited some private collections to arrange sales. He was very impressed with the way she handled herself in a professional setting.

For the most part, he had been privy to the playful, sensual Irene, but he was just as attracted to the savvy businesswoman who knew how to drive a sale and get what her clients wanted at a good price for both parties involved.

Squeezing the apples to test for firmness, he thought about the two women who had changed his life in the past couple of months. While he looked forward to spending time with Meredith in the next few days, he really wanted to see Irene again. Chuckling as he sighed like a love-sick schoolboy, Kevin finished shopping for groceries and headed home to try and convince Irene to come down for a visit.

***Backstreet Boys***

AJ pushed his grocery cart around the store, stopping occasionally to look at things that caught his eye. He really didn’t know why he bothered shopping. Most days, he just grabbed something out and was done with it.

Because Meredith was coming in a few days, he decided to go ahead and grab some things since he was sure everyone would be coming to his house to see Meredith. He wasn’t sure how to handle her visit when it came to sleeping arrangements. If he had his way, they would never get out of bed, but he did want to take her out, and he knew the guys would want her to see their homes.

He figured he probably had a big, goofy grin on his face as he compared the two jars of chocolate fudge sauce. Every time he thought of her, he got this rush of pure joy running through his body

Sighing happily, he tossed both jars into the basket and headed for the ice cream aisle.

***Backstreet Boys***

The phone rang as she was packing her suitcase. “Hello?”

[Hey, love.]

“Hello, mine.”

[Do you realize in just sixteen hours you’ll be here?]

Meredith glanced at the clock. “Make that fifteen hours and forty-nine minutes.”

He chuckled, and that raspy voice sent its usual shivers along her skin.

They were silent for a couple of minutes as she continued to pack. “Do I need anything really dressy?”

[Depends on how dressy you want to get for Howie’s birthday party.]

“What are you wearing?” Meredith held up the leather dress AJ had bought her and decided to bring it.

[Dunno yet. I’ll figure it out about fifteen minutes before we leave.]

She chuckled and folded some underwear into a side pocket.

[I’ve got a question for you.]


[Where do you want to sleep while you’re here with me?]

The question surprised her so much she stopped folding and just stood there.

[Love, are you there?]

“Yeah, I’m here. I’m just not sure how to answer the question.” Meredith sat down on the bed, clutching a pair of silk panties.

[We haven’t told the guys anything, and I don’t want you to be embarrassed or have them make you feel uncomfortable.]

She let out the breath she’d been holding. “For a minute there, I was afraid you didn’t want to be with me.”

AJ was stunned into silence this time because he never thought that would pop into her head. [No! No, no. Personally, I’d like to toss you into my bed and never let you leave, but I think the others might have something to say about that.]

“What do you want to tell them? I don’t think they’ll be able to look at us and not know.”

[So you’re okay with staying in my room and sleeping with me if we go to the others.]

“No place I’d rather be.”

AJ heaved a sigh of relief, and Meredith grinned. “So who’s picking me up at the airport?”

***Backstreet Boys***

Meredith pushed her sunglasses higher on her nose as she strode through the terminal toward baggage claim.  Finding her suitcase, she pulled it off, then looked around. AJ told her he was sending someone to get her because he was afraid they’d be mobbed if he or any of the guys came to get her. She felt a presence behind her and quickly turned around to find out who it was. Marcus grinned at her as he held out his hand.

“Commander, good to see you.”

“Likewise, Marcus. How have you been?”

“Not bad. The boys have been pretty quiet, so it’s been easy to watch them.” He picked up her luggage and motioned for her to follow him.

She kept pace with the big man as he led her towards a black limousine. She shook her head as he loaded her suitcase into the trunk.

“Don’t they ever do anything halfway?” She chuckled as she stepped inside the plush car.

Marcus followed her in and sat across from her. “Not usually. Not for someone this important.”

Meredith just shook her head as they sped away from the airport. As they rode, she noticed the many changes in the town since she’d last been there in 1975 to see the Mouse. They pulled up in front of a large house, and AJ came bounding out to open the door.

She had barely stepped out onto the driveway before he pulled her into a hug and spun her around.  Stopping in mid-spin, he kissed her deeply. When he let her go, she stumbled a bit, but she wasn’t sure if it was from the spinning or the kiss, although she would guess the latter.

AJ turned and shook Marcus’ hand. “Thanks for getting her, man. I really appreciate it.”

Marcus smiled as he headed for his car. “No problem, bro. Call me if you need me.”

They both waved as the bodyguard and the limo drove off. AJ grabbed Meredith’s suitcase handle with one hand and her hand with the other, pulling her into the house. He pulled her carry-on off her shoulder and left the luggage by the door before sweeping his hand out.

“Mi casa es su casa.”

“Muchas gracias, querido.”

Two little dogs yapped around Meredith’s feet, and she leaned down to pick them up.

“That’s Vegas and Jack Daniels”. AJ petted each dog as he introduced them to Meredith.

“Well, aren’t y’all just precious. I’m sure Stasi would love to meet you.”

The dogs licked her face, and she set them back on the floor.

“Where is Stasi?” He petted the dogs before they scampered off to play.

“Hawkins is staying at the house while they’re fixing the plumbing in his apartment building…again.” She rolled her eyes at him.

“Are you sure that’s safe?” He chuckled.

“I don’t think he’ll do much damage ‘cause he knows how much I’ll hurt him.” Meredith sighed and shook her head.

AJ didn’t say anything else. He just took her hand and showed her his home, then showed her the pool area. She looked around the large house, thinking that it seemed rather stark for a man with AJ’s passion for life. He watched her face as she looked at things, wondering what she was thinking.

“So?” He pulled her down on the sofa.

“It’s big.”



He laughed. “Yeah, it is. I bought this place when Amanda and I were still together, and I haven’t really had the chance to warm it up. I was hoping you would help.”

Meredith turned to look at him, surprise clearly written on her face. She saw the truthfulness in his eyes and nodded. “I’d like that.”

They had just gotten comfortable on the sofa when the front door banged against the wall. “Where is she?”

AJ sighed heavily, then followed Meredith into the foyer to see her swept into Nick’s arms.

“How are you, Munchkin?”

“I’m doing all right.”

She looked into his big blue eyes, seeing the pain that still lingered there. “We’ll talk later, okay?”

He nodded before putting her down so that Brian could hug her. Howie and Kevin brought up the rear, pulling her into long hugs. They laughed and chattered as they made their way out onto the deck to sit in the sunshine. After half an hour, they decided to get into the pool. The other four changed in a couple of the bedrooms, while AJ and Meredith grabbed her luggage and walked into his bedroom.

AJ changed into a pair of trunks. Meredith went into the bathroom to pee and changed into her suit. She walked back out into the room, and AJ stopped in his tracks.

“Where did you get that?”

She looked down at the bright blue string bikini she was wearing.  “Irene brought it back from Milan for me. Does it look okay?”

Executing a slow pirouette in front of him, Meredith looked up to find his mouth hanging open.

“I look stupid, don’t I?” She moved to take off the suit, and he reached out to stop her.

“You look absolutely fuckable, and if anyone touches you or looks at you funny, I’m ripping their heads off.” AJ’s fingers slid along the small triangles of fabric that covered her breasts, watching in delight as her nipples hardened.

Then he traced the strings that held the fabric between her thighs, and he smiled when he saw the goosebumps rise on her flesh. He double knotted all of the ties, chuckling as she looked at him.

“Wouldn’t want anything to come loose and embarrass someone.”

She smirked. “Yeah, right. You just don’t want anyone to see what’s yours.”

“Damn straight, baby.” He held out his hand, and she laced her fingers with his as he picked up the towels with his free hand.

They walked outside to find the four men playing a game of water volleyball. Kevin, Nick, and Brian ragged Howie when the ball hit him on the head because he was distracted. They quickly shut up when they saw what had distracted him.

Meredith stood next to a chaise lounge, holding her hair up with both arms as AJ smoothed sunscreen on her back. The position of her arms lifted her breasts, and they strained against the bikini top. The bikini bottom rested snugly between her thighs, framing the soft curve of her belly. When he finished rubbing the cream in, she took the bottle and squired some into her hands, applying it with long strokes to her legs, arms, and belly. Applying it to her face, she looked at AJ.

“If you kill them, there won’t be any more Backstreet Boys.”

“I’m sure I could survive as a solo act.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Nick’s not staring at me like that.”

“Fine, we’ll be a duo.”

Nick smacked Brian when he saw the look on his friend’s face. “Eeewww. Stop it. That’s Meredith.”

The older man turned and looked up at his friend. “Yeah, and did you see what she was wearing?!?”

Howie and Kevin finally picked up their jaws, only to have them drop again as they watched Meredith kiss AJ.

Draping an arm around his neck, she pulled him in for a kiss that made his knees weak. It continued for several moments as he took control of the caress, parting her lips with his tongue as he delved inside to taste her sweetness. Easing back slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at her before rubbing her bottom lip with his thumb. She pressed the tip of her tongue against the pad of his finger, then licked the salty skin.

AJ held out his sunglasses to her, smacked her on the butt, then ran to the pool and dived into it. Meredith slid the shades onto her face and settled down into the lounge chair, spreading her hair across the cushion.

The two men looked at each other then watched AJ dive into the pool. The five men played in the water while Meredith laid on the lounge and soaked up some sun. After forty-five minutes, she stood up and made her way towards them.

“What, no diving?” Nick watched as Meredith eased herself into the pool.

“I’m not sure the suit would survive.” She grinned at the young man before submerging herself in the cool water. Surfacing, she slicked her hair back and studied the five men in front of her.

“That’s quite a suit you’ve got there, Merry.” Kevin treaded water in the deep end of the pool.

She smiled at him. “Thank you. Irene picked it up in Milan for me. Told me I needed something a little more spicy to heat up Florida while I was here.”

“Well, it certainly does that.” Brian chuckled at the look on AJ’s face as everyone admired Meredith’s bikini.

“Did Irene happen to mention if she got one?” Kevin pulled himself onto a float and slowly paddled toward the group.

“I think she mentioned the word ‘thong’ when she referred to her new suit.” She chuckled evilly as she watched Kevin close his eyes and wiggle a bit on the float.

“So, what’s for lunch?” Meredith moved to the ladder and pulled herself out of the water.

She could feel AJ’s eyes on her, knowing just by the reaction of her body. She grabbed a towel and started drying her skin and hair as the others got out of the pool.

The six of them piled into the kitchen to check out the cupboards, and Meredith just shook her head.

“Mine, you need a better stocked pantry.”

AJ joined her as she looked at the mostly empty shelves, trailing his fingers across her lower back above the sarong skirt she had tied on after drying off.

“But, love, it would just go to waste here.”

Although they knew something had happened between the two, Brian, Howie, Kevin, and Nick were surprised by the easy intimacy between AJ and Meredith.

“We could order pizza.” Nick leaned against the counter as he sipped his water.

“Have you eaten anything besides pizza since you’ve been home?” She turned to look at him, an affectionate grin on her face.

“I made pasta primavera last night.” He looked down shyly at the glances from everyone.

“Sounds good.” She didn’t make a big deal of it, but she was glad to hear that he was taking an interest in doing more for himself.

“Why didn’t you invite me, is my question.” Brian nudged his best friend’s arm.

Nick just smiled and shook his head. AJ ordered the pizza, and they went to change while they waited for it. AJ and Meredith shared a shower, reluctantly keeping their hands to themselves because they didn’t have much time. He watched as she slid the peach lace panties up her legs and over her hips, then slipped on the matching front-clasp bra, bending over and sliding her hand into each cup to adjust her breasts.

When she looked up and saw him watching her, she grinned. “What?”

“I just find watching you get dressed to be incredibly erotic.” He pulled on a pair of boxer-briefs and slipped on a pair of shorts and a wifebeater.

“Then watching me get undressed tonight should be even more fun.” Meredith pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top.

She blow-dried her hair for a few minutes to get most of the dampness out, then ran a pick through it. The auburn strands curled around her shoulders and neck, and AJ ran his fingers through them. Meredith watched the expression on his face as he touched her hair, and she thought about what she could do with that information.

They walked downstairs and found the others looking through AJ’s video collection. They argued for a few minutes about which movie they wanted to see, finally making a decision as the doorbell rang. AJ grabbed some money to pay for the pizzas and brought them into the living room. He set them on the coffee table then took drink orders. Howie and Brian got up to help him, following him into the kitchen.

Their host whistled as he gathered plates and napkins to take into the living room. He ignored his friends’ looks, preferring to wait until they were all together before he answered any questions. Brian and Howie grabbed the drinks and followed AJ back into the living room.

AJ passed out the plates and napkins as the other two passed out drinks. Sitting down next to Meredith, he grabbed a couple of pieces of pizza and laid them on his plate. Brian looked around the table and said grace over their meal, thankful they were together again.

For the next several minutes, the only sounds heard were the sounds of people enjoying their food. Once the initial hunger pangs were quelled, conversation began. Brian watched as AJ took the unwanted Canadian bacon from Meredith’s plate, and she took mushrooms from his.

“So.” He looked back and forth between the couple.

“So?” She took another bite of her pizza, catching the cheese with her finger as it was strung between her mouth and the piece she was holding.

“How long has this been going on?”

“Since graduation.” AJ took a swallow of beer and washed down his pizza.

“One night and now this?” Brian was confused because of how quickly they had fallen into a comfortable togetherness.

“Well, if you count the six weeks we were together, and then the three days after your round of interviews…”

“And the four days I was there a couple of weeks ago…”

“You guys just missed each other the first time.” Meredith smiled at Brian and Nick then turned to smile at AJ.

“I just can’t believe we missed all of this.” He shook his head as he watched the couple.

“I didn’t.” Nick chewed on his pizza bones as he looked around the table.

Five pairs of eyes turned to look at him. “How did you know?” Howie took another slice of pizza.

“She was wearing AJ’s shirt the night we showed up.” He finished the crust and wiped his hands on a napkin.

“AJ could have left it when we all left.” Brian pointed his slice at his best friend.

“He was wearing it before he left New York.”

Meredith smiled at the young man, winking at him as he shrugged it off.
Chapter Ten
Table of Contents
Chapter Eight