Chapter Thirty-Eight
Howie and Lumien were the first ones into the main lounge, ordering coffee and juice until everyone was up and ready to order breakfast. They lounged on the sofa, snuggling together. When AJ and Meredith walked in, Lumien attempted to move, but Howie kept his arms around her and refused to let her up. The other woman just smiled at her before cuddling up to AJ in the oversized chair.

Brian and Serenity entered next, their bright smiles infectious as they grabbed something to drink. He sank onto the sofa, pulling her down into his lap and wrapping his arms around her. Kevin and Irene made an entrance, practically wrapped around each other as they maneuvered towards an empty chair after pouring cups of coffee.

As Irene lifted her cup to her lips, Meredith’s eyes zeroed in on her finger. Getting up, she walked over to her sister and reached for her hand, studying the diamond ring. Quirking an eyebrow, the older woman looked at her sister, who broke into giggles and nodded.

She pulled Irene out of Kevin’s lap, hugging her tightly before pulling Kevin into a hug.

Brian looked over at the happy trio. “Am I missing something?”

Meredith laughed. “Only the engagement ring.”

“What?” AJ stood up and moved over to the beaming couple.

After looking at the ring, he hugged both of his friends, wishing them joy and love. The other two couples weren’t far behind, and there was a group hug in the middle of the room. Allyson and Nick walked in, hand-in-hand, and stared at the group.

“Are we missing something?” He looked down at his girlfriend.

She shrugged and poured herself a glass of juice. Nick followed behind her, pulling her down on the sofa as he watched the people still huddled together. Meredith broke away when she saw them and smiled.

“Good morning, you two.”

“What’s going on?” Nick gestured to the group with his glass.

“Just celebrating Kevin and Irene’s engagement.” She smiled at him, enjoying the surprise on his face.

At the announcement, the newcomers entered the fray, hugging Irene and Kevin and wishing them much love. Breakfast was a celebration that morning as questions and answers flew back and forth.

Lumien was the first to notice the ring on AJ’s finger. Tilting her head, she studied it then looked over at Meredith’s hand. Smiling when she saw the matching ring, she leaned back in her seat. Meredith looked at her and grinned, wondering how long it would take everyone else to notice.

Nobody said a word as they slowly gathered their belongings and climbed onto the bus to head for Pontiac, Michigan.

That evening, as they headed for their hotel rooms, Meredith was directing bodyguards on their floor. Her arm swung out, and she raised it just as Nick ducked to keep from being hit. He caught sight of the ring, grabbing her fingers as she kept talking.

“What’s this?”

“What’s what?” She looked at him, arching an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes and wiggled her fingers in front of her face. “The ring. What’s with the ring?

“It’s a promise ring. AJ gave it to me for Valentine’s Day.” She stroked the ring with her thumb.

“So, it’s a promise for…” He just looked at her.

“It’s a promise to love her as she is, and when the time is right, we’ll make it legal.” AJ slipped up behind them, wrapping his arms around Meredith’s waist.

“Cool.” Nick grinned before heading to his room.

“He the first to ask?” AJ pressed a kiss to Meredith’s cheek before escorting her back to their room.

“The first to actually mention it, yeah. Lumien saw it this morning.”

“I like her a lot. She’s good people, and she does wonders for Howie.” He held the door open for her, slapping her ass gently as she passed him.

“Yes, she is, and yes, she does.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the room behind her.

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The next morning, after Meredith and Irene returned from their run, they were sitting in lounge and drinking water.

“So.” Irene looked at her sister.

“So.” Meredith looked back.

“When’s the big day?”

“For what?” The redhead looked at the other with a quizzical expression.

Irene pointed at the ring on Meredith’s hand. The older woman smiled as she rubbed it.

“Whenever we feel the time’s right. It’s a promise ring.”

“I see you’re wearing it the right way.” The brunette grinned before standing.

“No other way to wear it.”

They separated and went into their rooms to get ready for another day on tour.

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On Brian’s birthday, there were so many stuffed animals and presents tossed on the stage that security had to get a broom to sweep them off so the guys could continue the concert. When they finally got back to the hotel, Nick wheeled in the birthday cake and made everyone sing happy birthday.

Brian blew out the candles, closing his eyes as he made a wish. When he opened them, the first person he saw was Serenity, who smiled back at him. Winking slowly, she leaned back in her chair as he was inundated with presents. Brian opened the packages, exclaiming over all of the gifts.

When Meredith handed the small box to him, he looked at her with a wary glance. Chuckling, she leaned against AJ and watched as her gift was opened. Brian’s eyes grew wide, and his jaw dropped. Leaping up, he pulled Meredith into a hug, spinning her around.

“Thank you, Merry. I can’t believe this. How?”

“I know some people.” She chuckled and sat back down with her lover.

“What is it?” Kevin looked up at his cousin.

“I get to play a scrimmage game with the Magic while we’re home in April.”

The older man whistled in appreciation, winking at her.

Nick’s eyes opened wide with awe as he looked at Meredith. “You give the best presents.”

She smiled and shrugged.

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As Serenity closed the bedroom door, she leaned against it and stared at Brian. He crooked his finger at her, and she moved towards him with a smile. He wrapped his hands around her, pulling her close for a kiss.

“I’ve got one more surprise for you.” She breathed the words against his skin as she gently played with the curls at his neck.

“Really?” He grinned before stepping away.

Serenity went to her suitcase and pulled out the small box and handed it to him with a flourish. He opened and stared inside for a moment before understanding dawned. He pulled out the bottle of Astroglide and looked at her.

Pulling him towards the bed, she rubbed his hands. “I want this. I want you.”

Nodding, he eased his hands under her tank top and slowly pulled it over her head. His fingers trailed over the lace edging on her bra, and the slight touch made her sigh. Unhooking the front clasp with practiced fingers, he slid the material from her body. She arched her back, offering his breasts to his mouth, and he suckled them as he held tightly to her waist.

When he pulled away, he unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs, grinning when he saw that she wasn’t wearing any panties. He brushed his lips against her hip and her belly before standing again and gently pushing her back towards the bed. Catching his belt loops with her fingers, she pulled him close as she sat down. Unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, she tugged the material over his hips and let them fall to the ground. Sweeping her hands over the back of his thighs, she licked his belly button.

They stretched out on the bed, touching each other with light caresses and teasing strokes as they kissed. Brian wanted to make sure Serenity was relaxed before they went any further. He had noticed the extra pillows settled on the floor, and he grinned as he thought about her “gift”. He lost track of how many kisses they shared, how many times she stroked his cock with her fingers, how many times she moaned his name as he slid his fingers inside her.

Serenity pulled away from Brian for a moment, looking into blue eyes slightly glazed with lust and watched as he carefully licked his lips. Turning away, she grabbed the pillows and arranged them on the bed. Brian watched as she stacked them, then took the hand she held out to him. He arranged her so that she was comfortably splayed on the bed.

Staring down, he slowly stroked the curve of her ass and smiled as she shivered a bit. Leaning forward, he nipped and kissed the soft cheeks, massaging them with his hands. Using his thumbs, he carefully spread her open and stared at her. Serenity jumped in surprise as she felt his tongue sweep across her anus in a broad stroke.

“Oh, God.” She balled the sheets in her hands as he continued to lick her.

He blew a cool stream of air across her skin then used his tongue to gently rim her with small strokes. Her head fell forward onto the bed as she moaned. Brian teased her before pulling away. He coated his finger with the Astroglide, applying a liberal amount.  Brushing a finger across the pucker, he listened to her sigh as he slipped the tip of his finger inside. He slid his finger into the knuckle, stroking it in and out several times before adding another lubed finger. He listened to the soft gasps of pleasure, watching his fingers disappear into the depths of her body, slowly adding a third finger. Pulling away, he smoothed the lubricant over his erection, making sure he coated it well.

“Every time I used that plug, I pretended it was you.” Serenity’s voice drifted back to him as she settled more comfortably onto the pillows beneath her hips.

“Every time I listened to you tell me how it felt, I got off.” Brian pressed a kiss against her spine as he grabbed his cock and guided it towards her.

Pushing in until he felt himself get past the first ring of muscle, he waited for a moment for her muscles to ease before pressing forward. Moving steadily, he pushed into the tight passage, gritting his teeth slightly as he felt her surround him. When his balls were pressed against her, fully buried in her, they both sighed and held still for a moment. The gentle push of her hips against him told him to move and he took his time, pistoning slowly in and out of her hole. Holding her hips as he guided himself, he watched her hand slip beneath her. A slight gasp let him know that she was pleasuring herself, and he sped up a bit as tight heat grabbed his dick and made him even harder. He felt the brush of her fingers against his balls, and he jerked in response as he drove forward.

Serenity’s moans were louder as she rubbed her clit, and she could hear Brian grunting behind her as he rocked his hips against her. Her release rushed over her, surprising her since she had been listening to Brian’s soft words and moans and concentrating on the feel of his body as he knelt behind her.

Brian threw his head back, bucking forward and holding her hips tightly as he erupted inside her. Frozen in sweet pleasure, he felt so much love he wasn’t sure he could ever write a song to describe it. He knew from the arch of her back that she had come, felt the squeeze on his cock as she tightened in reaction.

They remained joined until they felt they could move without falling over, and he gently pulled out. Spooning behind her as they collapsed to their sides, he ran his hands over her arms as he gently kissed her neck.

“You have made this the most wonderful birthday I’ve ever hand. Thank you, Serenity.”

Turning her head slightly, she kissed his cheek as she ran her fingers over the hands clasped against her belly. “I love you, Brian. Happy Birthday.”

“I love you, too.” He nuzzled her neck as they let their bodies sink against the comfortable mattress.

***Backstreet Boys***Backstreet Boys****Backstreet Boys***Backstreet Boys****


Nick grabbed his cell phone. “Hello?”

There was silence for a moment before a wavery voice spoke. [Nick?]

“Beej? What’s wrong?” His body tensed as he listened to his sister cry.

“C’mon, B. Tell me what’s wrong.”

[Can I come see you? I have to…I have to get away from here.]

“Of course. We’re leaving tomorrow morning to head for Vegas. I’ll have a ticket waiting at the airport for you.”

[Thanks.] Her voice barely made it across the line.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered the words.

[I’ll talk to you when I see you, okay?] She sounded a little stronger.

“I love you, Beej. I’ll see you tomorrow in Vegas.”

[Thanks, Nick. I love you, too.]

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Under dire threat, Nick allowed Leary to go pick BJ up from the airport. The entire time the bodyguard was gone, the young man paced their suite. Brian watched his friend, knowing that only BJ could answer his questions.

The door to the suite opened, and Leary led a pale BJ into the room. Nick had started to race over to his sister, but the look on her face slowed him immediately. Standing in front of her, he cupped her face in his hands and looked down into red-rimmed eyes.

“What’s wrong, BJ?”

Gulping, she closed her eyes to the look in his when he heard her whispered response.

“I’m going to have a baby.”

He was shocked into speechlessness.

Finally safe, BJ broke down in tears. Nick swept her into his arms, carrying her into his room and closing the door behind them. Settling onto the bed, he held his little sister close as she sobbed.

Stroking her back and hair, he whispered soothingly. After several minutes, the crying stopped, only to be replaced by hiccups. Tilting her face up, he wiped her tears away.

“What happened?”

Looking at him, she shook her head. “I’ve been dating Sam for several months, and I thought he really loved me. I missed my period, and I took a test. When it came out positive, I went to the doctor to make sure. She said that I was about six weeks along. I was so excited. Sam and I had talked a little bit about getting married, and that we both wanted big families.”

BJ looked down at the hem of her shirt. “When I told him, he was stunned. I thought it was just surprise because he didn’t act angry or anything, just…stunned. I came home the next day and found a note from him saying he couldn’t handle the responsibility. Mom came around, and she knew.”

Looking up into her brother’s face, her eyes glittered with anger. “She *knew* because she paid him off to leave. I don’t know who I’m madder at: him for giving in or her for paying him off. She started going on and on about how this would ruin my life and that I needed to act like an adult and take some responsibility.”

Leaning against his chest and wrapping her arms around him, BJ sighed. “She’s been calling me every day for the last three weeks, telling me that I need to go ahead and get an appointment because it’ll be too late in a few weeks. I had to leave before I hit her or did something else. I can’t go back there, Nick. I’m not getting rid of my baby.”

“You don’t have to give up anything.” Nick whispered the words against her hair.

They sat together for a little while longer, and BJ finally understood why her brother had left. Her stomach rumbled, and they both laughed.

“How about we get you and the kid something to eat?”

They stood and walked back into the living room. Everyone turned to look at them, wanting to ask the question but afraid of the answer.

“BJ’s gonna hang with me on tour for a while.” Nick picked up the room service menu and handed it to his sister.

“We’ll make arrangements for another room.” Meredith made a note in her planner to talk to the tour manager.

“Have you called in the dinner order yet?” He looked at the group.

“Nope, waiting for you two. Know what you want?” Kevin waited for the last two orders before calling it in.

BJ sat down on the sofa, and Nick sat down next to her. She reached out for his hand, and he gave it willingly, silently offering her strength and comfort. Meredith watched the pair, knowing on some level that Jane had screwed up with another one of her children.

When everyone was quiet, the young woman cleared her throat. “I need to tell you guys why I’m here.”

Swallowing nervously, she looked down at the hand being held by her brother. “I was seeing this guy, and I found out that my mother paid him to leave because I’m pregnant. I refuse to give up my baby.”

Meredith didn’t expect this, and she blinked several times as she digested the information. The rest of the guys immediately offered their support and comfort, making sure BJ knew that they were behind her. Moving to BJ’s other side and sitting down, she laid her hand over the joined hands in BJ’s lap.

“Can I do anything?” The soft question brought the girl’s head up in surprise.

She looked in warm blue eyes—eyes that held no condemnation or judgment, just support.

“Thank you, but I think I’m okay for a while.” She smiled at the other woman, suddenly feeling relieved. “I can see why Nick likes you so much.”

“You need anything, just let me know, okay?” Meredith smiled again, patting both hands beneath her own before rising and returning to her seat next to AJ.

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BJ didn’t attend the first show, preferring to remain in her room and rest. Meredith knocked on her door the next morning. The young woman answered it, welcoming her into the room.

“I don’t know if you’ve made arrangements or anything yet, but there is a doctor on staff who could handle the general checkups until you get closer to your due date.”

BJ’s eyes widened. “I didn’t even think about that.” She sank down onto the bed, biting her lips as she rested her head in her hands.

Sitting down next to the young woman, Meredith gently touched her shoulder. “Would you like me to talk to him? I don’t want to intrude on anything or step on any toes.”

Sighing, BJ turned her head and looked over at Meredith. She knew what her brother had been like before the Navy training, and when he came back, he seemed so much more together. She thought that the ordeal had made a difference, but seeing the two of them together gave her new insight into their relationship. The more time she spent with her brother, the more she realized what they had been missing as they were growing up.

“BJ, are you okay?”

Shaking her head, she smiled. “Yeah, I am. I’d appreciate it if you could talk to the doctor and introduce me. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here or where I’m going when I leave. There’s so much to think about.”

“I know it’s a lot, but I think you’ll do just fine. You’ve got everyone here willing to lend a hand if you just want to talk or need some help in setting things up. You know that, don’t you?”

BJ nodded. “The guys have always been great, and I’m glad I came. Thank you for your help, Meredith.”

“It’s my pleasure. I’ll go inform Dr. Johnson that you’ll be stopping by at some point. Are you going tonight?”

“I thought I would. What time are you guys leaving?”

“We’ll head out around four. Dinner will be there after sound check. I’ll stop by and get you, okay?”

BJ nodded. Before Meredith could stand up, the young woman threw her arms around her in a hug.

“Thank you, so much, for everything.”

Meredith returned the embrace, gently patting the girl’s back. “You’re so very welcome.”

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When they got to the arena, BJ sat down in one of the front-row seats to watch. As much as she had visited on previous tour, she always enjoyed all the preparation that went into the show. She watched as Nick and Brian goofed around, getting nervous as they dropped down and popped up from the stage elevators.

Meredith was directing security teams around the arena when she caught a glimpse of Nick dangling from one of the gaffer wires.

“Nickolas Gene Carter!”

He immediately got down and stood on the stage, looking penitent.

“You do that again and you will
never see the end of pushups, got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded.

She nodded back, turning around to face the rows of chairs. Nick made a couple of faces, and her voice rang out across the stage.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.”

He froze, and BJ chuckled at the look of shock on his face. Meredith winked at her as she walked down the steps and towards the back of the stage.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Table of Contents
Chapter Thirty-Seven