Chapter Forty-Eight
Kevin opened his eyes and stretched, welcoming the sunlight falling through the sheer curtains. Smiling, he reached out and trailed his fingers down Irene’s spine, watching her move and listening to her sigh at his touch.

He rolled over and kissed her nape then trailed more kisses down her back. She rolled over onto her stomach, giving him better access to her body. Lapping at the curve of her ass, he grinned.


Rolling over, she smiled before she even opened her eyes, reaching out to pull him closer. “Morning. Happy birthday.”

He slid easily between her thighs, holding himself above her for a moment before he sank into her. A soft groan rumbled from his chest as she slid her legs across his back.

“Helluva present.” Kevin kissed Irene gently as he thrust into her.

“Mmm. I’ll say, and it’s not even my birthday.” She nipped at his jaw as he pulled away from her just a bit.

The conversation drifted into moans and sighs instead of words, the slide of skin a kind of music. When he shuddered, she held him tightly even as her own body fell into orgasm. As Kevin lay in Irene’s arms, his heart still beating fast, he smiled. It’s a very good birthday.

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Irene took Kevin out for lunch, wanting to get him away from the house for a little while so the others could set up for the party. When they arrived back at his house, he looked at all the cars before turning to his fiancée.

“You are a sneak.”

She kissed him quickly before climbing out of the car. “But you love me anyway.”

When they walked into the house, the small group of friends and family yelled surprise. He wrapped her in his arms before beginning the round of hugs. There were snacks and drinks, loud laughter and music. Irene and Kevin floated through the group, making conversation with everyone that had shown up.

It was a small party by industry standards, but Kevin appreciated the family. His mother, brothers, and their families had come down, and Michael and Cecilia had flown in from Paris that morning. When Irene pushed him into a chair in the living room, he just looked around the room and smiled.

Allyson was the first to give her gift, smiling as Kevin opened the new, top-of-the-line Palm Pilot. He hugged and laughed as Nick rolled his eyes when she explained all the wonderful schedule features it contained. The bodyguards gave him several books on Eastern philosophy and warfare, Ramos pointing out that The Book of Five Rings was especially helpful in dealing with the management of his professional life. Serenity gave him a chief’s bonnet, pointing out that he acted as the chief of their group and looked out for them. Meredith handed him an envelope, and he almost fell out of his chair when he looked inside.

“Thank you.” He breathed the words out, still in awe of her gift to his foundation.

“You’re welcome.” She patted his hand.

Irene leaned in close and hugged her sister. “You give some of the best gifts, you know that?”

Ann surprised him with a ring that had been his father’s. “I’ve been waiting for the right time, and this is it.”

She slid it onto his pinky, accepting his hug and wiping away the tear that fell. Jerald and Tim had gone in together and enlarged a photograph of Kevin and Jerald Sr. on Kevin’s graduation from high school. The youngest Richardson sighed as he stroked the glassed picture after setting it on the mantle.

“Thank you.” He hugged his brothers before returning to his seat.

Nick held up his hand. “I think we should be next.”

Irene chuckled as the young man pulled Kevin out of his seat and covered his eyes.

“Nick, what…?”

“Just trust me.”

Everyone followed the pair into the music room and watched as Nick uncovered his eyes. Kevin just stared at the baby grand piano wrapped with a big red bow.

“Who?” He turned and looked at the group.

Howie smiled. “The four of us wanted to get it for you.”

Kevin pulled his other “brothers” into a group hug, thanking them several times. Then he walked over and trailed his fingers over the keys, listing to the rich sound created by the instrument.

“I can’t say thank you enough.”

The four men smiled. Irene walked over and handed him an enveloped. He took it, looking at her for a moment before sliding his finger under the flap and opening it. Still reading, he sat down on the piano bench and then looked up at her.

“I can’t believe this.”

“What?” AJ leaned forward, his arms wrapped around Meredith’s shoulders.

Kevin looked at the group. “Irene named me as a partner in the gallery.” He stood up and swept Irene into a hug, kissing her gently.

Everyone agreed that it was a wonderful gift, and they headed back to the dining room for cake and ice cream. Meredith wrapped an arm through her sister’s.

“Now who gives the best gifts?”

Irene just laughed.

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Nick sent out invitations, written on vellum and wrapped as a scroll. AJ rolled his eyes as he read the request for them to dress as a famous couple to attend Allyson’s birthday party.

“Nick would have a girlfriend born on Halloween.” He shook his head as he walked into the office to ask Meredith what she wanted to be for the party.

Across Orlando, couples plotted their costume.

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AJ looked at the costume laying on the bed. “I don’t know about this.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure, mine? I mean, your hair is perfect for this.” Meredith brushed her hand through the curls and tugged him close for a kiss.

“The things I let you talk me into.” He sighed and began to pull on the clothes.

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“You ready, babe?” Irene smoothed the dress over her hips.

Kevin walked out of the bathroom and smiled at her. She grinned.

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“Are you sure about this?” Lumien looked at her dress and tilted her head, studying her makeup.

“Yes. You look exquisite.” Howie kissed her cheek and held out his arm to escort her to Corvette.

She sighed and grabbed the lace shawl.

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“I’m glad this is Orlando and not North Dakota.” Brian looked at his reflection.

Serenity slid up behind him, rubbing the smooth skin of his belly. “You look incredible, darlin’.”

He turned in her arms, kissing her gently. “So do you.”

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Allyson fastened her shoe and then looked in the mirror. Tilting the beret, she smiled before walking out to the living room. Nick leaned against the mantle, one hand tucked in his trouser pocket.

“You ready?” She arched an eyebrow.

He grinned at her. “I was born ready.”

They walked out of the house and headed for Tabu.

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Because Nick was hosting the party, he and Allyson arrived early enough to make sure everything was ready. At eight, guests began to arrive. When Kevin and Irene walked in the door, Allyson giggled.

“You two look great!” She admired the long, sleek dress that hugged Irene’s curves and the pinstripe suit that draped Kevin’s body.

“Great costumes.” Nick smiled.

“And you two are?” Kevin looked back and forth, sure he recognized the costumes but unable to place them.

The younger couple whipped out Tommy machine guns, and Kevin grinned. “Bonnie and Clyde, I presume.”

The young man chuckled. “Yes, Gomez. Got it in one.”

Kevin and Irene moved forward to deposit their gift on the gift table and circulate.  Howie and Lumien were the next to arrive, and Nick smiled.

“Gee, that looks familiar.” He studied his friend.

Howie shrugged. “Lumien likes the video.” He swept his long hair over his shoulder turning to look as Lumien showed Allyson her “vampire” marks.

“So, you guys are…” He studied the taller man.

“Bonnie and Clyde.” Nick waved the machine gun around.

“Gotcha.” Howie kissed Allyson’s cheek and wished her a happy birthday before pulling his girlfriend towards the bar.

Several more guests came in, a mixture of the college crowd and some of the people Allyson had met through Nick. Turning to the door, her eyes grew wide as she took in the couple in front of her. Her eyes traveled up from the black patent leather shoes, up the striped stockings to the blue and white costumes, then finally to the white sailor hats sitting on red hair.

She burst out laughing.

Nick turned to find out what was so funny, and his jaw dropped open. “Um.”

AJ just stared at his friend. “Not one word.”

“Whatever you say, Andy.” Nick winked and kissed Meredith’s cheek around the bright red circle. “You guys look great.”

“Thank you, Munchkin. Happy birthday, Allyson.” Meredith kissed the young woman’s cheek.

AJ took his girlfriend’s hand and dragged her toward the gift table to leave their gift before disappearing into the crowd.

“I hope someone gets lots of pictures.” Allyson chuckled before turning back to greet another guest.

Brian and Serenity strolled into the club, smiling at people as they headed for the guest of honor.

“Wow!” Allyson looked at the couple in front of her. She reached out and touched the fringe on Serenity’s buckskin dress. “That’s incredible.”

“Thank you. My grandmother made it for me.”

“Frick, man. You look awesome.” Nick studied the markings that covered Brian’s face and arms. “It looks real.”

“It is. Serenity’s grandmother made her dress and shipped it over. Mine is not exactly Cherokee, but Serenity liked it.” Brian brushed his hand over the leather. “Serenity painted me following her grandmother’s instructions, so the war paint’s right.”

“She did a great job.” “Clyde” smiled.

“Thanks, man. We’re going to find everyone else and see who they are.” Brian gently punched his friend’s shoulder.

“Wait ‘til you see AJ.” Nick started laughing and just waved his friends away.

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AJ closed his eyes and prayed for a cigarette. He had been harassed all night because of his costume, but it had made Meredith happy so he wore it. He was afraid of the pictures that would be the result of the night’s festivities.

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“Gift time!” Nick called out over the microphone, urging people towards the right side of the stage so they could see Allyson open her presents.

She laughed as she dug into the pile. After opening each gift, she held it up to show everyone. When she reached Brian and Serenity’s gift, she shook it before peeling away the gold paper. She opened the box and moved the tissue paper to reveal a soft blue silk blouse. Allyson pulled it from the box, rubbing the material between her fingers.

“It’s beautiful.” She leaned forward and hugged each of them. “I love it.”

“We saw it and immediately thought of you.” Serenity smiled.

Allyson opened the gift from Irene and Kevin, lifting the sculpture from the box. It was made of crystal, the different hues of blue reflecting the light, and it looked as if the dolphins were actually leaping out of the waves.

“Wow!” Nick looked at the artwork, admiring the clean lines.

“I remembered you and Nick talking about diving, and Irene said she knew an artist who did wonderful work.” Kevin chuckled as he watched the young woman caress the sleek lines.

“Thank you so much!” Allyson stood and hugged the couple, holding tightly to the sculpture.

She placed it carefully back in its box before picking up the next gift. She smiled at Howie and Lumien after reading the card. She opened the box and pulled out a collection of photos taken while she was with the guys on tour. The pictures had been framed in silver, each one displaying the love between the two.

“How did you?” She looked up, first at Howie then at Lumien.

“Tour photographer. He was good about catching the looks between you two. I saw a couple of them and showed them to Howie. We thought it would be cool.” The brunette smiled at her friend, accepting the heart-felt hug.

Howie grinned and kissed Allyson’s cheek. The young woman reached out and picked up the next-to-last present, testing the weight of the box.

“It’s very heavy.” She looked at Meredith and AJ with a glance before ripping off the paper.

Gasping softly, she clutched the books to her chest, her blue eyes wide with delight. Her voice was soft as she breathed out her “thank you” and reverently stroked the covers.

“What is it?” Brian leaned forward.

Allyson smiled and held up the first part of the gift. “It’s an original copy of Fermat’s Last Theorem, along with several proofs. And this is a copy of Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou.”

AJ winked at her. “Look inside.”

Flipping the book open, the young woman’s eyes widened as she read the inscription from the poet. “Thank you! Thank you!”

She hugged AJ tightly then turned to Meredith. “I love them, thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome.” The older woman grinned as Allyson returned to her seat, the books held tightly in her arms.

“I think you missed one.” Nick smiled as he handed the large box to his girlfriend.

She narrowed her eyes as she took it. “Just what did you get me, Nick?”

“Just open it.” He grinned as he watched her open the box and dig through the paper.

She pulled out the garage door opener and a key chain. “Hunh?”

“Those are to my house in Tampa.”

Allyson jumped up and leaped into his arms, kissing him. “Thank you.”

“There’s more.” He smiled as he held in his arms, her feet dangling off the ground.

“More?” Her eyes lit up and he set her down to continue rummaging through the box.

Pulling tissue paper out, she found the small box and opened it. Her eyes widened as she stared at the diamond studs shining on blue velvet. Carefully pulling them out, she took off her hoops and slipped the pair in, turning to Nick.

“How do they look?”

“Not as beautiful as you, but they’ll do.” He leaned forward and kissed her.

Allyson wrapped her arms around his neck, holding tight. “Thank you so much, baby. You’ve made this a wonderful birthday.”

“I would do anything for you, you know that, right?” He whispered in her ear.

She laughed. “Anything I want you to?”

He laughed and kissed her check. “You bet.”

Some of the staff began the process of cleaning up the paper and ribbons as people took to the dance floor once more to celebrate. Nick and Allyson danced close, ignoring the tempo of the songs being played in favor of just being close. The rest of the guests smiled and danced around them.

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AJ pulled into the garage and parked the Expedition, sighing as he turned off the engine. Turning his head, he studied the woman beside him. She had gone out of her way to make sure everyone in his family felt loved and appreciated, and he never wanted to lose her.

Reaching out, he brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “I love you.”

Sighing, Meredith snuffled a bit as she turned into his caress. After another sigh, she opened her eyes and stared at him in the dim light of the garage.

“Are we home yet?”

“Yeah, we’re home.”
Chapter Forty-Nine
Table of Contents
Chapter Forty-Seven