Chapter Seven
Meredith arrived with a flurry of hugs and kisses for BJ and Lance. AJ just smiled as he trooped into the house and dropped his bags into the bedroom Justin pointed out. The other four members of *N Sync had checked into the hotel but returned to the house for the festivities. Nick arrived a few minutes later, a laughing Allyson not far behind him, and he swept his little sister into a hug.

“You look beautiful.” He stood and looked her over, noting the brightness in her eyes and the smile on her lips.

“Thank you.” BJ chuckled before turning to Allyson and hugging the other woman.

Lance and Nick shook hands, and Lance took the opportunity to introduce the four new people to his family. Fifteen minutes later, the caravan holding the rest of the Backstreet family made its way into the house for greetings. Lance had told Giuseppe that Meredith was coming in, so dinner that night was a welcome of sorts from the old man. Meredith and Joey drove to the restaurant to pick it up. He watched in amazement at the rapid-fire Italian spoken between the two, only managing to catch a bit of it.

When they returned to the car, she looked at him when she felt his stare. “What?”

“I didn’t know you spoke Italian.”

“Fluently. You?” She watched as he shifted into drive and headed back to the house.

“Bits and pieces. Enough to get in trouble.” He winked at her.

People spread out through the house, finding any available place to sit and socialize as they ate dinner. Meredith looked around at the mixture and silently laughed as she wondered what the fans would think to see the rival groups sitting side by side.

After wandering out to the pool later that night, Meredith sat down on the side and dangled her feet in the water. BJ joined her a little while later, and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

“What’s up, Caro?”

“I called Dad, and he didn’t think he could make it with the kids because Mother is there.”

Meredith winced before lightly brushing her hand over BJ’s arm. “I’m sorry about that. I know you want them here to celebrate with you.”

“Yeah. I asked Nick if he would give me away, and he was tickled pink.” BJ grinned. She tilted her head and studied the older woman.

“Would you stand up with me?”

Grinning broadly, Meredith hugged her friend. “I would be honored.”

They continued to sit there for a few more minutes until Joey yelled out the door that dessert was being served. Standing, Meredith leaned over and helped the younger woman off the deck.


The rehearsal was scheduled for late afternoon, and a happy group made its way down to the church. Irene told Lance and BJ that she would be going to the church later that evening to decorate. Nick and Meredith were introduced to the minister, as were the rest of the family. The older gentleman smiled as he walked them through the simple ceremony.

The rehearsal dinner was a hodge podge of dishes that each person was responsible for preparing. The table was covered in everything from spaghetti to cornbread to turnip greens to hamburger helper. BJ shook her head as she looked at the selection, laughing softly as the guys teased each other about their dishes.

Irene, Meredith, Allyson, Lumien, and Serenity disappeared after dinner, dragging all of the singers (with the exception of Lance) with them. Diane and Stacy joined them as well, anxious to help make the wedding a special event.

BJ sat on the bed and watched as Lance packed a bag to take to the hotel. Stacy had insisted on the tradition, with Nick backing her up, so the groom was reluctantly packing everything he would need for the next day. He stopped for a moment, placing his hand on her belly and leaning forward to kiss her.

“I love you, BJ.”

She grinned at him, patting the hand was gently rubbing her. “I love you, too. I’m going to miss you tonight. I’ve gotten used to you in this bed.”

Lance finished packing up his toiletry bag and zipped up his suitcase. Sitting down, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Me, too. I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep without you.”

“You’d better get some rest. I plan on some serious sex tomorrow night.”

“Oh, really?” He arched an eyebrow, looking at her with a gleam in his eyes.

“Yes, really. I’m going to love you good.” BJ winked at him, leaning close to kiss him deeply.

They didn’t hear the door open, but were startled apart by the cough. AJ smiled at them.

“I’ve been sent to retrieve the groom and make sure he gets escorted to the hotel.”

“What if I don’t want to go?” Lance looked at the other man.

“Then Meredith comes in. Do you really want that?” He smiled broadly at the thought of his girlfriend kicking butt.

“No.” The blond jumped up quickly, not willing to risk Meredith’s wrath.

He turned back quickly to lay another kiss on his bride-to-be. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the church.”

“I’ll be the one in the long cream-colored dress.” BJ smiled.

“Love you.” Lance walked backwards to the door, blowing her a kiss.

“Love you, too.” She waved until the door closed.

After a few minutes, BJ stood and moved to the bathroom to get ready for bed. She was tired, but happy, humming softly under her breath as she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Smoothing lotion onto her face, she walked back into the bedroom and slipped into a nightgown.

A knock on the door drew her out of her daydreams about the wedding. “Come in.”

Meredith poked her head around the corner. “Want some company?”


The older woman walked in, followed by Stacy and Allyson. “We thought it was time for a girl party.”

Allyson held up the basket of nail polish. The four of them giggled and talked as they polished each other’s fingers and toes. Stacy refused to listen when the talk turned to sex, claiming she would be scarred listening to stories about her brother. BJ claimed the same thing when Allyson started talking about Nick. The two women turned to Meredith and Stacy with grins. Meredith just rolled her eyes and fell back on the bed to let her toes dry.


Meredith stepped into the bedroom the next morning, watching BJ run her fingers gently over the dress.

“You’re going to be absolutely beautiful.”

BJ turned and smiled. She slipped into the long cream sheath, the silk cool against her skin. After she sat down at the vanity, Meredith moved behind her and carefully piled the young woman’s hair on top of her head, tucking baby’s breath among the mass of curls. Makeup was touched up, lipstick applied and blotted, and perfume spritzed.

Standing, BJ took one last look in the mirror before turning around. “How do I look?”

“Absolutely beautiful.” Meredith smiled.

The young woman looked at the woman in front of her, admiring the soft green dress. “You look beautiful, too.”

They shared a hug, laughing as the baby kicked.

The knock interrupted them, and Irene stuck her inside the door. “Beej, there’s someone here to see you.”

The younger woman frowned and headed for the foyer. When she stopped abruptly and gasped, Meredith and Irene looked at her before looking at her visitor.

“Sam?” BJ’s voice rose on a squeak.

“You look good, BJ.” He smiled brightly, a practiced grin designed to get his way.

For the first time, she realized what he was doing and shook her head. “What do you want?”

“C’mon, babe. Is that any way to talk to the father of your kid?” He moved forward to touch her belly.

BJ automatically stepped back from him, and Meredith moved forward. “Can I help you?”

Sam looked at her for a moment, the gleam in his eye silently adding up the cost of her clothing and jewelry. He smiled even wider, and she resisted the urge to shatter that grin with one well-placed right hook.

“I just want to see my girl here.”

“I don’t think…” Meredith stopped when she felt the hand on her arm.

BJ stepped forward. “I can handle this, Mom.”

“Mom?” Sam looked back and forth between the women.

“I stopped being your girl when you took that check from Jane and walked out of my life without a backward glance, telling me you weren’t even sure it was your “kid”. I called all your friends, begging them to tell me where you were.”

“I know. Sorry about that.” He shrugged it off. “But I’m here now, right?”

“Wrong. You’re leaving now. I’m getting married in thirty minutes to a man who absolutely adores me.”


“What’s going on?” Nick walked into the foyer, straightening his tie.

“Nothing. Sam was just leaving.” BJ looked at her brother.

Hearing the name, Nick stood to his full height. “So, you’re Sam.”

“Munchkin…” Meredith laid a hand on his back.

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’m not going to mess up my suit. Leary!”

The bodyguard appeared from the kitchen. “What’s up?”

“This…gentleman needs to be escorted out of the house.”

“No prob.” Leary grabbed Sam’s arm and tugged him towards the door.

“But, BJ.” The young man was powerless in the bodyguard’s grip.

“If you want to contact me, talk to my lawyer.” BJ waved at him before the door was slammed in his face.

“You have a lawyer?” Nick turned to look at his sister, brushing her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

“Nope.” She grinned.

“Are we ready?” Meredith looked between the two of them.

“I am *so* ready.” BJ nodded.

“Let’s get you hitched then.”

The Expedition pulled out of the garage, and Leary kept an eye out as they drove towards the church.


Lance paced the small room in the church, ten paces forward, six paces to the right, ten paces back, and six paces to the left.

“You know, if you were going in circles, you’d be dizzy by now.” Justin leaned against the wall and watched his friend.

Stopping abruptly, he looked at his friend. “I’m not nervous about getting married. I’m nervous about something screwing this up.”

“Or someone?”

“Or someone.” Green eyes met blue.

“It’ll be cool, bro. She’ll be here in a few minutes, you’ll get married, we’ll have a party, and then you’ll…do whatever you do.”

Lance just laughed. There was a knock on the door, and Jim poked his head in. “You ready? She’s here.”

Taking a deep breath, he looked at his father and nodded. The two young men made their way out to the altar, taking their place next to the minister.  Lance looked around the small church, seeing family and friends smiling at him, and he felt himself relax.

In the vestibule, Nick patted BJ’s hand as it rested in the crook of his arm. Meredith looked over her shoulder and smiled at them before walking down the aisle as The Prince of Denmark began to play. When Meredith reached the altar, she turned around to look at the back of the church, and everybody stood.

The breath caught in Lance’s throat as he watched BJ glide down the aisle. She looked breathtaking, and he thought his heart would burst out of his chest. When she reached the end of the aisle, he released the breath he hand been holding as Nick placed her hand in his and the ceremony began.

Their vows were recited with clear voices and happy smiles. The rings were blessed and exchanged as the minister extolled the promises made by the two lovers. After declaring them husband and wife, he grinned at Lance.

“You may kiss your bride.”

The kiss was soft and gentle, heartfelt in its intensity, as BJ and Lance felt everything in their world shift into place. They headed back down the aisle amid the laughter and smiles of family and friends. The photographer, Suzanne, moved quickly through the pictures, knowing that everyone wanted to get back to the house for the reception. After taking family and wedding party photos, she hustled everyone out to the cars and back to the house.

By the time the wedding party arrived, the music had been turned on and champagne distributed. BJ and Lance walked in to cheers and good wishes, smiling at their guests. Suzanne began taking pictures of people, both posed and informal, as she wandered through the house.

“Hey, Suzanne.”

She turned around to see Nick smiling at her. “Yes?”

“Can you get a picture with me, Beej, and Mom?”

“Sure, Nick. Where do you want it?”

He looked around, finally staring at the foyer. “Over near the mirror is good. Let me go round them up.”

Disappearing for a few moments, he returned with both BJ and Meredith. He wrapped an arm around each woman before smiling at Suzanne. “Okay, we’re ready.”

The photographer had heard the reference to Meredith, but knew she wasn’t their real mother. Shrugging a little, she looked through the viewfinder. “Okay, happy smiles.”

She snapped a couple of pictures then lowered the camera. “Any individual shots with your mom?”

“Have I arrived just in time?”

Three heads turned to the door. Nick stiffened, and Meredith could feel the slight tremors in his arm. BJ looked surprised, her face smoothing into a practiced smile that quickly eased into true joy when she saw her siblings.

The younger Carters surrounded the three of them, and Suzanne quickly took pictures before anyone could say anything.

Jane, seeing the photographer, quickly stepped over to the group. She ignored Meredith, but acknowledged Nick with a terse smile before pressing her cheek to BJ’s.

“Darling, you look lovely. Where’s your husband?”

Nick rolled his eyes at Meredith, his face turned so that his brother and sisters couldn’t see him. He caught sight of his father, reaching out to him for a brief hug.

“Sorry, Nick. We tried to get away, but she found out.”

“It’s okay, Dad.”

Bob looked over at Meredith and nodded. “Meredith, how are you? How’s AJ?”

“We’re good, Bob, thank you. How are you doing?” She smiled at him.

“Good. Good.” He turned to his older daughter and stepped forward for a hug. “I’m sorry, baby. I tried to get here.”

“That’s okay, Dad. You’re here now.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and stepped back.

“Babe?” Lance stepped into the hall and stopped abruptly as the rest of the Carters turned to look at him.

“So this is my new son.” Jane swept forward in a cloud of organza and expensive perfume, catching Lance in a bear hug.

“Yes, ma’am. Welcome.” He looked over his mother-in-law’s shoulder and raised an eyebrow at BJ, who just shrugged.

“Mr. Carter.” Lance held out his hand to Bob after Jane stepped away.

“Call me Bob. Welcome to the family.” Bob shook hands with his son-in-law, hoping that nothing would spoil the afternoon.

Jane turned to the photographer. “So are we taking family pictures? I think we should have one of all the family celebrating this day.”

With some trepidation, BJ agreed and stood next to Lance as Jane tried to organize the photo. Meredith slipped out of the room after winking at BJ. Nick gritted his teeth and did what his mother asked. When Suzanne took the picture, she grimaced slightly at the unhappy aura surrounding the group.

The moment the camera clicked and Suzanne lowered it, Nick was making a beeline for the party. BJ took Lance’s hand and pulled him toward their bedroom for a moment alone. Jane started to follow, but Bob guided her towards the patio where he could hear the rest of the party guests.

When the bedroom door closed, BJ wrapped herself in her husband’s arms. “I’m so sorry about that.”

“About what?” Lance brushed the bangs away from her forehead.

“My mother. You know it’s only going to get worse, right?”

“What do you mean, worse?” He sat on the bed, pulling her down beside him.

“She looks at you and doesn’t see the man I love, she sees the fact that you’re in *N Sync and you’re doing the acting thing and you’re a manager. You’ve got connections that can help her in whatever scheme she’s planning, and she won’t hesitate to exploit the fact that you’re married to me. It’s times like this when I really do wish Meredith was my mother.”

“Can I make a confession?” He rubbed her fingers before looking up at her.

She nodded.

“I was beginning to think of Meredith as my mother-in-law.”

BJ looked at him for a moment before she just laughed. Lance joined her, and they let their laughter ease the moment. A tap on the patio door brought their attention to the outside, and Kevin smiled at them from behind the glass. They moved to the door and walked outside to find everyone looking at them.

“Time for the speech.” AJ grinned before handing each of them a glass of champagne.

Justin cleared his throat. “When BJ came to live with us, I wasn’t sure what to expect. She was a little quiet a first, and knowing Nick, that was a big surprise. I knew she had finally settled in when she bopped me on the back of the head for some stupid insult I made to Lance, which was kind of a clue about things to come.”

The guest laughed, and Lance kissed BJ on the cheek. Justin smiled at them before continuing.

“So, now I’ve got a sister to go with an incredible brother, and I want to say welcome to the family. You’re a wonderful woman, and you’re going to be a great mom. You and Lance are so blessed with BB, and just know that we’re here to share that joy with you.” Justin raised his glass. “Salud!”

“Salud!” The other guest raised their glasses and drank, and Meredith stepped forward.

“I believe it’s my turn.” She ignored the glare from Jane as she studied the couple in front of her.

“When I brought BJ here, she was a bit nervous, coming to an unfamiliar place with people she’d only heard about. When I saw how Lance and Justin treated her, I had no qualms about leaving. When Nick came to visit and reported back, I knew things were going very well. I can’t say I was very surprised to hear that these two were becoming more than friends, having talked to both of them on the phone over the past several months.”

She smiled at them, remembering some of the conversations before continuing. “So when BJ called and said Lance had proposed, I was doubly glad; Lance found a young woman who loved him with all her heart, and BJ found a young man who would be there for her forever. So, to Lance and BJ, I wish you love, peace, and joy.”

Giuseppe leaned forward to whisper something in Meredith’s ear. She grinned at him. “And Giuseppe says, Potete avere più amore e gioia che i vostri cuori possono possibilmente tenere, which means may you have more love and joy than your hearts can possibly hold.”

The guests once again held their glasses high in congratulations to the happy couple. People danced and laughed and wandered around the house settling in small groups to talk. BJ walked away from the bathroom after yet another visit and saw Jane opening the front door. Moving closer, she listened as her mother welcomed the two people into the house.

“And you’re sure this is okay?” The tall woman looked down at Jane while motioning to the man beside her.

“Don’t you worry about anything. I’ve taken care of it all.”

“Taken care of what?” BJ stepped into the hall, moving towards the trio.

“Nothing, dear, just some friends.” Jane smiled at everyone, but BJ recognized the look.

Turning she stared at the couple and arched an eyebrow. “You are?”

“Andrea Jones and Michael Norton. Ms. Carter…or should I say Mrs. Bass, thank you so much for allowing us to come and photograph and do a quick interview with you and your family during this special time. We’re looking forward to having it in our next issue.”

“Next issue of what?” BJ kept the smile on her face, but she could feel the anger rising.

“People. Mrs. Carter invited us down to get a little sneak peek and share with our readers. Everyone has just been curious about the two of you since the story broke last month.”

The young woman was about to start yelling when she felt arms circle her waist and a strong body press up against her.

“There seems to have been a little miscommunication. I don’t think all of the guests want to be photographed. I’m sure you understand.” Lance smiled charmingly, using all the wiles he had picked up during the years he had been in the business.

“Of course, Lance. Maybe some shots of both families and the wedding party and a brief interview?” Andrea nodded.

“Okay with you, babe?” Lance whispered in BJ’s ear, stroking her belly with his thumbs to calm her.

“That sounds fine. I’ll go round everyone up while you show Andrea, Michael, and my mother to the den.”

He winked at her as she walked away. When she stepped out onto the patio, she caught sight of her siblings in the corner with Allyson and Serenity. Moving quickly, she tapped Nick on the shoulder.

“Your presence, along with the kids, is requested in the den.”

The tone of his sister’s voice put Nick on alert. “What’s wrong?”

“Mother brought a reporter and photographer from People. Lance managed to corral them into family and wedding party shots and a brief interview. Don’t say a word when you get in there. I’ve got to find Dad, Justin, and Meredith.” BJ turned and looked through the crowd before heading towards her father, grabbing Justin on the way. She stopped for the Bass family as well, smiling apologetically at them. Diane just patted her arm.

Nick moved his brother and sisters towards the house. He moved past Meredith and stopped briefly.

“Hey, Mom, we’re being summoned to the den for some pictures for People.”

“What?” She looked up at him, confusion filling her face. “How’d they get in?”

He rolled his eyes. “One guess.”

Everyone met at the door to the den, taking deep breaths before entering the room. Lance grimaced as he turned to face his bride, and BJ chuckled softly. Andrea arranged everyone for each shot, taking Lance’s family first. When Michael finished, she sent them off with a wave and thanks. The Carters were next, and even though she couldn’t put her finger on it, Andrea knew something was not right. The family was dismissed moments later, and Jane was firmly pushed out of the room by her husband. Meredith and Justin stood next to BJ and Lance, smiling for another photo before they, too, left the room. The older woman pressed quick kisses to the couple’s cheeks before she left.

The interview was relatively painless, and they spent a lot of time smiling and looking at each other. Andrea chuckled several times at the love-struck couple, delighted to have such a feel-good story to report. When she finished, Lance and BJ thanked her and Michael before escorting them to the door and wishing them a safe trip home.

When the door closed, BJ leaned against it and closed her eyes.

“You okay?” He brushed his fingers across her cheek.

“We’re not telling her when Brennan is born. We’ll go to the hospital, I’ll have the baby, and she can come see him when he’s 20. That work for you?”

Lance chuckled, pulling her into his arms. “If that’s the way you want it.”

“Right now, I don’t really care if I ever see her again.” BJ rested her forehead against his shoulder, breathing in.

“Then I’ll ask her to leave. You are the most important person here to me, and I won’t stand by and let you hurt if I can do anything about it.”

When she looked at him, BJ saw the determination in his eyes and knew that he would march right out to the patio and escort her mother out the door without a second thought. Imagining that scene brought a smile to her face.

“Oh, I’m keeping you.” She settled into his arms.

Lance grinned and pressed a kiss against his wife’s mouth. “Ain’t no way in hell you’re getting rid of me.”

They walked out to rejoin the party and moved to the patio for their first dance. Kevin stood behind a keyboard and began to play as the rest of the Backstreet Boys gathered around. Lance grinned at BJ as they sang their latest song, Drowning, for the newlyweds. When the song was over, BJ hugged each of the men for giving them both that gift. Lance smiled and shook their hands before the CD player was turned on again and dance music filled the air.

A few minutes later, Butterfly began to play, and Justin laughed as Lance pulled BJ to him so they could dance. Nick raised an eyebrow to see the normally reserved bass singer get down and dirty. He shook his head and wrapped an arm around Allyson to pull her towards the makeshift dance floor.

Around ten, the newlyweds headed for the Lexus to spend the night in a little bed & breakfast inn that Lance had found via the Internet. They waved goodbye as they drove off, leaving the rest of the guests to continue with the party.

By midnight, the only people left at the house were members of both groups and the rest of the Bass family. Jim and Diane had turned in, leaving Stacy and Ford to mingle with the others. Meredith smiled as she sat down next to AJ on one of the chaise loungers. She watched her friends, and her eyes stopped on a pair. Studying them for a moment, she nodded slowly and stood up. Making her way over to them, she stopped.

“Why do I get the feeling there’s more going on here than meets the eye?”

Two sets of blue eyes looked at her in surprise. JC cleared his throat. “What do you mean?”

She pressed her lips together before nodding slowly. “I like to think that I’m a pretty observant person. And while I know that you five have settled your differences, there’s something different about the two of you.”

Justin exhaled slowly, looking at his boyfriend for a moment before turning back to Meredith. “We’re together.”

“Are ya happy?”

JC nodded, smiling widely. “Very much so. But we’re not really advertising it, especially with all the outsiders here.”

Meredith wrapped her arms around both of them, hugging them. “Then I’m happy for you. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Merry.” Justin kissed her cheek before leaning against the wall, his shoulder pressed against JC’s.

“Too bad you guys can’t dance together.” She admired the long lines of each man, lines that merged softly into each other’s space.

“Not to worry. We’ll get in plenty of dancing later.” JC winked at her as Justin smacked him lightly on the arm.

“On that note, I think I’m going to find my man and do some dancing of my own.” She grinned and turned on her heel to head to the other side of the pool area.

By one, everyone had left except those staying in the house. Meredith made a quick check of the place before settling into the bed next to AJ. He rolled and wrapped an arm and a leg across her, pulling her close.

“Feels good to be here.” She sighed in his embrace.

“Feels good to be anywhere with you.” He mumbled against her throat, kissing it gently before sliding back into sleep.
Chapter Eight
Table of Contents
Chapter Six