{Press & The Bomb Trax}

(Press in Ascension Wrestling)

Roleplay 1: Begining A New Life (Part 1) - Featuring: Johnny Storm, Bill, and Salvation
Roleplay 2: Begining A New Life (Part 2) - Featuring: Flaming Youth (Chase Maxim, and Nate The Great)
Roleplay 3: Begining A New Life (Part 3) - Featuring: Flaming Youth (Chase Maxim)
Roleplay 4: Begining A New Life (Part 4) - Featuring: Flaming Youth (A Dream)
Roleplay 5: (Begining A New Life (Part 5) - Featuring: Flaming Youth, and Oracle

{Anderson Mace}

Roleplay 1: The Way Of The Fist (Part 1) - Featuring: Sonya Sonarina, and Santonio Narion


(Redemption in Survival Wrestling Association)

Roleplay 1:  Addressing The SWA With A Warning
Roleplay 2:  Creating Revelations:  Shane O'conner
Roleplay 3: Church & The Words of Faith:  Shane O'conner

{Johnny Storm}


Roleplay 1:  Redemptions Arrival

Roleplay 2:  An Offer of Aliance:  Stryker Service
Roleplay 3:  After The Snatch:  A plee to the offices
Roleplay:  I lost it...and have no idea where It is.  Damn Rp's!
Roleplay 5:  After Powertrip:  A Warning
Roleplay 6:  Planet Hollywood:  Snatchman
Roleplay 7:  After a Snatched Victory:  Stryker Service
Roleplay 8:  Freestylin' with the best!
Roleplay 9:  The Estate:  Chris Damm, Snatchman
Roleplay 10:   Club Hoppin':  Johnny Blaze
Roleplay 11:  Riding The Lightening:  Snatchman & Survivor Title (Part 1)
Roleplay 12:  Riding The Lightening:  Snatchman & Survivor Title (Part 2)
Roleplay 13:   Denied The Survivor Title Even Though I Won The Match:  Terry Kenshin

(After Terry Kenshin Won without even RPing Against Storm...He decided SWA was a joke, and went elsewhere)


Roleplay 1:  Introductions:  Alek Cage (Part 1)
Roleplay 2:  Introductions:  Alek Cage (Part 2)
Roleplay 3:  Doctor's Visit:  Following Chris Damm's first Attack
Roleplay 4:  God Damn Chris Damm:  Darian Knight & Justin Garcia
Roleplay 5:  Introducing Britney Spears:  Darian Knight & Justin Garcia 
Roleplay 6:  Tag Team Rivalry:  Chris Damm, Jim Daher, Doomsday (Part 1)
Roleplay 7:  Tag Team Rivalry:  Sebastian Bock, Steven Fury, Chris Damm (Part 2)
Roleplay 8:  Just A Few Phone Calls:  Sebastian Bock, Steven Fury, Chris Damm
Roleplay 9:  Handicap Matches:  Skylar Thomas & Chris Damm
Roleplay 10:   Chris Damm:   The First Encounter (Part 1)
Roleplay 11:   Chris Damm:   The First Encounter (Part 2)
Roleplay 12:   Chris Damm:   The First Encounter (Part 3)
Roleplay 13:  Aftermath:  Comments on the match, Bock & Cage
Roleplay 14:  Adrenaline Erpution Prologue:  Chris Carpenter
Roleplay 15:  Adrenaline Eruption:  Dreaming (Part 1)
Roleplay 16: Adrenaline Eruption: Featuring Alisha Marcil (Part 2)
Roleplay 17:(Featuring Griff Truxell & Sebastian Bock)  Broken Down Body, Open Ambition
Roleplay 18: (Featuring Griff Truxell & Alek Cage) Olympic Thoughts:  Sebastian Bock & The Olympic Title(Part 1)
Roleplay 19:  (Featuring Griff Truxell) Olympic Thoughts:  Sebastian Bock & The Olympic Title (Part 2)

(Won but Stripped of the Olympic Title due to disappearance(kidnapping))

Roleplay 20:  Update RP: After the kidnapping, Recuperation

(Johnny Storm Resurfaces in the GWA)

Roleplay 21:  Caught in a Day Dream
Roleplay 22:  (Featuring Griff Truxell)Return To The Ring:  Reina Saiaki, Mei Himagaji, Chris Damm(Gladiator Title)
Roleplay 23:  The Introduction Of The Clone:  Chris Jeriko & Deacon Riggz (Part 1)
Roleplay 24:  The Introduction Of The Clone:  Chris Jeriko & Deacon Riggz (Part 2)
Roleplay 25:  Flat Broke:  TQ Smooth, Doomsday (Part 1)
Roleplay 26:  Flat Broke:  TQ Smooth, Doomsday (Part 2)
Roleplay 27:  (Featuring Shelly English)Flat Broke:  TQ Smooth, Doomsday (Part 3)
Roleplay 28: (Featuring Chris Damm, MJ Francis & Shelly English) Maximum Ambition:  Maximus Title Tourney (Part 1)
Roleplay 29:  (Featuring Frayed Ends Of Sanity Shelly English)  Maximum Ambition:  Clone Confrontation (Part2)

(Johnny Storm becomes the Maximus Champion)

Roleplay 30:  (Featuring Frayed Ends Of Sanity)  Maximum Defense: Night In Jail (Part 3)

Roleplay 31:  Maximum Defense:  Back On The Streets: Anton Rayge (Part 4)
Roleplay 32:  Maximum Defense:  Janitorial Duties (Part 5)
Roleplay 33:  (Featuring Scarlett Rayne Sengir & Eric Rayne) Maximum End:  Dark Tiger & Gladiator Title (Part 6)

(Johnny Storm becomes the Gladiator Champion(forfeits Maximus Title))

Roleplay 34: (Featuring Frayed Ends Of Sanity & Eric Rayne)  Gladiator Gold:  Goliath

Roleplay 35:  (Featuring Frayed Ends Of Sanity) Gladiator Greatness:  Sonny Miavia
Roleplay 36:  (Featuring The Left Hand) I could Kill Myself:  Jim Daher, Ryosuke Mitsurugi, Jonathan Lindsey (Part 1)
Roleplay 37:  I could Kill Myself:  Jim Daher, Ryosuke Mitsurugi, Jonathan Lindsey (Part 2)
Roleplay 38:  (Featuring The Left Hand & Eric Rayne) A Visit From The Past: Rematch: Goliath
Roleplay 39:  Rayne Drops Keep Falling On My Head:  Rayne

(Johnny Storm enters Last Man Standing Tournament)

Roleplay 40:  (Featuring Redemption & Oracle)  United We Stand:  Ryosuke Mitsurugi, Rayne & Hayle
Roleplay 41:(Featuring Eric Rayne, Scarlett Rayne Sengir,  and Jared Sengir)  Funeral For A Friend:  Roleplay 42: (Featuring Sebastian Bock) 1100 Acre Fields:  Marcus Gaines & Chris Carpenter
Roleplay 43:  (Featuring The Left Hand)Times A Waisting: Marcus Gaines & Chris Carpenter
Roleplay 44:  Listening To The Gums Flap:  Marcus Gaines & Chris Carpenter

(FWF's Last Man Standing Tournament 2001:  LMS2k1)

Roleplay 1: First Round:  Sick Puppy
Roleplay 2:  (Featuring Scarlett Rayne Sengir & Eric Rayne) First Round:  Sick Puppy
Roleplay 3:  (Featuring Scarlett Rayne Sengir & Eric Rayne) Second Round:  Scarlett Rayne Sengir
Roleplay 4:  Third Round:  Mezro
Roleplay 5: (Featuring The Left Hand) Third Round:  Mezro
Roleplay 6:  Third Round: Mezro

(Johnny Storm Is Wrongfully Eliminated From LMS2k1)

Roleplay 45: (Featuring Stephanie Connor & MOV) Beaten But Not Defeated:  Chris Carpenter
Roleplay 46: (Featuring Stephanie Connor) The End:  Dark Tiger, Marcus Gaines, Chris Carpenter

(Johnny Storm Quits The GWA/Joins FWF)

Roleplay 1:  (Featuring Alsiha Marcil & Chi Saotome) The Foundation Means Just That:  The Foundation
Roleplay 2: (Featuring Alisha Marcil & Scarlett Rayne) It's Time For A LIve Ass Kicking: Live
Roleplay 3: (Featuring Alisha Marcil)  I Bet That Hurt:  Jeremy Riley
Roleplay 4:  (Featuring Alisha Marcil & Scarlett Rayne) The Child Within (Part 1): Flying Testicals & Frums
Roleplay 5:  (Featuring Scarlett Rayne & The Left Hand)  The Child Within (Part 2): Flying Testicals & Frums

(Johnny Storm Wins Tag Team Championship With Enigma)

Roleplay 6:  (Featuring Joanie Storm, Scarlett Rayne, & Rachel Winters)  The Child Within (Part 3): The Dyna$ty
Roleplay 7:  (Featuring Scarlett Rayne & Rachel Winters) The Child Within (Part 4):  The Dyna$ty
Roleplay 8: (Featuring Alisha Marcil & The Left Hand)  The Child Within (Part 5):  Guize McLoore
Roleplay 9: (Featuring Scarlett Rayne, Brandon Kayros, & Rachel Winters) The Child Within (Part 6):Sparrow
Roleplay 10: (Featuring Scarlett Rayne, The Legacy & The Left Hand) Duel Of Fates:  James Sexton
Roleplay 11:  Aftermath(Prologue): The Child Within (Part 7):  MISSLE, Mercury, Live, Jimmy
Roleplay 12: Aftermath (Part 1): The Child Within (Part 8): Mercury & MISSLE
Roleplay 13: Aftermath (Interlude): The Gift Of Game: Mercury & MISSLE

(Johnny Storm Loses Tag Team Championships)

Roleplay 14: Aftermath (Part 2): The Child Within (Part 9): When Worlds Collide PPV:  Mercury & James Sexton
Roleplay 15: Aftermath (Part 3):  The Child Wtihin (Part 10): When Worlds Collide PPV: Mercury & Sexton
Roleplay 16: Aftermath (Part 4):  The Child Within (Part 11-Final): When Worlds Collide PPV: Mercury & Sexton

{Johnny Storm Quit The FWF/Rejoins GWA}

Roleplay 1: (Featuring Chris Damm) Return Of The Gladiators (Part 1): Crisis & Odyssey

{Johnny Storm Aquires Owners Rights To The GWA}

Roleplay 2: Death Of A Gladiator (Part 1): The GWA State Of The Union
Roleplay 3: (Featuring Press, Scarlett Rayne & Salvation) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 2): SCWF
Roleplay 4: (Featuring Cathrine Jones, Kevin O'neil, Lexus O'Bannon) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 3): Circle
Roleplay 5: (Featuring Cathrine Jones, Kevin O'neil, Lexus O'bannon) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 4): Circle

(Johnny Storm Returns To FWF)

Roleplay 6: Death Of A Gladiator (Part 5): Kurt Stone
Roleplay 7: (Featuring Lexus O'Bannon) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 6): Nathanial Rezno Glore
Roleplay 8: (Featuring Lexus O'Bannon, Cathrine Jones) Death Of A Gladiator (Pologue): The Queens SpireRoleplay 9: (Featuring Lexus O'bannon, Kevin O'neil) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 7):  Andrew Davis
Roleplay 10: (Featuring Lexus O'bannon, Kevin O'neil) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 8): Andrew Davis
Roleplay 11: (Featuring Lexus O'bannon) Death Of A Gladiator (Interlude): FWF
Roleplay 12: (Featuring Lexus O'bannon) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 9): Polish French Fry
Roleplay 13: Death Of A Gladiator (Interlude 2): Kurt Stone
Roleplay 14: (Featuring Lexus O'bannon) Death Of A Gladiator (Part 10 - Finale): Jason Starr
Roleplay 15: (Featuring Storm Corp Special Forces Unit) Sins Of The Father (Part 1): Mercury

(Johnny Storm Leaves The FWF To Run The GWA)
(Johnny Storm Joins The Active Roster Of The GWA, Giving Control To Jimmy Jackson)

Roleplay 1: (Featuring Jakob Grimes, and Alisha Marcil) Digging Up Graves (Part 1): Jakob Grimes
Ropleay 2: (Featuring Alisha Marcil, Vincent Verciles, Anton Rayge) Digging Up Graves (Part 2): Grimes
Roleplay 3: (Featuring Alisha Marcil, Vincent Verciles, Mr. Stone) Digging Up Graves (Part 3): Jakob Grimes

(Johnny Storm Becomes Colosseum Champion)

Roleplay 4: (Featuring Alisha Marcil, Salvation) Digging Up Graves (Part 4): Jade & Lajon Bonneau
Roleplay 5: (Featuring Crazy Jay)Digging Up Graves (Part 5): Chris Damm

(Johnny Storm Leaves The GWA/Returns 4 Months Later)
Roleplay 6: (Featuring Stephanie Connor) Time & Consequence (Part 1): Lost Worlds
Roleplay 7: (Featuring Stephanie Connor) Time & Consequence (Part 2): Jakob Grimes, GWA Last Show
Roleplay 8: (Featuring Stephanie Connor) Time & Consequence (Part 3): Jakob Grimes, GWA Last Show

(GWA Closes/Storm Shows Up In SWF)

Roleplay 1: (Featuring Stephanie Connor) Time & Consequence (Part 4): SWF Intro, Remi Bonneau
Roleplay 2: (Featuring Stephanie Connor) Time & Consequence (Part 5): Remi Bonneau, Natural Selection
Roleplay 3: (Featuring Stephanie Connor, Shiva) Time & Consequence (Part 6): Remi Bonneau