
            Anne McCaffrey's rules:
            1. No characters created by Anne McCaffrey can be used, in any way.

            2. No religion, magic, or war on Pern.

            3. Other universes, whether created by Anne McCaffrey or other people, will never be involved with Pern.

            4. There are only five dragon colors: gold, bronze, brown, blue, and green. There are no other colors, and there are no sport dragons.

            5. Golds will only Impress to women. Bronzes will only Impress to men.

            6. Benden Weyr and Ruatha Hold are off limits.

            The Rules of Storm Fires and Rising Dawn Weyrs:
            1. NO FLAMING. You will get two warnings about this and if you do it a third time you will be removed from our group. No exceptions. For more information on flaming, see our posting guide.

            2. Here at our Weyrs there are five colors of dragons. In our Weyrs they may be Impressed by:

              • Gold - Impressed by straight females only. No males.
              • Bronze - Impressed by straight males only. No females.
              • Brown - Impressed mostly by straight males with a few bi-sexual males. No females.
              • Blue - Impressed by bi-sexual males and females or homosexual females.
              • Greens - Impressed by straight females and homosexual males.

            3. Within those five colors of dragons there may be certain variations of color, ie. an emerald green dragon with forest green highlights or an ice blue with darker highlights. Please keep these variations reasonable. We do not want any neon dragons here.

            4. We do not allow any silly dragon names such as Death or Truth or Faith here. We also do not allow human and flitter names to end in "th" because it becomes confusing. If you put those types of names on your application, we will ask you to change them.

            5. No candidates are allowed to have a flitter under the age of two turns. It would simply be too much work to take care of both a dragonet and a baby flitter.

            6. All major storylines need to be approved by the BoD. These would be stories where someone gets injured or killed, or any storyline that would affect the entire Weyr. For greenflights we would appreciate it if you would let us know when you plan to have one so that we can schedule things accordingly.

            7. All clutches and their color distribution are under the control of the BoD, be they flitter clutches or dragon. Green flitters will rarely keep their clutches, we prefer that they "lose" them somewhere after they have been laid. If you would like to keep your green flitter's clutch, please ask the BoD. Green dragons will never lay a clutch because the chewing of firestone renders them sterile. Besides, the resultant dragons would be small, and we don't really want to see wher sized dragons running around the Weyr, do we?.

            8. Flitters will no longer be accepted in applications, and must be Impressed during game play. Also, here at Storm Fires, no character will have more than 3 flitters, only one of which may be metallic.

            9. We have a few age limits set out here at Storm Fires and Rising Dawn for different types of characters. At our Weyrs:

              • Candidates will be ages 14 to 24.
              • Dragonriders will be ages 15 and up.
              • Craft Apprentices will be ages 12 and up.
              • Journeymen or Journeywomen will be ages 18 and up.
              • Masters will be ages 30 and up.
              • Holders will be ages 25 and up.
              • Lord Holders will be ages 25 and up.

            10. Due to some of the situations presented in our writing, we also require that our members be 16 years old or older. If you are under 16 and would like to join Storm Fires, you can still email your application to the BoD. Please be sure to advise us that you are under 16, and also include a piece of sample writing about your character with your application. We will take each application on a case by case basis. If your application is approved, you will also need to find another member of the Weyr to act as a mentor for you. The BoD is always happy to assist you with finding a mentor.

            11. The BoD would prefer notification if you are going to leave the group so that we can discuss what to do with your characters once you are gone. If notification is given, you have the option of writing them out of the SL by having them transfer to another Weyr in our timeline, giving them to someone you trust to play them, or leaving them up for adoption. Unless they were an adoptable NPC that you took over, in which case, they will again become an adoptable NPC. This rule was inspired by the rules at North Ranges Weyr.

            12. Should you leave our writing group for any reason without prior notification, and this includes being dropped from the list for not posting and/or missing our occasional roll call, your characters will become adoptable NPCs, and we reserve the right to do as we wish with your characters. If you wish to take them to another Weyr, please let us know, and we will write them out of our Weyr in whatever manner we see fit. If the character was one that you adopted from our website, you may not play them in another Weyr. This rule was inspired by the rules at North Ranges Weyr.

            13. Please remember, if you're not sure about something, please ask the BoD! We are here to help you.

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