

Cloud shook his head. He was hearing voices in his head.


“Help me...please...”


Cloud shook his head more violently, hoping the voices will disappear.




A face appeared in front of him. It was a girl, calling for help. Cloud got his shock of his life. It was...




Cloud shouted and then darkness elude. The next minute he felt someone, gripping his hand and caressing him.


Cloud was breathing heavily. He looked around. He was on his bed in his room. He felt someone beside him. He took a look around saw Tifa wiping off his sweat and comforting him. It was a dream...again.


Cloud massaged his forehead and slowly regained consciousness. He then looked at Tifa, his wife. She was looking at him with that same old sad face again.


Cloud didn’t say a word. He knew what Tifa was going to say.


“It was Aeris again, right?”


Cloud expected this answer. This dream started a few days ago. He will just wake up in the middle of the night shouting for Aeris. Although Aeris wasn’t here anymore for a long time already, it still made her jealous. Cloud still had feelings for her.


Cloud nodded. Tifa sighed. She was worried about him, what was happening with him?


“I saw her... asking for help.”


Cloud continued. Tifa just listened. She knew he was having a bad time going through this. After all this time, she was still in his heart.




Cloud spoke suddenly. Tifa just looked at him without saying anything.


“I am sorry.”


Cloud apologized to Tifa. He looked at her hoping that she will forgive him about all that happened.


“You didn’t need to. It was only a dream.”


Tifa replied. She acted like she was not hurt, but she did a bad job.


“I need to get to the bottom of this. I will leave to the city of ancients tomorrow to find out what was going on.” Cloud told Tifa.


Tifa was shocked to hear this. It was only a dream! He was going to go all the way to the city of the ancients just because of a dream? But he had his reasons, he surely had...


“Tifa, I need to go.”


Cloud asked Tifa for permission. Tifa had no choice. She could only nod to show that she meant yes.


Cloud smiled a little. He could feel that Tifa was offended. He brushed her hair, and caressed her face. He pulled himself closer to her and kissed her forehead.


“Tifa?” Cloud called out.


“Uh huh?”


“No matter what happened, I will still love you.” Cloud said and looked at her straight in her eyes. Tifa pulled him closer to her and pulled over the blanket.


This dream was just the tip of a tragedy.



Somewhere far, far way, deep beneath the sleeping forest, lies a mysterious place called the city of the ancients. This place was beautifully sculptured by an ancient civilization. There were beautiful crystals everywhere. It was probably the most fascinating place on the planet. But it was also the place where...


Somewhere in the ancient city, there was an altar sticking out from the holy water. There were stepping stones arranged nicely, leading to the altar. Around the altar was beautiful decorated crystals. It was quiet, very quiet. A very good place to relax, and also a place where...


Someone was sitting on the altar. It was a strong warrior holding an enormous sword in his hand with the most unique spiky hair. It was Cloud, the man that saved the planet from Sephiroth.


Cloud just sat there not moving. He stared at the middle of the altar. His eyes were fixed onto that spot.  He could still see Aeris on the altar, praying.


Cloud looked up into the ceiling. His imaginations still haven’t stopped yet. He could still see Sephiroth with his sword pointing downwards, approaching with shocking speed, and then...


Cloud closed his eyes. He couldn’t think any further. After all this time, it was still so painful. It still hurt him so much. He still couldn’t forget that tragedy.




Cloud cried out softly. He shook away his sad thoughts and thought about the happy days with her. Although the days with her wasn’t very long, he really enjoyed those days. He enjoyed every moment with her. He loved the way she talked, she laughed, she bit her lips...Those days will never return.


Aeris....Oh how Cloud missed her. She went off so suddenly. And the moment he met her again, Sephiroth ended her life. Cloud gripped his fist tightly. The thought of the name Sephiroth made his furious and made him wanted to kill him. But Cloud already did. He already stopped Sephiroth at the center of the planet. Sephiroth was killed by him. He will never return again.


Cloud shook off his thoughts. He looked around. The reason he came here was just to find out about his strange dream. There was nothing special here. He pushed himself up, and headed towards the lake where he last had his eyes on Aeris.