Info on Torrent Downloads...Hey,
If you click on the name of the file it should open up the dialog
boxes that show where the comments are.
For movies currently playing there are many types that might be
available. You'll usually see these in two-three letter indicators in
the name as follows...
There is CAM, which is the worst kind, someone with a camcorder with
theater sound.
TS, tele sync still a cam image, but the sound is directly imput into
the file, some are more watchable than others, the latest and best
available on Day the Earth Stood Still is in this type.
TC, telecine, where the picture and sound have been directly input
into the file, the quality can vary. Usually done by a projectionist
in Mexico.
R5, means a Russian DVD release. Sometimes as good as an ordinary DVD
rip, but usually not. Colors tend to run very bluish and the image is
a little soft. However, the quality has gotten better.
SCR, this could be from either a DVD or a VHS copy of the screener for
award consideration. The quality is okay, but what might happen is
from time to time, the image may shift to black and white or you'll
see a watermark explaining that this is a screener.
DVD rip, directly taken from the retail release. The best you can get.
However, note that sometime the studio will deliberately put fake
files up of a new release, for some reason, and it will be marked as a
screener or DVD rip when it's not, or it will be password protected,
where you have to join a website's membership to download. Avoid
whenever possible. Eventually all movies come available.
Some movies become available quicker than others because of their
popularity. If a film got really bad reviews, it may take longer for
it to show up. Also, around the Nov-Feb time period the screeners will
pop of of Oscar contenders, some sooner than the theatrical release.

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