Some of the names in this narrative have been changed to protect the innocent&nash;and the guilty!

It was during my first year of graduate school that I got the opportunity. I was planning to go to medical school, but because of admissions policies, was given two choices: go to veterinary school; or do post-graduate research and wait till the following year to continue my medical studies. Neither option sounded great, but since I didn't want to work with animals all my life, I chose graduate school, hoping some credits would transfer to medical school later on.

My first semester, I had a fascinating prof who asked me to join his research team, which was working on gorillas and chimpanzees. My first thought was, "Animals?" My second was, "Animals!" I couldn't believe it. I loathed animals. Dogs and cats for pets were tolerable, but doing serious research on primates was not my cup of tea.

After thinking about it for a while, I asked if any research had been done on the effects of sex-change surgery in primates. Professor Hudson helped me develop some experiments, and soon I was performing transsexual surgery on a couple of chimps and gorillas. The data that I gathered was very interesting, and I expected to publish the results of my research very soon, and hoped to be on a fast track to a Ph.D. Then the Organization for Animal Rights got wind of my research, my prof got reprimanded, and our funding got cut off faster than our chimp's you-know-what.

My friend Peg at this time told me about how her cousin?s best friend, along with the friend?s aunt and mother, had been raped by a trio of well-known local bullies. She said they were known drug addicts, and that was when I got a very nasty idea.

I had a break coming up soon, and the controversy at the grad school led to my being asked to take a hiatus?at least, until the furor died down. Peg and I came up with a plan to trick the bullies into taking some very potent drugs, and some friends of hers had an old house in the country near Peg?s home town where we could carry out a little transformation.

A few days later, I met one of the boys at their hang-out. I wore a jacket and cargo jeans, with lots of pockets (most stuffed with old newpapers). The boy, Nick Stone, liked the drugs I gave him (actually a couple of sedatives used for small animals), and was quite willing to introduce me to his friends, especially after I told him we could get rich off of them. The next night, Nick invited me to a party he and his friends were having at his house, and I knew this was our best chance. This time, they would get a dose of some much stronger drugs.

They took the drugs willingly, and soon passed out. Peg and I lugged them out to her car, though I had to put one of the creeps in mine. Since Nick's house was in a deserted part of town, we were able to get away without being noticed.

I followed Peg till she finally arrived at the old house. We dragged the drugged boys to the basement, where there were several beds, electrical outlets, and plenty of lightbulbs. We injected them with some sedatives, which would keep them down the rest of the night.

We let them eat breakfast while they were still groggy. We began the hormone injections afterward, and rearranged Nick?s anatomy by turning his penis inside out and making it into a vagina. We moved the testicles to the approximate position of ovaries. Although our surgery was a bit crude, my practice on the apes had helped, and later that day we did the young man called Dick. We laughed at the irony of his name. The next day, we fixed B.A.

Nick woke up first, and cussed up a storm when he saw what had been done to him. Dick behaved similarly when he awoke, but B.A. seemed resigned to the whole concept. Peg, who had been buying hair-removal and make-up products, made another trip to town and came back with several beautiful skirts and dresses, including some for herself and me. Nick, Dick and B.A. looked at the dresses with horror–until we reminded them that the alternative would be to go to prison as rapists with nothing to rape with.

We made Nick put on a corset, garter belt and thigh-high nylons, ruffled panties, knee-length full slip, and calf-length floral-print dress. Dick got a corset, knee-highs, ruffled panties, ankle-length full slip, floral-print blouse and matching ankle-length skirt. B.A. got a corset, bikini panties, pantyhose, short half slip, and black mini-dress.

We let them wear tennis shoes for a few hours with their new dresses, but Peg had bought a lot of high-heels and party shoes for the new girls. Soon they were tripping around the basement, then up the stairs. Peg's cousin Sarah came over later in the day with Helen, the girl the boys had raped. Sarah and Helen were surprised by the new "girls," and Helen forgave them for what their "alter-egos" had done.

Before we let them assume their new identities, Peg and I used fake penises to have sex with them. It was gross, and a bit painful for them, but we felt they deserved it, irrespective of their being forgiven.
